"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends" (John 15:13)
-Gemma offers Jesus years off her life for two of her friends
The following letters have been especially translated for this website by a friend in St. Gemma named Angelo. Angelo is of Italian decent, is married to Cathy and lives in Westchester New York. He works in the IT field of data architecture and his wife is a freelance designer of childrens books. Angelo lived his formative years in Turin Italy and just recently visited Lucca for the first time last year. He and his wife were granted the favor of visiting the shrine where Saint Gemma is buried and visiting two of the three houses where she lived. According to Angelo the visit 'was a life changing event for the both of us!'
In fact, some of the photographs that accompany this article were taken by Angelo and his wife on their pilgrimage to St Gemma's monastery. I would like to sincerely thank Angelo for his excellent translation work and for providing many of the accompanying photos. Glenn Dallaire, -webmaster.

Letter 41. Gemma writing to Father Germano: 20 dicembre, 1900
She wants to give a few years of her life to obtain from Jesus the cure of Mrs. Guistina who is gravely ill. Her confessor permits it on condition that Father Germano also approves . Therefore Gemma refers herself with haste and insistence to Father Germano. Jesus shows her two flames, one of love the other of pain.
(Lettera 20 dicembre 1900. - Cf. P. GERM. n. XL).
Vuol dare alcuni anni di vita per ottenere da Gesù la guarigione della Sig.ra Giustina, gravemente ammalata. Il Confessore glielo permette a condizione che acconsenta il P. Germano, al quale perciò Gemma si rivolge con premura ed insistenza. Gesù le mostra due fiamme: l’una di amore, l’altra di dolore.
My Father, My Father (Translator comment: Father Germano that is...)
It is only one hour that I have returned from confessing myself [to Monsignor Volpi -ed].
And now my father, is maybe now the time?
Mother is very, very sick. [Translator comment: Gemma is not referring to her actual mother but Mrs. Guistina Giannini -see footnote 1]
My Father, my mother (again she is referring to Mrs. Guistina) is gravely ill, and I was thinking this: when I was feeling unwell, she was ready as much as she was able to give me help, and that aunt [Cecilia Giannini, who also lived in the Giannini house with Gemma], she gave me infinite cures, on the contrary, I have done nothing for them; no acknowledgement, no gratitude. (Translator comment: Gemma always berated herself....)
And will I do nothing for her, she who did so much for me? Already some small little suffering I have offered, some small mortification I have made. My acts, as always, have never had any value. (Translator comment: Again she belittles herself...)
Is it possible? Does God have to accept the prayers of a soul that continually commits sin? This morning I spoke with Jesus (here I have a whole bunch of things from my fantasy to tell you, but actaully from my Guardian Angel) and then I asked my confessor [her confessor, Monsignor Volpi]: 'Can I give up my life for my poor mother?'
(What a change!) an absolute no. Therefore my father, I cried, but don't yell at me; I will not cry anymore.
He saw that I continued to cry so he said: 'Alright already, tell me what you want?'
Now I lacked courage. With obedience I was won over and I told him this: 'I am certain that the Aunt (Aunt Cecilia Giannini, Gemma's closest friend at that time -Ed.) would be happy if the mother could live for two more years. Oh couldn't I?' [Here Gemma is offering 2 years of her life for Guistina, the mother]
My Father, Monsignor immediately understood and he said: 'Yes, I am happy under the condition that Father Germano is also happy.'
I wanted to do this promise right away, this votive of this morning but I cannot unless I first have permisison from you, my Father. (Translator comment: Father Germano)
My father, do not deny me, alright?
Two for Serafina, and two for the mother[2] (see footnote 2), and more if necessary, Father, my Father. (Here Gemma wants to offer up two years of her life for Serafina and two for the mother. Serafina was a acquaintance of Father Germano and Gemma)
Jesus has always in his hands two flames, and He explains to me that they are one for love, and one for pain.[3]
I am in a rush that you reply to me right away for my mother.
The Poor,
Gemma[4] (Translator Comment: this is how she always signed her letters.)

1 -Guistina Giannini, who Gemma affectionately calls "mother", is the mother of the family with whom she is staying with. Guistina is the mother of 11 children under age 20 at this time -Ed.)
2 - Permission was granted. The two ladies, as per judgement of the doctors were gravely sick but recovered. Gemma, who should have lived another 7 years (See Gemma to Germano letter dated Sept 15th 1900) will die three years later! 7yrs -4yrs =3 years of life remaining, thus Gemma dies in 1903.
3 - See letter Cecilia to Germano [below], dated: December 24th, 1900.
4 - For the answer see letter Germano to Cecilia [below], December 20th, 1900.
The original Italian:
Babbo mio, babbo mio,
È appena un’ora che sono tornata da confessarmi.
Babbo mio, la mamma# è ammalata grave assai; io pensavo così: quando io mi sentivo male, era pronta più che poteva a darmi aiuto; quella zia, mi ha infinite cure, al contrario io per loro, non ho nulla da fare, nessuna riconoscenza, nessuna gratitudine.
E ora, babbo mio, non è forse ora il tempo?
La mamma è malata tanto tanto.
E io non farò nulla, per Lei che ha fatto tanto per me?
Già, qual che piccolo patimentuccio l’ho offerto; qualche piccola morti ficazione l’ho fatta. Le cose mie, come sempre, non son valutate mai nulla.
Possibile! devono essere accette a Dio le preghiere di un’anima che continuamente pecca?
Stamani ho parlato con Gesù (qui avrei da dirgli un muc chio di cose della mia fantasia, ma quelle dall’Angelo), e poi ho chiesto al Confessore: «La mia vita potrei darla per la povera mamma mia?»
(che cambio!). Un no assoluto. Allora, babbo mio, ho pianto; non mi gridi: non piangerò più.
Vedeva poi che con tinuavo a piangere, e allora ha detto: «Su via, dimmi che vuoi?».
Allora mi mancava il coraggio.
Coll’obbedienza mi ha vinta, e gli ho detto così: «La zia son certa che sarebbe contenta se la mamma gli vivesse ancora due anni; o io non potrei?...».
Babbo mio, ha capito subito Monsignore, e ha detto: «Si, son contento, col patto che sia pure contento P. Germano».
Volevo far subito questa promessa, questo voto dimattina, ma non posso, se prima non c’è il permesso del babbo mio.
Babbo mio, non me lo nega, è vero?
Due per Serafina e due per la mamma#; e di più se ve ne occorrono, babbo, babbo mio.
Quel Gesù ha sempre in mano due fiamme, e mi spiega che sono una di amore e l’altra di dolore#.
Ho furia che mi risponda subito per la mamma.
La povera,
Letter 24. Cecilia Giannini to Father Germano, Decmber 24, 1900
She communicates that Giustina and Gemma are getting worse. She beseeches him to invoke the grace of Confratel Gabriele (Translator Comment: Deceased Passionist soon to become Saint Gabriele Possenti)
Lettre 24. Cecilia a Germano: 24 dicembre 1900
Gli comunica che Giustina e Gemma vanno peggiorando. Lo scongiura di invocare la grazia da Confratel Gabriele.
24 Dicembre 1900
My Father,
In what pains we are, the dear Giustina is always getting worse, what will ever happen to this family?
I cannot resign myself; poor sons, poor little ones, not knowing their mother: and a mother like this one, but no, right? God will not permit this, what do you say?
Guistina desires that you come and bring the belt of Brother Gabriele [Saint Gabriel Possenti C.P. who was not yet declared a Saint at that time -ed.]...very soon, with haste you will certainly come, I hope so ....
And then, also Gemma is getting worse with her (supernatural) condition, it also torments me to see her suffer so much, poor martyr!
Tell me my dear Father, that this Venerable will have to perform many miracles, least of all to us? Also you beseech him, command him that he has to obey, we want the favor....
Gemma says that if Saturday evening the Angel was sent by you, she would like to know...
Now I send you 2 handkerchiefs, the one tied with a string is the one I placed under her head*, the other one is the one I used to dry her when I saw the blood appear, all this happened Thursday evening, I cannot say anything else because my head is no longer in its place, and I do not have time.
[* Father Germano had requested from Cecilia some handkerchiefs that had touched the blood from Gemma's crown of thorns -Ed.]
Let us remain united at the foot of Jesus's crib, and let us pray a lot, a lot, bless me and believe I am your sister in Jesus.
Italian original:
Padre mio,
In che dolori siamo, la cara Giustina va sempre in peggio, che cosa sarà mai di questa famiglia?
io non mi posso rassegnare: poveri figli, poveri piccini, non conoscere la mamma: e una mamma come questa; ma no, vero? Dio non lo permetterà. che ne dice?
Giustina desidererebbe che venisse lei e portasse la cintura di Confratel Gabriele… presto verrà di certo, io lo spero…
E poi anche Gemma va sempre in peggio per le sue cose, anche quella mi strazia a vederla tanto soffrire, povera martire!...
Dica un po’, Padre mio, oh! che questo Venerabile dovrà fare tanti miracoli meno che a noi? Lo scongiuri anche lei, li comandi che lo deve obbedire, la vogliamo la grazia...
Dice Gemma se sabato sera l'angelo lo mandò lei desidera saperlo...
Ora le mando due fazzoletti, quello legato con un filo è quello che le misi sotto la testa, e l'altro e quello che la asciugavo io quando vedevo che veniva il sangue, tutto questo fu giovedì sera, non le posso dire altro perché la testa mia non è più al suo posto, e il tempo mi manca.
Restiamocene uniti ai piedi della culla di Gesù e preghiamolo tanto tanto, mi benedica e mi creda sua sorella in Gesù
Letter 27, Father Germano to Cecilia, December 20, 1900
He makes a pair of reprimands and says he is certain Guistina will not die. He asks her to tell Gemma that it is useless to write as she will not respond to his letters, and he intends to prohibit certain things to her.
Lettre 27. Germano a Cecilia: 20 dicembre 1900
Le fa un paio di rimproveri e si dice certo che Giustina non morirà. Fa riferire a Gemma che è inutile scriverle, perché non risponde, e intende proibirle certe cose.
Corneto, December 20, 1900
Cecilia of Jesus, I begin by making two reprimands.
If it wasn't for repeating with you the affront you made me, I would have sent back the 5 lire for the water [presumably mineral water for Guistina as mentioned in the P.S. at the bottom of the letter. -Ed.)
And then what was the reason to to send other stamps in Gemma's letter? [Presumably so the priest did not have to spend his own money for stamps.]
May God forgive you! Read the enclosed from the Monsignor, have you also become sick?
Is it really sensible that at every aversion or cross you need to jump in this way? Bad Cecilia! (Transaltor comment: scolding in a fatherly, loving way)
I hope that now you are better, and in a state to be able to pass these holy days in calm and the joy of the spirit.
Beware that you could be in undiminished disappointments as the tail of the devil will be in the way to impede the reunion of the college. [The college was a pious union of persons/spiritual movement promulgated by Father Germano]. Do not give him a victory.
For Guistina do not fear: she will not die, but she will always remain suffering, and for this grace they will have to thank Gemma.
You tell this undiminished daughter [Gemma] many things, in that it is useless for her to write because she never changes her tone. She says and says [ie.- she writes and writes -Ed.], but to the things I write never, or almost never, a reply.
Tell her though that I sympathasize with her, I know how much she suffers and I care for her just the same.
I fully believe that I will return to give her obedience [spiritual counsel -Ed.] in regards to the blood and other external manifestations. Certainly Jesus is not obligated to stay on the commands of man, he is the boss and does what he wills, but I, adoring his saintly wishes, for as much as it is in me, I intend to prohibit Gemma all these undiminished things.
Tell her this immediately. To the Monsignor though, we will tell him later, not now. Also tell Gemma that she is not to pay too much attention to herself, and to her things (Translator comment: presumably her extraordinary events) and much less to her poor sufferings.
By now she has been assured that she can leave in tranquility, she is not to think about it anymore, if it is or is not, how, or if it means this or that and not to have faith to which she seems to see or hear. (Translator comment: In other words, try not to make sense of what is happening.) Tell her only who guides her, then more, more. [To only pay attention more and more to the persons who guide her -Ed.]
In regards to the other letters of the Angel, deliver them to her closed and sealed. You place them in a secluded spot, and the Angel will come, if Jesus sends him, to take them.
Dear Gemma do not formalize yourself for these, my new orders, and do not think that I will abandon you, ever, or that I love you less than before.
Pray much, much to Jesus for B.T. - make her write often. Courage Cecilia of Jesus, Hurrah for Jesus, Hurrah for Jesus!
S.S. -Germano
PS - the little book for the mineral water I sent, you may retain it. The two enclosures place them inside a closed envelope. I sent the relic for Moris, in which I conserver (keep) the authentic one. The letter is for the sisters.
The relic of the bone of Venerable Gabriel is for Gemma, certainly apply it to this dear infirmed one.
Corneto 20 Dicembre 1900
Cecilia di Gesù
Comincio dal farle due rimproveri.
Se non fosse stato un ripetere con Loro l’affronto che hanno fatto a me, avrei rimandato indietro le 5 lire dell’acqua#.
E poi che c’entrava rimandare altri francobolli nella lettera di Gemma?
Iddio gliela perdoni! – Legga l’acclusa a Monsignore. – Lei pure si è ammalata?
È proprio sensibile tanto, che ad ogni contrarietà o croce abbia da scattare in cotal modo? Cecilia cattiva!
Spero che ora starà meglio, e in grado di poter passare questi santi giorni nella calma e la giocondità dello spirito
Badi che vi può essere in cotesti disappunti la coda di Chiappino per impedire la riunione del Collegio. Non gliela dia vinta.
Di Giustina non temano: non morrà, ma rimarrà sempre sofferente; e questa grazia la dovranno a Gemma.
Dica Lei tante cose a cotesta figliuola; a cui è inutile che scriva, perché non mi risponde mai a tono; dice, dice, e alle cose che io scrivo, mai o quasi mai risposta.
Le dica però che io la compatisco, so quanto soffre, e le voglio bene lo stesso.
Glielo dica subito. A Monsignore però glielo diremo in appresso, non ora. Dica pure a Gemma che non faccia troppa attenzione a se stessa ed alle cose sue, e molto meno alle sue povere sofferenze.
Ormai è stata assicurata che può andar tranquilla; non ci pensi più, se o non se, se come, se questo; e non presti fede a quel che le sembra di vedere o di udire.
Lo dica soltanto a chi la dirige, e poi più, più.
Riguardo alle lettere dell’Angelo, le consegni a lei chiuse e sigillate.
Lei le ponga in luogo appartato, e l’Angelo verrà, se Gesù lo manda, a prendersele.
Cara Gemma, non ti formalizzare per questi miei nuovi ordini, e non pensare che io ti abbandoni mai, o ti voglia minor bene di prima.
Prega tanto, tanto Gesù pel B.T. – La faccia scrivere spesso. Coraggio, Cecilia di Gesù! Viva Gesù, viva Gesù!
S.S. – Germano
P.S. Il libretto dell’acqua minerale che mandai, lo ritengano pure.
Le due accluse le ponga dentro busta chiuse. Ho mandato la reliquia per Moris, di cui conservo l’autentica. La lettera è per le suorine.
La reliquia di osso del Ven. Gabriele è per Gemma l’applichino pure alla cara inferma.
Letter of Gemma to Father Germano: September 15, 1900
She asks him (Father Germano) if he received the letter via the Guardian Angel. She says she is unable to meditate. Jesus is always in her heart. She wants to offer three years of her life for a person dear to her and she asks his permission. Her Guardian Angelo and Father Germano's Guardian Angel treat her differently. She prays to Father Germano to take away from here any beginnings of pride that she may face. She is disappointed for a soul that has distanced itself from Jesus.
Original Italian:
Gli domanda se ha ricevuto la lettera mandatagli per mezzo dell’Angelo Custode. Dice di non riuscire a far la meditazione. Gesù sta sempre nel suo cuore. Vuole offrire tre anni vita per una persona cara, e ne domanda il permesso. L'Angelo suo Custode e quello del P. Germano la trattano diversamente. Prega il Padre Germano di toglierle ogni principio di orgoglio che le si affacciasse. Sente dispiacere per un'anima che si è allontanata da Gesù.
Gemma to Fr. Germano: September 15, 1900
Father of mine, next to Jesus in my poor heart.
Friday morning I sent you a letter via your Guardian Angel. He promised me he would bring it to you, I hope you already received it, he took it himself with his very own hands.
Right away, what do you think, will you let me know truly? You know, my things go fairly well; I do not sleep anymore, except for night time; I started to do the Meditations with a book but I do not know how to do it.
[Photo to the left is the tomb of Venerable Father Germano located in the Monastery of St Gemma]
Jesus is always in my heart and you are next to him. I continuously think of Jesus, and what a curious thing! Right away I think of you.
The Septenary (a series of prayers) for Serafina has finished; I always said it, but the Guardian Angel would wake me even if I was sleeping and we would say it together.
The Feast of Our Mother is close at hand. I want to pray very much, so I can obtain from my Jesus the much yearned for favor for Serafina. If our Mother (Holy Mother) is able to let her have it this month! (Footnote 7: the feast of the Addolorata, which Gemma nurtured a very special devotion.)
Now I want to speak to you of a thing that weighs on me a lot, a lot. Please pay attention now. Therefore, you are not happy that I give up my life for the life of Serafina? I am happy and am willing to happily do it. This morning, after I received Jesus [in holy Communion -Ed.], I felt a strong desire to offer myself to Jesus for her; Almost, almost I could not resist. But to do so without your permission....You will write right away, is it true? Do it. [Here Gemma is asking permission to offer her life from Serafina] I will die from happiness. Listen, if I die, it will be a great favor, do you believe it or not, that everything annoys me?
But if She [Blessed Virgin -Ed.] were to have Serafina die, I would not know how it would do...I would like to be near you to request this favor on my knees. Pray, pray very much and do what Jesus will tell you.
Or else, listen to another thing (suggestion). Could I tell Jesus to do this half way?
To me, there still remains almost 7 years of life; three I would give for Serafina and the others I would keep for myself? Would you like this?
In one way or another, if she is dear to you, please concede this to me. I will do what you will tell me. To the Monsignor I would almost say that it is not neccessary to speak to him about this. I do not know. (Footnote: see response in: Germano to Gemma: Sept 25th, 1900).
As soon as you see that I start to become a little prideful, a little, a litte, do not wait, take the lightning (express) train, bring a well sharpened knife and run to cut my head off. Do not wait, not even a minute.
Now I would like to be a spy for you. Annetta, [one of the Giannini children with whom Gemma was living with -Ed.] since that morning has not received Jesus. I am very sorry for this, because Jesus is looking for her, and instead, she cares very little.....I love Jesus and Jesus's Father, they are one and the same.
Do you think you understand?, I ask you for your blessing, every moment send it to me, do not forget, because I will sense it.
Pray for the poor
Gemma Of Jesus
I was forgetting something very important. Stay and listen. [Translator comment: more like "now listen to this".]
Your Guardian Angel, maybe it is a certain thing that it is my imagination, has told me to let you know that you should not occupy yourself (put anymore effort) for those nuns because, believe, that everything you did is for nothing, it is of no use. (Translator Comment: Gemma would frequently get messages from Jesus, Our Holy Mother, or the Guardian Angel or Saint Gabriel Possenti that would turn out to become true).
The thing that was most necessary was to remove their veils. This they do not want to do and they are committing a great wrong.
You will see the end of this....but mind you, do not believe anything I say. [Gemma is unsure if the source of her messages is indeed from heaven so she often tells those concerned not to believe in her messages -Ed.]
I made a mistake you know: Annetta received Holy Communion this morning, I did not know it. Later I found out she did so and with great fervor. Tomorrow she will also. - G.G.
Original Italian:
Lettre 13. Gemma a Germano: 15 settembre 1900(15 settembre 1900. - Cf. P. GERM.. n. XXXIX).
Babbo mio, accanto a Gesù nel mio povero cuore.
Venerdì mattina gli mandai una lettera per mezzo del suo Angelo Custode. Mi promise di portargliela, io spero che già l’abbia avuta: la prese da sé con le sue proprie mani.
Gesù sta sempre nel mio cuore, e Lei ci sta accanto.
Continuamente penso a Gesù, e cosa curiosa! subito mi viene in mente Lei.
Il settenario di Serafina è terminato; io sempre me lo di cavo, ma l'Angelo Custode, anche se dormivo, mi svegliava, e si diceva insieme.
La festa della Mamma nostra è vicina#. Voglio pregare assai, perché ottenga dal mio Gesù la tanto sospirata grazia a Serafina. Se riuscisse alla Mamma mia di fargliela avere in questo mese!
Ora poi voglio parlargli di una cosa che mi preme tanto, tanto. Stia bene attento. Dunque non è anche contento che dia la mia vita per quella di Serafina? Io sono contenta e lo faccio volentieri. Stamani, dopo che ho avuto Gesù, mi sono sentita un forte desiderio di offrirmi a Gesù, per essa; quasi quasi non potevo resistere. Ma farlo senza il suo permesso....Scriverà subito, è vero? e mi dirà: Fallo pure. Io morirò dalla contentezza. Senta: se muoio io, è una gran grazia; ci crede o no, che tutto mi annoia?
Ma se a Lei gli morisse Serafina, non so come farebbe. Vorrei essergli vicina per dimandargli questa grazia in ginocchio. Preghi, preghi assai e faccia quello che Gesù gli dirà.
Oppure, senta un'altra cosa. Potrei dire a Gesù di far la cosa per metà.
A me mi rimangono quasi 7 anni da vivere ancora, tre li darei per Serafina e gli altri li terrei per me? Gli piace così?
In un modo o in un altro, se a Lei gli è cara davvero. me lo conceda. Io farò come Lei mi dirà#. A Monsignore direi quasi che non occorra parlargli di questo. Io non lo so.
Ogni sera, da che Lei partì, il suo Angelo Custode viene per benedirmi, e la mattina per svegliarmi; stamani, ho aperto gli occhi, ma non ci erano, mi veniva quasi da piangere. Me lo rimanda subito, è vero? Gli dica che gli domando perdono, e non farò più quella disobbedienza; non lo faccio più più, me lo rimandi. L'Angelo mio non è così severo, anche che sia stata cattiva, tanto per benedirmi viene sempre.
Appena si avvede che mi viene un po' di orgoglio, poco poco, non aspetti; prenda il treno lampo, porti un coltello bene affilato, e corra per tagliarmi la testa. Non aspetti un mo mento solo.
Ora gli vorrei fare una spia. Annetta da quella mattina non ha più preso Gesù; a me mi dispiace tanto, perché Gesù la cerca, e lei invece se ne cura così poco....Voglio bene a Gesù e al babbo di Gesù; sono tutti e due eguali.
Non gli pare che abbia capito? Gli chiedo la sua Benedizione, ogni momento me la mandi; non se la scordi, perché la sento.
Preghi per la povera
Gemma di Gesù.
Mi dimenticavo una cosa assai importante. Stia a sentire.
L’Angelo Custode suo, oppure per cosa certa la mia fantasia, mi dice che faccia sapere a Lei che sarà bene che non si occupi più di quelle monache, perché, creda, tutto quello che ha fatto a nulla è giovato. La cosa più necessaria era di toglierle il velo. Questo non lo vogliono fare, e fanno un gran male.
Vedrà la fine poi... Ma badi bene, a nulla creda di quello che gli dico.
Ho sbagliato, sa: Annetta ha fatta la SS. Comunione sta mattina; io non lo sapevo. Dopo ho saputo che l'ha fatta e con gran fervore. Dimattina pure la farà. - G. G.
Concerning this whole affair, we can appropriately add what Father Germano wrote in his biography "The life of St Gemma Galgani":
"The prayers of this faultless child for her benefactors deeply touched the heart of God, and moved Him to be most bounteous in rewarding them.....Once, the mother of the [Giannini] family fell seriously ill with internal spasmodic stomach pains that made the attending Doctors speak unfavorably of her chances of recovery. Gemma was deeply saddened, and asked her Jesus that she instead might take upon herself those pains.
Here are the words she used in telling me of it. 'I have taken upon myself those pains that you know of, that the mother of these children was suffering. They are truly fierce pains indeed, and I really don't know what is going to happen to me.'
"The lady in fact got well in an instant, and poor Gemma suffered for many months a long martyrdom that brought her to deaths door."
Gemma's offering is so heroic and inspiring! Thank you for posting these letters.
I love you Saint Gemma. Please pray for me.
Thank you so much for posting this! Do you by any change know of any litany to St. Gemma? I've looked around and can't seem to find one. Have you come across any in your research?
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your comment.
To answer your question, no, I have never run across a litany in honor of St Gemma thusfar.
However, right at this moment I am having a prayer book in honor of St Gemma published, and I will be offering it on the website in a week or so.
It will contain a 9 day Novena in honor of St Gemma to obtain a desired grace, along with a couple of prayers that Gemma herself wrote, two different prayers to St Gemma, 4 pages containing a variety of Gemma's sayings-quotes, along with 3 authentic photographs of her. It will be the first Novena to St Gemma that has ever been published in english.
May God bless you and your loved ones!
-Glenn Dallaire
Really nice site and it is more complete and simple research. I thank you very much for the relaxation .
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