Mass for the visitors of this website
In honor of St Gemma's feastday (Monday April 11th) a Mass is going to be offered by Father Todd on Saturday, April 9th at 10:00 A.M (Eastern time) for the intentions of all the visitors of this website.
Father Todd is deeply devoted to Saint Gemma, and from the beginning of this website some 3 years ago he has been the greatest supporter, and has provided much encouragement throughout its ongoing creation, and I am deeply grateful for his ongoing support and prayers. And so it is with great joy that I pass along his kind reply below in answer to my request for a Mass for the visitors of this website:
"....in regards to your wonderful idea, in regards to offering up Mass on behalf of all the visitors to the website (and might I add, the website itself), I would be more than happy to oblige. I believe that St. Gemma's feastday is a week from tomorrow so I can offer up my Mass this coming Saturday morning on April 9th at 10:00 AM (EST) for the intentions of all the visitors to the St. Gemma website. At our church on Saturday mornings during Lent we say Stations of the Cross at 9:30 AM and Mass at 10:00 AM. In regards to a Mass Stipend, please do not send any Mass Stipend because I am not in the habit of asking for a Mass Stipend to begin with and on top of that just the fact that you would request me to say Mass for such a wonderful reason is an honour for me.

I am very grateful that you had this idea and I am very honoured to do something for our dear St. Gemma and on behalf of her devotees. I can not describe in words the wonderful devotion I have for our dear St. Gemma. As you stated yourself, once a person becomes introduced to her, they can not help but fall in love with her devotion and love for Our Blessed Saviour! I am convinced that from the moment I became aware of St. Gemma, she helped me through all my studies in seminary. I would always go to our dear St. Gemma and she would assist me every time I asked her for help. And I know that she still continues to intercede on my behalf.
Again, thank you so much for asking me to offer Mass on behalf of all the visitors to the St. Gemma website. Saying Mass is certainly a wonderful blessing to begin with but to offer it for such a wonderful reason will be an additional blessing. God bless you and your family!
Todd+ "
And through this holy Mass, may God bless Father Todd and all this visitors to this website through the intercession of St Gemma, as we unite in prayer to honor her holy memory.
-St Gemma, pray for us!
"Yes, Jesus shows all His sweetness in the Blessed Sacrament. But how can it be that a Majesty so great can endure the presence of so unworthy a creature? Does He not see my ingratitude; does He not see my heart? And yet Jesus bears with me and loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, poor as I am, how can I not then love Him who is so rich and powerful?" -St Gemma Galgani
Glenn, what a beautiful gesture. Thank you so much! This is beyone words and very generous of you to offer such a gift, especially in honor of our Dear St. Gemma. I will attend Mass that day (althought at a different time) but will keep, you, Father Todd, all the visitors to this website in my prayers too! I'm sure many more blessings will be shared with everyone that visits your website and all those who, like me, happened upon this website by accident. Good and Gentle Jesus brought St. Gemma into my life for a reason, to get to know Him through her.
Thanks and God bless.
Yes, thanks for the Mass! May St Gemma intercede and pray for all of us.
God bless-
Thank you so much for offering the Mass for us. May God bless you always. My little daughter and I really like your blog about St. Gemma. Keep up the good work and may God always bless you and your family.
Thank you, Father. I'm a new fan/devotee of St. Gemma here in 2016.
Please ask St. Gemma to pray for me in order to find a job that doesn't give me so much stress and anxiety so I can be more present to my family.
Father please pray for me to St Gemma intercession for my difficulties financially and also for my husband help with his back problems.I am a new devotee of her.
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