Saint Gemma in living color
Given the time period of Gemma's life (1878-1903), none of the 5 authentic photographs of her are in color, as obviously this technology was not available at that time. However, on this website and elsewhere there have been a few attempts to colorize them, however these attempts did not seem to capture the correct hair and eye color as described in Padre Enrico Zoffoli's hagigography on Saint Gemma. In his book, "La Povera Gemma" Padre Zoffoli gives the following description of Gemma:
"...She had a rosy complexion, her face shape was more round than oval , and her eyes were sky blue, (p.420) she had well defined lips and jaw, straight nose, large forehead and chestnut color hair in normal amount irregularly parted in the front and gently gathered behind the head. Habitually Gemma had a smile on her lips and her countenance was ever infused by a"veiled melancholy" that revealed the misfortunes and the passions of the young lady's soul. However, this internal sadness was affable and was revealed by her ever lowered eyes and her gaze which was irresistibly attracted and immersed in the mystery of Christ. The five authentic pictures reveal and confirm these descriptions about her....."
It is the "chestnut hair" and "sky blue" eyes that up until now seemed to have escaped the attempts that I have seen at colorizing the official photos. However, Mike from California, a friend in St Gemma, has used his talents and seems to have done quite a good job at bringing lively and true colors into one of the photos (above). I would like to thank him for his work and may God bless him for his efforts.
***Note: You can click on the photo to enlarge it (you can do this with all the photos on this website).
For those interested, I am also attaching to this article some of the other colorized Saint Gemma photos.
The full description of St Gemma can be found here:
"My Jesus, have You become so poor as to want me? And even if You were really so poor, how could I help You? Here I am, my Lord; my body is a handful of dust, yet my Lord makes my soul so great! Oh my soul, praise the passionate love of Jesus, who moved by pity
for my misery, offers me every means to reach His love!" -St Gemma Galgani

Given the time period of Gemma's life (1878-1903), none of the 5 authentic photographs of her are in color, as obviously this technology was not available at that time. However, on this website and elsewhere there have been a few attempts to colorize them, however these attempts did not seem to capture the correct hair and eye color as described in Padre Enrico Zoffoli's hagigography on Saint Gemma. In his book, "La Povera Gemma" Padre Zoffoli gives the following description of Gemma:
"...She had a rosy complexion, her face shape was more round than oval , and her eyes were sky blue, (p.420) she had well defined lips and jaw, straight nose, large forehead and chestnut color hair in normal amount irregularly parted in the front and gently gathered behind the head. Habitually Gemma had a smile on her lips and her countenance was ever infused by a"veiled melancholy" that revealed the misfortunes and the passions of the young lady's soul. However, this internal sadness was affable and was revealed by her ever lowered eyes and her gaze which was irresistibly attracted and immersed in the mystery of Christ. The five authentic pictures reveal and confirm these descriptions about her....."

***Note: You can click on the photo to enlarge it (you can do this with all the photos on this website).
For those interested, I am also attaching to this article some of the other colorized Saint Gemma photos.
The full description of St Gemma can be found here:
"My Jesus, have You become so poor as to want me? And even if You were really so poor, how could I help You? Here I am, my Lord; my body is a handful of dust, yet my Lord makes my soul so great! Oh my soul, praise the passionate love of Jesus, who moved by pity

The man who coloured this photograph sure did a wonderful job!! It brings St. Gemma a little closer to us!
The eyes are a bit too blue for an Italian.
I like the colourized picture of St. Gemma with the green backround. I think that one is very nice, indeed.
Hi Lene, Fran and Father Todd!
Thank you all for your comments.
I think all of these color pictures are nice, each in their own ways. Surely it is really hard to capture her eye color especially. I imagine the "sky blue" that is referred to in Padre Zoffoli's description is probably more of a greyish-blue, that is, not a deep-blue.
Thank you all for your comments!
-Glenn Dallaire
Santa Gema asístenos en todas las tentaciones que se nos presenten para que siempre salgamos victoriosos de todas ellas , te pido por mi hijo Andrés para que lo asistan en su adolescencia para que venza todas las tentaciones propias de la adolescencia y alcance el don de la Santidad ,también te pido por mi esposo Daniel asístelo en toda el área de su sexualidad para que siempre se mantenga puro y limpio de cuerpo ojos, mente y alma
Yes, I like the colorized pictures of Gemma. I write the occasional icon and I would like to know if there is a good proto type I could copy. I would like to do it for my family who are having such wonderful help from St Gemma right now.Writing icons is a wonderful way of getting in touch with the saint or person one is hoping to portray.
Many thanks for the great web site!
Hi srveronica,
Thanks for your comments. I am really glad to hear that St Gemma has been helping your family and that you are enjoying the website.
I have posted here the only icon I have ever seen of St Gemma:
Icon of Saint Gemma
If you click on the picture it will enlarge it.
If ever you do draw an icon of St Gemma I hoipe that you will share it on this website!
Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
-Glenn Dallaire
I read that she had no pupils in her eyes, yet these pics shore she does. What's the truth?
Hello Anonymous (Directly above)
Concerning no pupils, you are thinking of the story of Gemma Giorgini and St Padre Pio--not Gemma Galgani. Padre Pio obtained the restoration of sight for Gemma Giorgini, even though she had no pupils. I have the story on my Mystics of the Church website.
May God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire
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