Wishing You A Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!
I would like to wish everyone who visits this website a Blessed Christmas and New Year. Below are some words of Gemma in honor of this holy season. May Saint Gemma help us to penetrate and contemplate the gift of the Child Jesus at Christmas.
St Gemma's Christmas vision of the Child Jesus
On Christmas day, Dec 25, 1902 Gemma writes to her spiritual director Father Germanus:
"Yesterday evening at midnight Mass [Christmas], when the priest came to the Offertory part of the Mass, I saw Jesus, Who offered me as a victim to the Eternal Father. I was very happy. He pressed me to Himself; then He led me to our Mother and presented me to her, saying, "This dear daughter of mine you must regard as a daughter of My Passion”. Father, my heart still continues its violent palpitations."
The Child Jesus appears to Gemma
(This is a letter from Saint Gemma to her Confessor, Monsignor Giovanni Volpi, the auxiliary Bishop of Lucca)
"Monsignor,Yesterday evening in the usual hour of vigil, a curious thing happened to me: scarcely had I begun to make it [the holy hour] than I suddenly seemed to fall asleep. I seemed to have in my arms a beautiful child of three; He kissed me and caressed me and asked me whether I knew Him and whether I loved Him. I embraced Him ardently and told Him that I loved Him very much. He told me that if I wished to be all His that He would espouse me. I was very happy....."
Christmas Letter of St Gemma to her spiritual Director, Venerable Father Germano
December 24, 1900
My dad, when you recieve this letter, baby Jesus will be born. Be sure that today, Christmas day, I pray to Jesus to make me hear from You more often.
Do you know what I would do myself, my dad, with Jesus? I would like to do what the angels do with Him; but since I can't, I would like to offer Him the warmest affections of my devotion; and I pray to my Mom [Blessed Virgin Mary] to offer to Jesus, just born, these little sacrifices and affections that often come to me. I often cry, you know, and I have stopped [offering her sufferings to Jesus] but I promise again not to complain anymore; and do you know why? This morning after Holy Communion I thought what great pain my Mom had after Jesus was born; to know that they would crucify Him! What agony She must have always carried in Her heart! How many sighs to heaven and how many times She was obliged to cry! And yet She never complained. Poor Mom! Then when She really saw Him crucified, that poor Mom was pierced by so many arrows, because I know that any harm done to the son in the presence of the father or mother also injures the parents.
Therefore this Mother of mine was crucified alongside Jesus. And yet She never complained. And after these reflections I did not complain anymore about my way of living....
Gemma's New Year resolutions:
On New Years eve, 1895-1896 Gemma writes:
"...So I resolved to change my life, because Jesus had given me clear lights to the effect that I should be a religious. I had a good occasion to do this resolution, for we were about to begin the year of 1896. I wrote in a little notebook: "During this new year I resolve to begin a new life. I do not know what will happen to me during this year. But I abandon myself entirely to You, my God. And my aspirations and all my affections will be for You. I feel so weak, dear Jesus, but with Your help I hope and resolve to live a different life, that is, a life closer to You."
Some of Gemma's other resolutions:
Writing to her spiritual director Gemma says:
“Father, do you know the latest idea that has come into my head? It is to become a saint at all costs. I made this resolution yesterday evening. During my meditation I was thinking that one lives only once, and it is certain that one is going to die; then one will have to answer to God.”
-St Gemma, pray for us!
"My heart is always united to Jesus Who more and more consumes me. Oh my most sweet Jesus, I would wish to be all dissolved in the midst of the flames of Your Love. Oh, how can I correspond, my God, since You have given me so much? Who will help me in this? To Your Mercy alone I owe the little love that there is in my poor heart for Thee." -St Gemma Galgani
Thank you Glenn for all you do for the kingdom of God. God bless you and family in this Christmas Season. Alexandra
These beautiful St. Gemma Christmas reflections help me understand what being holy is really all about. Thank You so much for a great Christmas gift. Larry K
A Blessed and Holy Christmas and New year to you Glenn and to your family!
Oh how I love this web page on St. Gemma ..do you know where I can buy a framed picture of St. Gemma for my home .
I would like to order more of the Holy Cards with beautiful St. Gemma.
I have to tell you this little story...I have the most wonderful spiritual director ...and I have embraced the Rule of Life...and part of that is reading and studying the Catholic Faith ..so I embarked on reading the Catechism of the Council of Trent...what was I thinking . My dear spiritual director said , do you have a picture or holy card of your patron Saint ..I told him YES , I have one of St. Gemma...he suggested to make a "date" to read with St. Gemma the Catechism . IT worked , I would not miss my time with St. Gemma , she and I are committed to our time eacn and every day together . Is that not a wonderful suggestion ! God Bless!
Thank you, Glenn, for posting this wonderful article! And, Jeanne, I liked your comment as well in regards to studying the Catechism with our dear St. Gemma! Signed, Respectfully, Todd+
Thanks Jeanne and Father Todd for your comments---I like the daily "date" with Gemma!
-St Gemma, pray for us!
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