Free St Gemma item giveaway to celebrate her feastday and the 3 year anniversary of this website
-A fun "thank you" give-away to all the visitors of this website!
Update April 11 -Winners are listed below!
They say that the best things in life are free, and surely this is true. Love, faith kindness, hope...these are the greatest gifts in life and they are all free. Material gifts too can be a joy and a blessing, especially those material gifts that lead us closer to God.
Materially speaking, Saint Gemma was incredibly poor, yet she had the greatest gifts--faith, hope and love, and therefore she had everything that really matters.
Additionally she also had a few cherished material items -a crucifix on a necklace that contained a piece of the true Cross, a relic (tooth) of St Gabriel Possenti, a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, some prayer books and holy cards, a rosary which she always kept in her pocket, along with some personal items from her family home. And Gemma used these material items, especially the religious articles, to lead her closer to God. And we read in her Autobiography how she also used these religious objects as a weapon against the devil. The crucifix that contained a relic of the true Cross which Gemma wore on a necklace was especially powerful against the demons, and she would use this relic crucifix to bless herself, and while looking at the demon she would say "blessed be Jesus!" which would cause the demon to shriek, curse and recoil in fear and trembling.
And so material items, especially religious objects, can be a blessing and can lead us closer to God, and so it is with this in mind that this free St Gemma item giveaway is being offered to celebrate St Gemma's feastday on April 11th, and also to commemorate the 3 year anniversary of this website, which has received almost 3/4 of a million page visits since its inception, thanks be to God, and for His greater glory. It is a joy also when we receive a material gift for free---how we all love to receive something for free! And even more than being free, these religious objects bring a blessing upon us. And so I pray that these items will bring some joy and increased devotion for those who receive them.
The free St Gemma item giveaway consists of seven different items as shown below and is offered to anyone, worldwide. To enter the giveaway, simply send me an email with a message of "free St Gemma item giveaway." -No strings attached. The drawing will be held on St Gemma's feastday, April 11. I will place all the entries in a basket and then I will have my youngest daughter (who is aptly named "Gemma"!) pick out the 7 winners from the basket, and I will then notify the winners by email that day, and all items will be mailed out for free the next day. I will
They say that the best things in life are free, and surely this is true. Love, faith kindness, hope...these are the greatest gifts in life and they are all free. Material gifts too can be a joy and a blessing, especially those material gifts that lead us closer to God.
Materially speaking, Saint Gemma was incredibly poor, yet she had the greatest gifts--faith, hope and love, and therefore she had everything that really matters.
Additionally she also had a few cherished material items -a crucifix on a necklace that contained a piece of the true Cross, a relic (tooth) of St Gabriel Possenti, a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, some prayer books and holy cards, a rosary which she always kept in her pocket, along with some personal items from her family home. And Gemma used these material items, especially the religious articles, to lead her closer to God. And we read in her Autobiography how she also used these religious objects as a weapon against the devil. The crucifix that contained a relic of the true Cross which Gemma wore on a necklace was especially powerful against the demons, and she would use this relic crucifix to bless herself, and while looking at the demon she would say "blessed be Jesus!" which would cause the demon to shriek, curse and recoil in fear and trembling.
And so material items, especially religious objects, can be a blessing and can lead us closer to God, and so it is with this in mind that this free St Gemma item giveaway is being offered to celebrate St Gemma's feastday on April 11th, and also to commemorate the 3 year anniversary of this website, which has received almost 3/4 of a million page visits since its inception, thanks be to God, and for His greater glory. It is a joy also when we receive a material gift for free---how we all love to receive something for free! And even more than being free, these religious objects bring a blessing upon us. And so I pray that these items will bring some joy and increased devotion for those who receive them.
The free St Gemma item giveaway consists of seven different items as shown below and is offered to anyone, worldwide. To enter the giveaway, simply send me an email with a message of "free St Gemma item giveaway." -No strings attached. The drawing will be held on St Gemma's feastday, April 11. I will place all the entries in a basket and then I will have my youngest daughter (who is aptly named "Gemma"!) pick out the 7 winners from the basket, and I will then notify the winners by email that day, and all items will be mailed out for free the next day. I will
list the names and locations (first names only) of the winners on this page on the day of the drawing.
Please email your entry for the free giveaway to: gdallaire1@gmail.com
St Gemma free item giveaway to be held on Gemma's feastday, April 11th.
Free Grand Prize # 1: Saint Gemma relic necklace
(See also the photo at the top of this page)
2nd free prize: St Gemma handpainted and handsewn relic pouch
3rd prize: St Gemma relic medal

4th prize: St Gemma Galgani book by the Monastery of St Gemma in Lucca, Italy

5th prize: Two St Gemma color relic holy cards from the Monastery of St Gemma in Lucca
6th prize: Two St Gemma relic cards from the Monastery of St Gemma in Lucca

7th Prize: 2 different St Gemma Triduum prayer pamphlets with short bio's of Gemma
Again, all items are completely free and will be shipped worldwide for free- no strings attached. To enter the giveaway send an email to gdallaire1@gmail.com with a message of "free St Gemma giveaway."
Please email your entry for the free giveaway to: gdallaire1@gmail.com
St Gemma free item giveaway to be held on Gemma's feastday, April 11th.
Free Grand Prize # 1: Saint Gemma relic necklace

(See also the photo at the top of this page)
2nd free prize: St Gemma handpainted and handsewn relic pouch

3rd prize: St Gemma relic medal

4th prize: St Gemma Galgani book by the Monastery of St Gemma in Lucca, Italy

5th prize: Two St Gemma color relic holy cards from the Monastery of St Gemma in Lucca

6th prize: Two St Gemma relic cards from the Monastery of St Gemma in Lucca

7th Prize: 2 different St Gemma Triduum prayer pamphlets with short bio's of Gemma

Again, all items are completely free and will be shipped worldwide for free- no strings attached. To enter the giveaway send an email to gdallaire1@gmail.com with a message of "free St Gemma giveaway."
Update April 11:
Winners of the free St Gemma gift giveaway
Monday, April 11 -A blessed feast in honor of St Gemma Galgani to all!
I placed all the names that were sent to me in a bowl along with a relic of St Gemma, and then placed the bowl on our home prayer altar. My family and I then recited our daily rosary. After which, I said a prayer to St Gemma and then our youngest, named Gemma, picked 7 names corresponding to the 7 free gifts.
And the winners are:
Grand prize gift---Relic Locket: Birgit Worgull
2nd prize gift---Relic Pouch: Vccortes (email name)
3rd prize gift---Relic medal: Christina (email immaculata13)
4th prize gift---St Gemma book: Gretchen Everin
5th prize gift---Color Relic holy cards: Michael Nepper
6th prize gift---Relic holy cards: Shauna Anderson
7th prize gift---Triduum prayer pamphlets: Therese Gemma
Congratulations to all the winners! (note to winners: I have contacted you by email to obtain your home mailing address. Please reply so I can mail out your items to you.)

The Passionist nuns at the monastery of St Gemma in Lucca, Italy have kindly sent me a good number of St Gemma relic holy cards. Additionally, I just received a large number of "Triduum prayers to Saint Gemma Galgani" pamphlets from the kind Passionist Nuns in Kentucky (as shown in the photo to the left--three days of prayer on the inside).
I will send both of these items worldwide for free (while supplies last) to those who postal mail me a request. (not email)
My address is:
Glenn Dallaire
42 Crown St
Bristol, CT 06010
"Yes, I am happy in every way that Jesus wills, and if Jesus wants the sacrifice of my life, I give it to Him at once. If He wants anything else I am ready. One thing alone is enough for me, to be His victim, in order to atone for my own innumerable sins, and, if possible, for those of the whole world." -St Gemma Galgani
I'm entering! But should we give you our postal adress in the e-mail or do we give it to you when you notify us by e-mail if we win?
Hi Michael,
For now you don't need to send me your mailing address---just send me an email with you name.
After the drawing I will send an email to the winners requesting their mailing address.
God bless and I hope you win!
-Glenn Dallaire
Congratulations to all of the winners! I would like to take this opportunity to wish a happy feast day to all the friends of St. Gemma and to also thank Glenn for running this wonderful website and also offering this special contest.
Hi Father Todd!
Thank you for your kind message and most especially for all your support and encouragement for this website.
I pray that St Gemma may help all of us to love Jesus with an ever greater love.
And, may God draw you ever closer to Himself!
Glenn Dallaire
This is really late in the game, but I'm wondering what the 5th prize relic card contains--I recently received what seems to be the same thing, and I'm not sure what the relic is--dried flower from her altar in Lucca? A piece of wood from an object she used? Any ideas? Thanks!
Hi Keith,
The Passionists have been handing out these holy cards with little pieces of wood in them for many, many years, at least from the 1940's onwards, even to today.
Also, during the 1920's thru the 1940's, that is, during the years when Gemma was a Servant of God (1920's), then Beatified (1930's) and then canonised (1940's) the Passionists were at the same time offering these brown paper folded reliquaries--I have 2 of them, one from the 1920's and one from the 1940's, and inside
are these wood shavings.
Now my understanding is that all of these, that is the holy cards and the brown paper relic pouches contain shavings of wood from Gemma's original coffin. At least that is what I have been told.
Best wishes and may God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire
my friend glenn dallaire try to visit this site
hello I am praying to beloved St Gemma for cure of a tumor I would dearly like to know where I can purchase a small relic from please. I am in Australia God bless
hi i love so much saint gemma galgani im so inspired her story and i want to pray for him also to be my intersessor and i hope to have a one relic medal or holy card from him to be prayed for them always.
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