Pope John Paul II wrote a prayer for the intercession of St Gemma Galgani on the occasion of the centenary of the death of Saint Gemma on April 11, 2003. For this celebration he met with the Sisters of Saint Gemma and shared a prayer to Saint Gemma in honor of the special occasion:
"O Father, we ask you to establish your dwelling in those who love you with a heart pure and simple, that through the example and the intercession of St Gemma, we may live the pure Gospel and the mystery of a love crucified, to be the living image of your Son.
He who lives and reigns, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. "
-Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II also visited the Monastery of St Gemma Galgani in Lucca, Italy in 1989 and they have a plaque inside the Monastery that marks the special occasion.
Prayer provided by The Sisters of Saint Gemma
Via Del Seminario, 10
55100, Lucca, Italy
Tel: (0583) 48237
En Italiano:
O Padre, che ti compiaci di stabilire la tua dimora in chi ti ama con cuore semplice e puro, fa' chesull'esempio e per l'intercessione di S. Gemma viviamo, con purezza evangelica, il mistero dell' amore crocifesso, per essere immagine viva del tuo Figlio.
Egli è Dio e vive e regna conte, nell'unità dello Spirito Santo per tutti i secoli dei secoli. Amen.
-Giovanni Paolo II
Via Del Seminario, 10
55100, Lucca, Italy
Tel (0583) 48237
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