New St Gemma Twitter feed featuring daily messages from Saint Gemma

Announcing a new St Gemma Twitter feed featuring daily messages from the words and sayings of Saint Gemma!
Andrew O.--a friend in St Gemma-- has created a new Twitter feed entitled "DailyGemma" which is featuring daily messages from St Gemma. Those interested in following the Twitter feed can do so here:

"How much I love You, oh Jesus. I thank you; but why do You behave so lovingly while I offend You with such ingratitude? This thought alone should make me become a flame of love, if I could understand it well ... I love You, oh Jesus. What a fine love is mine, loving someone who does not get angry with those who offend Him ... Oh Jesus, if I were to consider attentively the great cares You show me, how I ought to excel in so many virtues!" -St Gemma Galgani 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praised be Jesus Christ! Thank you, Andrew,
God will Bless you for this marvelous Twitter

Happy Birthday, Saint Gemma, you were
born in Lucca, Italy on March 12, 1878;
and, baptized on March 13, 1878 in
St. Michael Church, in Lucca, Italy; the
day in 2013, that Pope Francis was elected
