A friend in St Gemma named Joseph composed this nice prayer to Saint Gemma from "The Life of St Gemma Galgani" and other sources. I gladly post it here for the benefit of all, and I thank Joseph for sharing it. -webmaster
Novena Prayer to Saint Gemma Galgani
(by: E. Joseph Eaggleston III, on January 15, 2006)
O purest Saint Gemma Galgani, you once said: “I would wish to bathe with my blood all those places where Jesus is outraged. I would wish all sinners to be saved, because they have been redeemed by the Precious Blood of Jesus.”*
Therefore, O most pure and humble Virgin Saint Gemma, I (say name,) a wretched sinner of weak faith, do now beg you to eternally obtain for me, from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, your Mystical Spouse, this request [here name request(s)]:
Dearest Saint Gemma, I have absolute confidence in your intercession –for during your short life on earth- Christ Jesus, did allow you to share in His Salvific Passion; hence, the thought of a lost soul filled you with consternation. Therefore, O most docile Saint Gemma, you spent your time on earth embracing the cross so our Lord Jesus would not have to suffer alone the pain of our sins; while pleading with Him for the salvation of all sinners. So alarmed were you, Saint Gemma, at the thought of a lost soul being eternally damned; that you invoked and begged Mary, the Eternal Virgin Mother of God, to help you plead for the most wretched of souls: Thus ensuring mercy from her Son Jesus for even the most horrific of sinners!
Now that you are in Heaven, Saint Gemma, and have absolute favor with Christ Jesus; there is no doubt that your help, for sinners, is immeasurable and to the Glory of the Holy Trinity God!!! It is therefore, impossible for your help Saint Gemma, to fail those of us still in exile from Heaven, who call on your intersession. -Amen and Ave Maria.
V. Pray for us, Saint Gemma Galgani.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ Jesus.
Let us Pray: Lord hear the prayers of those who recall the devoted life of the Virgin and
Spiritual Martyr Saint Gemma Galgani, whom You gave victory over pain
and suffering. Guide us on our way and help us to live by Your Grace and remain a temple of Your Holy Spirit. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.**
**(closing prayer is combined from one prayer on pg. 1416
and two prayers on pg. 1443 of “Christian Prayer.”)
Novena Prayer to Saint Gemma Galgani
(by: E. Joseph Eaggleston III, on January 15, 2006)
O purest Saint Gemma Galgani, you once said: “I would wish to bathe with my blood all those places where Jesus is outraged. I would wish all sinners to be saved, because they have been redeemed by the Precious Blood of Jesus.”*
Therefore, O most pure and humble Virgin Saint Gemma, I (say name,) a wretched sinner of weak faith, do now beg you to eternally obtain for me, from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, your Mystical Spouse, this request [here name request(s)]:
Dearest Saint Gemma, I have absolute confidence in your intercession –for during your short life on earth- Christ Jesus, did allow you to share in His Salvific Passion; hence, the thought of a lost soul filled you with consternation. Therefore, O most docile Saint Gemma, you spent your time on earth embracing the cross so our Lord Jesus would not have to suffer alone the pain of our sins; while pleading with Him for the salvation of all sinners. So alarmed were you, Saint Gemma, at the thought of a lost soul being eternally damned; that you invoked and begged Mary, the Eternal Virgin Mother of God, to help you plead for the most wretched of souls: Thus ensuring mercy from her Son Jesus for even the most horrific of sinners!
Now that you are in Heaven, Saint Gemma, and have absolute favor with Christ Jesus; there is no doubt that your help, for sinners, is immeasurable and to the Glory of the Holy Trinity God!!! It is therefore, impossible for your help Saint Gemma, to fail those of us still in exile from Heaven, who call on your intersession. -Amen and Ave Maria.
V. Pray for us, Saint Gemma Galgani.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ Jesus.
Let us Pray: Lord hear the prayers of those who recall the devoted life of the Virgin and
Spiritual Martyr Saint Gemma Galgani, whom You gave victory over pain
and suffering. Guide us on our way and help us to live by Your Grace and remain a temple of Your Holy Spirit. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.**
**(closing prayer is combined from one prayer on pg. 1416
and two prayers on pg. 1443 of “Christian Prayer.”)
See also the Prayers to St Gemma page
Thank you precious St. Gemma for hearing my prayer. I love you and all the Holy Saints.
Pray for Gary back and leg pain will go away and he will be in good health.Pray for A.F and G.F will get a good night sleep.
St.Gemma please cure Nathaniel all the side effects of meningitis. Please cure the brain damage and neurological disorders he suffered due to meningitis. Please bless him with a damage free and disease free and disabilities free life. Thank you.
St.Gemma, please heal my back problems and restore my body. Please help me to get a good, restful sleep void of any pains and worries. Please heal A. A. from RA. AMEN
Please help.my headaches go away. In Jesus name. Amen
Please cure me from this breast cancer.Amen
St. Gemma, please help heal my stomach. I’ve been praying to God every single day to help and now I’m also reaching out to you. My neighbor’s daughter is named Gemma. I need your help. Please, please take this pain away and make me whole again. Thank you to you and to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am a firm believer in the healing touch of saints who are working for God. Please help.
For the healing of myself as well as my brother who suffers with MS and my eight-year-old daughter who is struggling with a separation of her father and myself. All the while our PSW is my 77 year old mother please heal her please heal my brother please kill my daughter please kill myself.
Dear sweet Saint Gemma Galgani please intercede and keep me in your prayers🙏🏻🕊💕
You understand what it is to suffer these back & chronic body pain & our Lord sends you to us as our Patron Saint.
I feel such a beautiful & tender love for you & I thank you for keeping me in your prayers🙏🏻
Please pray that my back problem is healed and my health is restored. Thank you.
Saint Gemma Galgani, Jesus picked you for his suffering on the cross, and reading your life story He loved you so much. My devotion and love for you, is to say your novena daily. You are my patron Saint forever.
Please saint Gemma. Protect me and my family from evil and please guide me to the correct person who will cast out the evil demon and grant me deliverance and healing from evil.
Dear St. Gemma, please heal my husband’s back pain. It is difficult to watch him suffer in pain. Thank You 🙏
Help Daryl, who need your help, your love, your strength, your prayers to Our Heavenly Father. Guide him to the Everlasting Prince of Peace,and please watch over him while he is asleep and in pain.
Dear St.Gemma, please place before our crucified, risen and ascended Savior, Jesus Christ my request that He will heal my soul and tortured body, especially my heart, back and legs. I ask you to intercede, especially, because of the great love and sacrifice you bore for Him when you were on this earth.
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