Litany of St. Gemma Galgani

A colorized photo of St Gemma Galgani

Frater Anselm Rodriguez, O. Praem., a religious seminarian who is a friend in St Gemma, kindly shared with me a "Litany of St Gemma" that he himself comprised, which consists of titles and statements coming from Gemma herself, with some from her spiritual director Venerable Fr. Germanus Ruoppolo C.P., along with some pertaining to Gemma's holy life.
For more of an explanation, frater Anselm writes:
Mr. Dallaire,

Blessed be Jesus and Mary! I have attached the "Litany of St. Gemma" as I promised some weeks ago. As you'll notice, almost all of the titles come from St. Gemma herself, her apparitions, or from the words of Ven. Germanus- the remaining titles are my attempt to summarize significant aspects of her holy life. I hope that this litany proves to be of spiritual benefit to you and increases your love for our dear Gemma. Thank you again for all the great work you do in spreading her devotion.

In Christ, Our Lady, and St. Gemma,
fr. Anselm Rodriguez, O.Praem.

And when I asked him for permission to publish the Litany here, he kindly replied:

Mr. Dallaire,

Blessed be Jesus and Mary! You may post the Litany if you wish--may it inspire more ardent devotion to St. Gemma and bring greater glory to God!

In Christ, Our Lady, and St. Gemma,
fr. Anselm


Litany of St. Gemma
(Ecclesiastical approval for private use)

Lord, have mercy on us.                                                                        Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Jesus, hear us.                                                                                       Jesus, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven,                                                                  Have mercy on us...
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Ghost,
Holy Trinity, one God,

Holy Mary,                                                                                     Pray for us...
St. Gemma,
Living icon of Jesus,
Flower of Christ’s Passion,
Bearer of our Savior’s Wounds,
Lover of the Cross,
Victim of Divine Love,
Victim for souls,
Model of simplicity,
Model of love,
Model of humility,
Model of purity,
Model of prayer,
Model of penance,
Model of obedience,
Consolation of the Sacred Heart,
Worthy spouse of the Lamb of God,
Beloved daughter of Mary,
Child of dolors,
Friend of the angels,
Friend of the saints,
Scourge of demons,
Seraphic virgin,
Spotless lily of Paradise,
Precious gem of Christ,
Powerful intercessor before God’s Holy Throne,

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,                             Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,                             Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,                             Have mercy on us.

Pray for us, O St. Gemma,                That we may boast in nothing but the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us pray.
O God, Who have made the virgin, St. Gemma Galgani, a living image of your suffering Son; grant, through her intercession, that joined with the Passion of Christ, we may also be made sharers in His eternal glory, Who lives and reigns in union with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.  Amen.

(Ecclesiastical approval for private use)


Unknown said...

Thanking the Lord for using you for His glory and for continuing sweet rememberance and reverence for our Gemma on earth as in heaven.

Anonymous said...

Saint Gemma you may not be as well known, as the most well know Saints that have lived. But, Saint Gemma I see you as my most second favorite, next to the Blessed Mother. I look to you as my friend and in time, I am looking forward to meeting you in heaven 🙏

Anonymous said...

Happy Feast Day, Saint Gemma! She is my confirmation Saint!

ccstepp said...

For the month of May 2024 I've chosen to pray this particular litany and to include st.Gemma as patroness in my daily rosary for the souls in purgatory.
