Prayer Requests
(Update March 2013--Unfortunately the prayer link on the Passionist nuns website is no longer active, however please feel free to enter your prayer intentions in the "Comments" section below, and all of us who visit here will pray for each other, asking Jesus in His infinite love and mercy to grant the intentions and petitions placed here.
Also we can confidently call upon St Gemma for her heavenly assistance, remembering the fact that during her lifetime Gemma too was a layperson like many us, who was beset by illness, sufferings and difficulties, and that she lived her everyday life similar to ours, so we can especially ask her intercession trusting that she will sympathise with our needs, sufferings and desires, and that she will present our prayer intentions before Jesus.
May Jesus grant the prayer intentions of all who visit here. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
May Jesus grant the prayer intentions of all who visit here. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
"Yes, Jesus loves me so much, because my every breath is His, my every desire is His, my every affection is His." -St Gemma Galgani
1 – 200 of 515 Newer› Newest»Please continue praying for healing of my uncle Nikola, he is still in hospital and feels very bad. He still can not walk and move his left hand. Please pray for his complete healing!
Thank you and may God abundantly BLESS YOU
Hi Katarina,
Be assured of my poor prayers for your Uncle Nikola. I will pray that God will strengthen, encourage and guide him.
Union in the hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I am undergoing a deliverance this in mid June - please pray for me. I am very ill with this problem
Dear Anonymous,
I pray for you and your intentions.
I hope you a felling better soon. May God strenghten and protect you.
Union in the hearts and Mary,
prayer for my finances, home protection, home peace, and the protection of all my children kevin maldonado, ruddy maldonado,bridgette diaz, and alex diaz and ruddy de jesus maldonado jr amen thank you, margarita diaz
please pray for softening of hearts of richard, daryl, shirley,
paul t., cheri a., jerry n for conversion to christ and for
bitterness towards others.
Please pray for my mother. She has a mass in her right lung and will have a biopsy on Tuesday. She is very scared and she is elderly and needs the Lord's help. God bless you and keep you for praying for her!
Hi Cheves,
Be assured of my prayers for your mother cocnerning the mass in her right lung and her upcoming biopsy.
May God strengthen her and draw her ever closer to Himself.
Union in the hearts of Jesus and Mary,
-Glenn Dallaire
Lord Jesus, I come before Thee, just as I am, I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In Thy Name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I give Thee my entire self, Lord Jesus, I accept Thee as my Lord God and Savior. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul, and spirit.
Come Lord Jesus, cover me with Thy Precious Blood, and fill me with Thy Holy Spirit, I love Thee Lord Jesus, I praise Thee Lord Jesus, I thank Thee Jesus, I shall follow Thee every day of my life.
Lord, have mercy on me and my kids. Dismiss the case filed against Mickey. Heal my diabetes and Niccolo's arthritis so he can walk again. I pray for my partner that he realize and repent for the pains he had caused us. Fill our family with love, peace and happiness. Thank you for all the blessings You had given us. Amen.
Mary, My Mother, Queen of Peace, all the Angels and Saints, please help me. Amen.
Lord, have mercy on me. I'm diabetic and my toe is scheduled to be amputated tomorrow at 2pm. I asked You my Lord to heal and save my toe. But in case it is Your will, give me the wisdom to understand your message and accept it. I have so much blessings to thank You despite the fact that I had neglected You and my faith was weak. Please forgive my sins and let me forgive those hurt me. Please remove all the pains, anger and bitterness in me. I offer You my life and lead it. Lord be with me and my family always . I pray that there be joy, love and peace in our family. Thank You. I trust in You. Amen
Dear Anonymous,
My prayers are with you. May God heal you if it is His holy will, and may He give you grace and courage in your sufferings.
I pray especially to our Blessed Mother for you.
Union n the hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire
Can you, please, fervently pray
God gives promises, and I know He is FAITHFUL!
I am sure when your prayers join mine will surely receive a miracle. I am praying with Faith and please help me in this.
Thank you very much. God bless you. I pray for you. Praise the Lord for He hear prayers and answer on it.
Can you, please, fervently pray
God gives promises, and I know He is FAITHFUL!
I am sure when your prayers join mine will surely receive a miracle. I am praying with Faith and please help me in this.
Thank you very much. God bless you. I pray for you. Praise the Lord for He hear prayers and answer on it.
I have a private prayer request that I've written up on a sheet of paper, related to physical healing. Please pray that God will fully, powerfully answer this prayer request--pray that He'll answer far beyond my expectations. I can't mention what it is here, but pray that God will reveal what it's for to the right intercessors, so they can pray clearly about it. Pray that everywhere I send this prayer request, that God will draw a lot of powerful intercessors to pray fervently about it, with a lot of faith.--Seth.
Hi Seth,
I offer my poor prayers for your intentions. May God draw you ever closer to Himself.
Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire
Dear fellow Catholics:
My business partner (Krishna Mohan)is down with cancer. This cancer has returned again. I am scared and worried because my business and life depends on his recovery. Please pray that he will be healed.
Dear Antoni,
I am sorry to hear of the return of cancer in your buisness partner Krishna. May God in His merrcy grant the grace that you are seeking and may God strengthen and help Krishna.
Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire
My prayer is that this one special guy comes back into my life to see if we could work as a pair or not, so that I could finally have some positive closure to him good or bad. My other request is that I'm 41 years old, and I cannot find any guy who I would love to marry. I'm a good person and Catholic, but I cannot find the right, loving guy to share my life with. I desperately need God to help me find him. Thank you for your prayers.
Dear Anonymous,
Be assured of my poor prayers for the intention of finding your "soul mate". And I encourage you to keep praying to God through our Blessed Mother, and St Gemma, that our blessed Lord may lead you to your soul-mate, but most of all, of course, that God's will may be done in all things in your life.
As a child and teenager, my mother in law taught my wife when she was a young girl to often pray to the Blessed Mother that She may lead her to her soul-mate, at the right moment---and look at the treasure that she ended up with! (ha, ha)
But really though, as you probaly know it has been a long tme Catholic practise to pray to God to guide one to one's soul-mate.
For example, St Ann is the Patroness in Quebec and there is a silly saying amongst some of the French who originate from there----"Good St Ann, please find me a man as fast as you can!"
....it is silly, for sure, but the intention of prayer behind it is certainly meanigful.
I have read that in the confessional, when people used to ask St Padre Pio for guidence concerning their desire to marry, St Padre Pio often told people to pray for God to lead and direct them to their intended spouse.
May God bless you,
Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glen Dallaire
Please pray for my friend michelle she has had an IVF and is expecting twins who will be taken out in the 34week when the lungs are not fully developed. She needs a lot of prayers.
Dear Prema,
I pray for your friend Michelle and her soon to be born twins. May God bless and strenghthen them.
Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire
We have a spiritual camp (06.11-06.13.2010). To the camp comes people who are alcoholics or drug addicts. I hope, that you praying that Jesus saves, heals and frees them. And that all will go well.
Dear Anonymous,
I will be sure to pray for this intention during this evenings rosary, and I hope others who read this will do the same.
May God bless you and yours,
Glenn Dallaire
I have prayer requests:
To not be possessed by the enemy any more, and, for my inner child to feel better (all the time.)
Dear Anonymous,
I unite with you in prayer for your intentions. May God bless you and may He draw you ever closer to Himself.
-Glenn Dallaire
My dear St. Joseph, please intercede for me and help me pray to our heavenly Father to grant my requests. I pray to Our Lord Jesus to help me get an employment in congress soon so I can support the needs of my children. Lord, with the strength you have given me, I know that as single parent, me and my children will survive every trials that comes. We have faith in You and we entrust our whole life with you. You are are our Lord, Savior and God. Please cover us always with your precious blood and fill us with your Holy Spirit. St. Joseph, Mama Mary, all the angels and saints, please help us. Amen.
Please please pray for me and Gabriele's broken relationship. I love this man very deeply and feel he is the man of my life. i strongly desire to be re-united with him and have our relationship consecrated.
Gabriele is having trouble forgiving and letting go of past resentments and has fears and doubts but I know he loves me and he is just scared.
Please pray that he may be able to look forward with hope and fearless commitment to me and that we may re-find peace and harmony together.
I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ who all things are possible! Amen.
Dear Chiara,
I pray for reconciliation and forgiveness between you and Gabriele.
May God bless you,
Glenn Dallaire
Thank you for all your prayers & dedication of praying and being an obedient servant of GOD!
St. Pio, we beg you to pray and intercede for us with Mama Mary, St. Joseph and all saints to help me and my children overcome all trials that come our way.
Lord Jesus, I beg you to save to save the souls of my dad, mom , Jackie and my other relatives/ friends who had left this world to join your kingdom.
Lord Jesus, I earnestly ask You to save us from sins, dangers and illness.
Lord Jesus, pass through our house and take away all our worries. Heal us and watch us always.
Lord Jesus, in Your name, cover us with Your precious blood and heal the addiction of my son to alcohol and marijuana. I beg You to keep him away from people with evil influences and habits.
Lord Jesus, I pray for peace and love in our family, home and our country.
Lord Jesus, I pray for happiness in our family.
Lord Jesus, I pray for the father of my children that he may soon realized his wrongdoings and repent soon. May he leave his other woman and go back to us. Please put us always in his mind and heart so he will miss us always.
Lord Jesus, please bless our home, my children and the people around me.
Lord Jesus, please bless our businesses especially our dormitory. I pray that the vacant rooms and spaces we are leasing be filled this week. Send serious and good people to rent our place.
Lord Jesus, I pray for the people I’m dealing with in business. May our transactions be successful and done.
Lord Jesus, shine the light of the resources for me to meet my debts and obligations.
I beg You to help me find a way to produce at least P 300,000.00 for our tour in hongkong and for the tuition fee of my son. Please show me the way.
Lord Jesus, heal my diabetes and its other complications like my feet, legs, heart and head aches. Please help me practice discipline in my food.
Lord Jesus, heal my son who had suffering from Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Heal his limitations and give us both the strength.
We love you Lord Jesus, we praise and thank you. Amen.
Please pray for me that my husband and I may be able to conceive a baby, we have been trying for a year. PLEASE!!!
Dear Anonymous,
I pray that through the intercession of Saint Gemma that God may bless you and your husband with a baby. And may God draw you ever closer to Himself.
-Glenn Dallaire
By the Holy Wounds of Our Lord, may Richard's 8 wounds be healed, may he be converted to the Catholic Faith, may God's will be done in our relationship and marriage, and may the Blessed Virgin, St. Joseph most chaste, and St. Michael the Archangel keep him from sin
Please pray for my husband, Donald who is in the Army and serving in Afghanistan. Pray for his safety and also please pray that his heart may be changed so he will be a loving and kind husband to me. Thank you so much.
May God bless and protect Donald, and may He draw him ever closer to Himself and inspire him to be a good husband.
In Jesus name, amen. +
"please all nuns pray this with me, Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. i understand that sin is breaking of Gods commandments, and i understand that Christ died on the cross to pay for the punishment of my sins. I understand that i cannot earn my way into heaven thru good works for ephesians 2:8-9 says for it is by grace alone we are saved. i understand that sin is like lieing, stealing, etc. i have sinned against you and i deserve hell but Christ you proved your love to me on the cross by dieing and shedd your blood so that i could receive forgiveness of sins and rose on the third day to show that i can come from a sinful life and walk in a new life if i receive you into my heart so hOly Spirit i ask you to come into my heart today and i confess all known sins to you today and ask you to show me how to share the gospel with others and show others that we need to recognize our evils, turn from our sins, and understand it is thru the cross that we can receive forgiveness and we cannot earn bonus points with God, it is an act of surrender of will to receive HOly Spirit in our lives."
Sisters I come to you for help. My husband is in the pitts of depression. He is a great man but when he falls low I am scared for him. I have tried everything to help him, but I realize it is only God who can help him. Please stand in agreement with me as I lift him to our Father. Please ask God to help him find his inner fight. We need him to lead us up, we need his laughter, we need his smile! Please pray for unity and for love and for peace within our family! Thank you sisters! God bless!
I pray that God may bless and strengthen your husband, and may He draw your husband and your family ever closer to Himself.
In Jesus name, Amen. +
Glenn Dallaire
Mama Mary, all he angels and saints, please intercede and pray with me to beg Our Father and Lord Jesus Christ to heal my son son from his addiction to drugs and alcohol. Please keep him away from people with bad influence and habits. Please give him the strength to fight this addiction and reject his friends who is in this kind of addiction. Lord, I beg you to come to his life and make him a changed man in body soul and spirit. Lord, let him realized his wrong doings and repent. Lord have mercy on us. Amen.
Please intercede and help pray to our Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus give my son the strength to overcome his bad habits, clear his vision to righteousness, and the will to overcome obstacles. Please keep him away from evil people. Sacred of Jesus, I put all my trust in You. Lord Jesus and all the angels and saints, please help Mickey. Amen
MY young adult son Patrick is a good young man who is in a critical period of his life as he begins a difficult career in the law but also as he seeks to find his soulmate/spouse. I think he has a difficult time navigating in the world with its values opposing our Catholic values.I ask for prayers that the Holy Spirit will fill him and guide him to his intended soulmate who will support him as a Catholic. I will pray for you, also.
Hi Bill,
Thanks for your message. I offer my poor prayers for your son Patrick---may God bless and guide him, and may He draw Patrick ever closer to Himself.
Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire
Thank you for your selfless prayer and support. I will pray for your intentions always!
Please continue to pray for Richard. There are so many issues in his life at the moment and I believe mental illness also. Please ask God to heal him and may God's Will be done in his life. May Our Lady spread her mantle around him and protect him from evil and sin.
May God strengthen and guide Richard, and draw him ever closer into His Sacred Heart.
-Glenn Dallaire
Prayer Intention!
Slow Recovery from the Death of Our Only Son and Other Ongoing Daily Hardships and Other Ongoing Sorrows...
Dear Community of Prayer,
Thank you for praying!
Please if Possible?
Can you include my wife and I in the daily prayers of the Community in the days ahead..2011,12...or as long as possible?? God's Healing,Protecting Peace and Hope in our broken hearts,health and shattered lives made harder by severe financial stress! Feel free to pass or e-mail our prayer request on to other Communities(Women&Men) of Prayer that you know of in the World?? Thank you! Bill and Carol. PS. We will pray for you!
I pray for the intentions of Bill, Carol and their loved ones. May God strengthen and help them, in Jesus name, Amen.
Please pray with me. I need miracles.
Heavenly Father, my dear Lord, we thank you for the tremendous gift you have given JP and me in the form of our relationship together. Free our hearts and spirits to embrace, trust, and adore the love we receive from each other, and please see to it that there are no longer any limits to our love or impingements in the expression of our love for each other. Remove all boundaries and barriers and bring us together united as one in love and devotion to God through each other. Immerse JP and I in intense and beautiful love for the Lord, and through God for each other, every second of every day. Please give us amazing quality time to spend with each other every day. Enable us to grow in our intimacy, romance, connection, and commitment to/with each other through You. Teach us the beauty of forgiveness so we may become more and more one in heart, spirit and intellect, and trust each other without hesitation. Strengthen our communication with each other and help us become living signs of the love You have for each of us--validating, uplifting, and making each other's happiness and commitment to the relationship our absolutely priority. Please provide all the resources we need to achieve success and longevity in our relationship. Help us to be examples of commitment, love, care, and service to each other and the world. Make us a sign of the unity which Jesus prays for at the Last Supper. We open ourselves to the guidance and the miracles of grace offered by Your Holy Spirit, who empowers us to love each other in Jesus' name and walk in His footsteps. For a life together with joy, light, romance, connection and full immersion in love for/with each other, I request humbly and say Thank You! In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN!
Please, Lord, provide for me that I quickly find full time employment that I enjoy and which pays me a lot of money. Please see to it that the business endeavor JP and I are currently working on is successful and bears fruit for us for the rest of our long lives. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN!
Please, Lord, ensure that I lose a significant amount of weight quickly and healthily. That my body have the endurance and strength to bring me the beautiful body I've always dreamed of. I am thankful to God for my body. Please see to it that everytime I look at myself I am proud of and confident in what I see. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN!
I exalt your name and I trust in your speedy grace. I love you, My Dear God. THANK YOU!
What a beautiful prayer....may God grant your petitions according to His holy will. In Jesus name, Amen +
I have thinning hair and still have some scars from old chicken pox on my forehead, freckles, acne and some scars on my cheeks..
i would like to have new healthy, clear and beautiful skin without scars and get healthy hair.
Please pray for me to heal my face from scars and freckles and make my hair thicker and longer.
I am only 23 years old girl
Thank you
Dear Anonymous,
I am praying for your intentions, especially during the holy rosary.
God hears your prayer and will answer it according to His holy will.
There are many pretty young women in the world, but whose souls are not pretty at all....beauty on the outside, but their inside is dirty because of their willfull sins.
Remember also what St Gemma always said "The soul first, and then the body"
-St Gemma, pray for us!
Glenn Dallaire
Hello everyone,
It has been three months after my wedding. My wife 'D',has been diagonised with failed ovaries and ovarian cancer. Doctors have advised us that having children is not possible.
Also, my wife and her family did hide the fact that she had only periods twice the year before her wedding. I do no want to lose her but my parents insist that this marriage is void and is talking to different church people. I am confused and cannot make a decision.
I request every one to pray that my wife who is undergoing chemotherapy to miraculously get her ovaries functioning properly, so that we can lead a family life praising christ.
For her to have a miraculous recovery making her capable of having children
For me to keep her and forgive everything
Thanks in advance for all your prayers. I need them badly
Hello everyone,
It has been three months after my wedding. My wife 'D',has been diagonised with failed ovaries and ovarian cancer. Doctors have advised us that having children is not possible.
Also, my wife and her family did hide the fact that she had only periods twice the year before her wedding. I do no want to lose her but my parents insist that this marriage is void and is talking to different church people. I am confused and cannot make a decision.
I request every one to pray that my wife who is undergoing chemotherapy to miraculously get her ovaries functioning properly, so that we can lead a family life praising christ.
For her to have a miraculous recovery making her capable of having children
For me to keep her and forgive everything
Thanks in advance for all your prayers. I need them badly
Hi Alex,
I offer my poor pryers for you and your wife, especially for her healing. May God bless, guide and help you.
-Glenn Dallaire
My brother in law Mike has had a stroke at a young age and his life is in peril tonight. His family desperately needs him and I beg you to please pray for him, please! I thank you so much.
Your brother in law Mike and your family are in my prayers. May God strengthen, guide and help you.
-Glenn Dallaire
My girlfriend, who is my best friend has been diagnosed with a serious mental illness known as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). When I met her, she started developing symptoms that included rage and depression. Everyday, I did research, contacted professionals, and eventually got her into therapy. The therapy never seemed to make much of a difference, and the symptoms just kept getting worse. Soon she developed anxiety, rage, depression, mood swings, identity lapses, and suicidal thoughts. Then she started pushing away the people she cared about, mentors, friends, and even me. One day I got her to come with me to a hospital for a diagnosis. Her family does not support her treatment. In fact, the doctors believe that the abuse she suffered at the hands of her mother,as well as watching her father violently abuse her mother are the catalyst for her disorder. We were so in love, and when she breaks free of the symptoms, she lets me know too that she loves me. I pray that God give her the fortitude, strength, courage, and trust, to overcome the mood swings and embrace those who want to help her to recovery. I ask that guardian angels protect her from those who seek to comfort her with things that will hurt her, like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, or pretending that nothing is wrong. I pray that her route to recovery is successful. Lastly I pray that we are reunited again in love, which is one of God's greatest emotional gifts to humanity. I appreciate all prayers for this urgent cause. God Bless you, and thank you.
Please pray for LLOYD to get a interview call,get selected and start working.may god grant him good working conditions,cooperative staff and also stability in the job.he has been suffering interiorly for the past many years with hurtful memories and never been successful.he has been badly hit with disappointment and failure all his life.please pray for his emotional healing and also for his bright future.please pray for him to the lord and remember him each day in god’s presence.thank you.
Dear Anonymous(2nd message above this one)
Your girlfriend is very fortunate to have such a caring boyfriend to look after her and care for her.
I pray that God might help and guide the both of you, and may He especially help your girlfriend with her mental and emotional difficulties, and may He sanctify your relationship.
Union in the hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Dear Anonymous,
I pray for all the intentions for Lloyd that you requested. May God grant this according to His holy will.
In Jesus name, AMEN. +
Please pray for the healing of all difficult marriages, esp. mine. Pray for a decrease of divorce esp. in America
Please pray for Jennifer H return to the church .That God may free her from the power of the evil one . For our reunification and recepttion of the sacrament of Holy Matrimony
Please pray for Jennifer H return to the church .That God may free her from the power of the evil one . For our reunification and recepttion of the sacrament of Holy Matrimony
Dear dyankeexx,
May God lead Jennifer back into His holy Church and the true faith, and for the reunification of each other and the reception of marriage, accordinag to His holy will.
In Jesus name, AMEN +
please pray for my son in law who has prostrate cancer also my friends father has cancer.
please pray much for the healing of my father, he got sick very seriously all of a sudden some weeks ago.
please pray for us, our families and friends, for the grace that any evil or curse sent to us may be broken. We were told so, and some time later many bad things started to happen, people died, got sick, struggling, much hatred came into many lives...
please pray for us, th
That debi will be healed completely that George will work to be a better husband dad and that Christ truely comes into his life as the leader of his life.That Cynthia's cats are adopted and that mary will come to know christ as her savior and love her neigbors as herself in Jesus name amen
Please pray that Dan's job remains stable and that he is able to maintain employment
Please pray for a miracle for me, Please pray for me. Pray I am lead to safety and goodness.
May God bless and answer all the prayers of those who have made requests here.
We ask this in Jesus name, AMEN +
Please pray for a young deacon who has been going through long-lasting doubts, great fear and depression in his vocation,he doesnt have any strength to find help. Please pray that Lord pour out all needed blessing and a light of Holy Spirit on him. God bless you!+
Dear Anonymous,
God knows I too have suffered with doubts and uncertainty at times...
-Oh how our human frailty and humanity weighs so heavy upon us at times! And the veil between us and heaven often seems drawn so tight...but then God in His kindness and mercy always seems to help and encourage us in unexpected ways, giving us love, light and peace, especially when we call upon Him with sincerity...
May God bless you and may He draw you ever closer to Himself, in Jesus name, AMEN.
-Glenn Dallaire
For the repose of the souls of Dee Dee, Johnny, and Joey Ramone. Thank you for your prayers, and God bless you always. Amen.
Mama Mary, I pray for and her o cover hour intercession. Please help and give Manang Cely the strength overcome all obstacles . I beg the Your Son Lord Jesus to cover her with His precious blood. Please send the saints and angels to be with us tomorrow and me the Lord bless the release of their funds with no more delays and obstacles. We offer this special day for You and Your son. Amen.
Please pray for me ....I am praying for a miracle that my boyfriend Victor of over a year and half come back to my life soon, he left me because I had vaginismus. He’s aware that I got help and I’m now cured. Please pray for us to reconcile and reunite and start a family.
Also please pray that I find a better job soon so I could take care of myself and my parents.
Thank you and God bless.
Thank you, Glenn, for this prayer request site and thank you for praying for so many people!
Please pray for the strength of my marriage. Outside negative influences are coming between us. I ask that new, positive influences will enter our lives to guide us to a strong marriage very, very soon. I pray that my husband will make our marriage the priority that it deserves to be every day. God, please bless our communication skills so we can work through these difficult times together and become a stronger couple, as you always intended for us to be.
I love a girl Perla from Paraguay, I live in India. She loves me too but is afraid to wait for me because of the distance and because of other boys who are proposing to her in her country.I need prayers for my love to stay strong and for our relationship to be real. I really love her and want to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her. I need to get a job in her country or close to her. I don't want to lose her.I don't want her to be an illusion or a dream. I love her too much and I don't feel strong if I lose her.Everyday i feel her going further away from me.At times she reciprocates my love but at others she is distant and cold. She wants me when she is sad but when she is happy she keeps me away. I need to understand her heart. I love her with all my heart and am ready to sacrifice everything for her.I am praying daily to win her love.Since the last few days she has got closer to a boy younger than her and i am afraid that i will lose her now. Please pray that she loves me truly. I am saving money to visit her next year, but before I do visit her I really need to know what is truly in her heart. I don't want to lose her now because I have promised my heart and soul to her. I really need God's help to win her love and to spend the rest of my life with her.
Lord Jesus, I beg to have mercy on Mickey. Please dismiss the case filed against him and let him change for the better. Guide and be with him always. I also pray for Cely and Ernesto, that their funds will be released on the 27th of Dec. without delays and obstacles. Increase our faith, understanding and patience.Thank you so much.
Hi Glenn
My wife Erin left me a long time ago. I still have the hope she might have a change of heart. Please pray that she accepts Jesus as her Lord and Saviour and returns to me. Also my mother had a brain tumor removed and she has never has fully recovered. Please pray for her full recovery. Please ask Saint Gemma for her prayers.
Is there a way I can ask the Passionist Nuns of Lucca to put these requests at Saint Gemmas' tomb?
Hi Michele,
Thank you for your comments.
Yes, the Passionist nuns in Lucca, Italy often place prayer intentions at the tomb of St Gemma, which is, as you know, beneath the main altar of the Monastery church.
You can mail them your prayer intention. The address of the Passionist monastery is:
Monastero-Santuario Santa Gemma
Fuori Porta Elisa
55100, Lucca
I offer my poor prayers for the return of your wife, and also for the full recovery of your mother.
Best wishes and may God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire
May God bless you and your family Glenn. Thank you.
Prayer to the blessed Virgin(never known to fail)Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my Mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity (Help my daughter Barbara to find a good husband. Direct her to a companion who will appreciate her and requite her love. Also, please help her with the current job). There are none that can withstand your power. Oh, Mary conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to thee (3times). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands. (3 times) Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and the request will be granted. The prayer must be published
Please pray for the conversion of my family that they will return to Jesus and Mary soon. There's so much animosity and self-centeredness. Also, please pray for Jay's healing & acceptance of Jesus in his life. I pray that he comes back to me with true love through God.
Thank you.
Please, pray:
That Our Lord God strength the relationship between Dejan M. and me!
That any barriers between us will be removed permanently and that we may have a lifetime of happpiness and love together!
Thank you for all your prayers
May God bless you always!
Katarina from Belgrade in Serbia
I have a prayer request for my grandmother, Rosa, who is currently in her late 70s. She is having open heart surgery on Friday March 16th. This procedure lasts anywhere between 6 and 8 hours. It is a high risk surgery but if all goes well she is promised at least another 10 years of healthy life. Please keep her in your prayers.
Along with her, please keep my mother, Angelica, in your prayers. Her mother is my grandmother who is getting this surgery done. My mother hasn't seen her mother seen her mother in over 2 years because she lives halfway around the world and travel is expensive and extra money has been difficult to come by. Please pray for my mother so that God may be with her on Friday and help calm her while my grandmother is being operated.
Thank you and God bless,
Hi Laura,
I pray that all may go well with your grandmothers upcoming heart surgery and also I pray for your mom, Angelica---may Jesus strengthen and help them. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
-Glenn Dallaire
Please help me pray for a restoration of my relationship with my boyfriend. That God will take away his pride and will come back to me already. Please also pray for my mom, Belle, to be healthy again. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you all. Amen.
Hi Kitty,
I pray for the intentions you requested---may Jesus hear and answer them according to His most holy will. In Jesus Name, AMEN +
-Glenn Dallaire
Please, pray:
That Our Lord God strength the relationship between Dejan M. and me!
That any barriers between us will be removed permanently and that we may have a lifetime of happpiness and love together!
That all weapons formed against our relationship shall not prosper, in the name of Jesus!
Thank you for all your prayers
May God bless you always!
Katarina from Belgrade in Serbia
To All Passionist Nuns,
Please pray for two of my dearest friends, Colton and Jim. They needs all the good thoughts they can get!
Colton is in coma since he had a skate board accident while Jim S had a cancer of the lungs state 3 and his prognosis is not good. St. Gemma Galgani, please keep your hand on them at all times. Amen.
Please help me pray for my ailing mother,
Teresita Baculio Raganot.
God willing I still want her to live.
I offer to God my 20 years of unused life just for her to live healthily and joyfully.
She is suffering from acute kidney failure
and other complications, and excreting blood in her bowels. She is weaker each day.
But nothing is impossible with GOD.
I have fully entrust my faith in Him and offer all my prayers,
my longings, my pains,
my sins, my joys, my children, my whole life.
St Gemma Galgani please pray for my mother.
all for God. all for His greater honor and glory.
Please pray for Kelly and Brian, a wonderful, young couple who broke up over a fight with some hurtful words that he couldn't forgive her for saying. He is full of hurt and anger. He also needs prayers for depression.
Please let Steve recover his normal sleep patterns and recover from anxiety and depression.
Please pray St Anthony, St Rita, St Jude with the Blessed Mother for the recovery of my mother. Please place this petition before Our Lord that my mother will recover and live a long and happy and healthy life. Please pray St Anthony, ST Jude, St Rita and Our Blessed mother for the health of my father. Please place this pray before Our Lord for my father to live a long and healthy and happy life.
Please pray St Anthony, St Rita, St Jude with the Blessed Mother for the recovery of my mother. Please place this petition before Our Lord that my mother will recover and live a long and happy and healthy life. Please pray St Anthony, ST Jude, St Rita and Our Blessed mother for the health of my father. Please place this pray before Our Lord for my father to live a long and healthy and happy life. Please please pray for my parents.
Please, pray:
That Our Lord God strength the relationship between Dejan M. and me!
Thank you!Praying for you! Blessings!
Katarina from Belgrade in Serbia
Please please St Anthony pray for my mother and her recover. Pray that the doctor's can help my mother recover from this bleeding. Please pray that the bleeding will stop. Please pray that my mother will recover. Please pray in conjunction with St Rita, St Jude and St Padre Pio to place this pray before Our Blessed Lady so she my have her son help my mother recover.
Please pray St Anthony, St Rita, St Jude with the Blessed Mother for the recovery of my mother. Please place this petition before Our Lord that my mother will recover and live a long and happy and healthy life. Please pray St Anthony, ST Jude, St Rita and Our Blessed mother for the health of my father. Please place this pray before Our Lord for my father to live a long and healthy and happy life. Please please pray for my parents.
Please pray to St Rita, St Jude & St Anthony. Please pray for the recovery of my mother. Please pray to ST Rita, St Jude & St Anthony for the health of my father. Please pray that Our Blessed Lady places these prayers before her son. Please pray for my mother to recover her health & to have the bleeding stop & that she will live a long & healthy & happy life. Please pray for my father who had a stroke last year & is therefore my mother. Please pray he has a long & healthy & happy life.
Please pray to St Rita, St Jude & St Anthony. Please pray for the recovery of my mother. Please pray to ST Rita, St Jude & St Anthony for the health of my father. Please pray that Our Blessed Lady places these prayers before the feet of her son. Please pray for my mother to recover her health and to have the bleeding stop and that she will live a long and healthy and happy life. Please pray for my father who had a stroke last year Please pray he has a long and healthy and happy life
Respected prayer team,
I earnestly ask of you to pray from your hearts on my behalf. I want all my negative relationships to end and to lead a life filled with positive people who at least meet me halfway. I want smooth success and prosperity in my healing work ahead and let me get my certifications for healing work quickly. Please also pray for my good health.
Glory to God,
Vivekanandan Doraiswamy
St Rita, St Jude St Anthony please please pray for my parents. Please pray that their health issues will be resolved and that they will live a long and healthy and happy life. Please pray that the heart health issues and anxiety that my mother has will not be as great. Please pray that the melanoma my father has will be able to be localized and not be bad. Please pray to Our Blessed mother to place these prayers before her son . Please pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for my parents and their health.
St Rita, St Jude St Anthony please please pray for my parents. Please pray that their health issues will be resolved & that they will live a long & healthy & happy life. Please pray that the heart health issues & anxiety that my mother has will not be as great. Please pray that the melanoma my father has will be able to be localized & not be bad. Please pray to Our Blessed mother to place these prayers before her son . Please pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for my parents and their health.
I have been single for 7 years and would finally like to meet someone who is a good catholic man to my daughter and me and would marry me. I am single mother to my 6 year old and we are completely alone. Please pray for us..
Please pray for my son who has made some serious mistakes with this ex-girlfriend. He truly loves her and wishes she would give him another chance. He is a changed man and would love her eternally if given the chance. Please, dear St. Gemma, please give him that chance. Thank you for being there to help in the past. I am confident you will help us again.
St Rita, St Jude St Anthony please please pray for my parents. Please pray that they will recover their health & that they will live a long & healthy & happy life. Please pray that the heart health issues & anxiety that my mother has will not be as great. Please pray that the melanoma my father has will be able to be localized & not be bad. Please pray to Our Blessed mother to place these prayers before her son . Please pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for my parents and their health.
St Rita, St Jude St Anthony please please pray for my parents. Please pray that they will recover their health & that they will live a long & healthy & happy life. Please pray that the heart health issues & anxiety that my mother has will not be as great. Please pray that the melanoma my father has will be able to be localized & not be bad. Please pray to Our Blessed mother to place these prayers before her son . Please pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for my parents and their health.
First of all thank you lord for keeping my husband safe during the hurricane sandy..Please pray for restoration of my marriage may we received the sacrament of matrimony,we just got married thru civil rites..guidance and protection of my loved ones especially my husband danilo who is working in abroad and bring him home safely always..may he come home next yr in march 2013 ...keep him away from any temptations..give us good health and good job for my husband so we can continue to help others..financial blessings so we can pay our debts..a bright future for my children and a good followers of Good..for a successful visa application of my son erickson at US embassy..thank you!
Please pray for my mother and her recovery from heart surgery and the nose bleed and the anxiety. Please pray that she recovers. Please pray for my father and the melanoma that they will be able to get it all on his surgery this week. Please pray for my sister and that she will be ok.
pls pray dear saint for a godly man to come into my life and may we recognize each other when that moment comes… Let me love him the way he should be loved. May he find me and may I be the godly woman that he is praying for. I ask all this in the name of Jesus, the author and King of perfect love.
Dear mama Mary I Thank you for everything that you have Bless me with… Bless help me to pass me exam with gud mrks & a gud 5age..Please pass me in Cognition & my Graduation You have always been ther & watched me as if im a baby leaning to walk Please Bless my with a job in JP Morgan or in a company where I can earn 25k to 30k every month . Ypou know that I w have to pay my MBA Fees &also I can complete m courses , invest & save for the future You know all my ambitions & my plans I want to do MBA in Travel & Tourism, MBA in Media , wedding Planner Course, Fashion Designing & Interior Designing, Art U know wht is in my head bt im just a middle class girl & don’t have so much of money Please help me to learn Candle making & center pieces & earn a lot of money Mary help me to fulfill all my needs You have always been there for me Give me my eye sight (normal vison & my memory bk) Also Bless, heal Chris, Christabelle, Scarlet, Sharmin, Shiyin, &all thos people who are kidnapped Please break open the doors & lead them to freedom Please all those people in America especially those who want to keep their home bt the Invester rule doesn’t allow modification or bcaz they don’t have money or a job in their hands u know,, please & make them them come close to God, u & Jesus May they confess that Jesus is r Lord & bow b4 him heal them from all dieases Please bless heal & protect their little children & puppies .. please Bless, Heal & Protect aus, Cnada , Uk, America, Paris , Venius, Italy, France, New Zealand, switzerland, Nigeria, Afirca & my county India.. ther are a lot of bad things happening here mama Pease look into our country & protect us all & rcv our sould in paradise.. There is none that can With Stand You Power Amen Bless all the people in America Make them come back to jesus & worship Jesus Especially all who hate him or don’t know him Wash them with your Son’s precious blood & sent His Holy Spirit upon them & All those people who are in the remote parts of the World Make them known to Jesus Send His Hopy Spirit upon them
Please continue to pray for my son and his ex-girlfriend, that their hearts will heal and they will find their way back to each other. Please also pray for their safety as they are both police officers.
St. Gemma, pray for us.
Please please please pray for my mother. She has had two open heart surgeries this year and my father had a stroke last fall and has had two cancer surgeries this year. My mother now has a bad cold. please please pray to the Blessed Mother for her to lay this prayer before her son for my parents health.
Please pray for my mother and father. They both have health issues ad my mother has had two aortic dissections this year. She was also in the hosptial for a bleeding issue . Please pray for her health. Please pray for the health of my father who has had a number of melanoma surgeries this year and a stroke last year. Please pray for his health. Please pray that they recover their health. Pray for health.
I am asking for prayers for my parents. my mother has had two open heart surgeries this year for aortic dissection and my father has had melanoma surgeries and last year he had a stroke. Now he has cellulitis. please pray to Our Blessed Lady and st Rita and St Anthony and St Jude to lay this prayer before Jesus for Health for my parents.
I am asking for prayers for my parents. my mother has had two open heart surgeries this year for aortic dissection and my father has had melanoma surgeries and last year he had a stroke. Now he has cellulitis. please pry to Our Blessed Lady and st Rita and St Anthony and St Jude to lay this prayer before Jesus for Health for my parents.
Dear Anonymous,
May Jesus hear and answer your prayers for your mother and father. I ask this in Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
I humbly ask again that you please continue to pray for my son. His (and her) hearts are continuing the healing process. Needless to say, the tragedy of last Friday has made all of us realize how short and how truly precious life is. Being that both of them are police officers, they see and experience tragedies every day. That is why I ask your prayers that they heal and not be distracted by their broken hearts so as not to compromise their safety and the safety of those that they are entrusted to protect and to serve. My daily prayers to St. Gemma are asking her to please help their hearts to heal and help them to find love again, if not with each other, than with someone else. As each day goes by, the healing continues, and I am confident that it is because of your prayers. Thank you for your continued prayers. It is so very much appreciated. May the peace of Christ be with you during the Christmas season.
St. Gemma, pray for us.
I am asking for prayers for my parents. my mother has had two open heart surgeries this year for aortic dissection and my father has had melanoma surgeries and last year he had a stroke. Now he has cellulitis. please pry to Our Blessed Lady and st Rita and St Anthony and St Jude to lay this prayer before Jesus for Health for my parents.
Please Lord, Mother Mary, St. Athony, all thethe angrls and saints, i am humbly asking for prayers for my husband. He is lost and confused, taking prescriptions for depression, alcohol, maybe drugs. I ask that you help him find his way home so we can help him heal and recover. Please, i do not want a divorce. Please, help my husband find his way back home to me. In Your Name I Pray, Amen.
Mary Jesus & God Please please protect us from the IRA, the Limerick sect have murderd 200 000 000 innocent people as hard Satanism over the last 150 years, I am the target, They use the demonic trinity (whom ive met) to glasshouse me. I live 3 km from the offical fallen Marian of Nursing shrine, they say the local IRA clerics orchrastrated the Holocost. They try to instutionalise me to torture me with nerve drugs when they can, its the glasshousing otherwise. Our lives are a living hell. Mary Jesus and God please help us.
I humbly ask again to please continue to pray for my son. His broken heart is healing slowly, but surely. Please pray that he heals and he can find love again. I really appreciate your prayers.
St. Gemma, pray for us
I pray to find peace of mind and for a light at the tunnel soon
May Jesus in His infinite love and mercy grant the prayers and intentions of those who visit here. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
Please, pray:
That Our Lord God strength the relationship between Dejan M. and me!
That any barriers between us will be removed permanently and that we may have a lifetime of happpiness and love together!
That all weapons formed against our relationship shall not prosper, in the name of Jesus!
Thank you for all your prayers
May God bless you always!
Katarina from Belgrade in Serbia
Mary Jesus & God Please please protect us from the IRA clerics, the Limerick sect have murderd 200 000 000 innocent people as hard Satanism over the last 150 years, I am the target, They use the demonic trinity (whom ive met) to glasshouse me. I live 3 km from the offical fallen Marian of Nursing shrine, they say the local IRA clerics orchrastrated the Holocost. They try to instutionalise me to torture me with nerve drugs when they can, its the glasshousing otherwise. Our lives are a living hell. Mary Jesus and God please help us.
Please pray to Our Blessed Lady with St Rita, St Jude and St Anthony for the health of my parents. My mother has had two heart surgeries this year and a few other issues. My father had a stroke last year and three cancer surgeries on his head this year. He underwent skin cancer surgery on his face. Please pray for health for them and for me. Please help in my stress and my worry. Help me stop these. Please help with the costochondritis and the headache.
My little sister is very ill and i am sufferring from anxiety,insomnia and obsessive compulsive disorder please pray along with me and my family for our deliverance
Please continue to pray for my son and his ex girlfriend for healing and forgiveness in their hears and that they can find love again. If its not God's will that they should be together, then please help them to find true love with someone new. The are both police officers. Please also pray for their safety
Dear Sisters-
Thank you for your prayer ministry. I worked for the Church as a Pastoral Associate for 13 years and as a mandated reporter had to report my boss (the priest) for touching a boy inappropriately and he had pictures of naked children on his camera. The Diocese told me to report it to the police. After I reported it, I was bullied out of my job. I am concerned because this boy is still visiting the priest in his rectory suite. Please pray that those who are investigating will be effective in their investigation. THANK YOU for your PRAYERS! A BLESSED LENT TO YOU!
Pray that the bleeding in my pelvic area will stop that I will ne healed of cancer. Be made whole again anything in my body that god did not place will disappear. My son relationship with his girlfriend will be restored. My finances will be reinstated to get my car out of the shop.
May Jesus grant the prayers and intentions of all those who visit here. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
I humbly ask that you please continue to pray for my son and his ex-girlfriend. They both still love each other and are hopeful they can reconcile. Please pray that they are able to make the right decisions regarding their relationship. I also ask that you pray for their safety. They are both police officers. Thank you for your prayers.
pray god heals my hiatus hernia, body producing gas, intestinal gas, flatuence, loose stools, gallbladder, and digestive system name pray for michelle triska
Please pray for my parents and their health. They have had some serious issues in the last few years. Last year my mother had two open heart surgeries and my father had several melanoma surgeries. Please place a petition before our Blessed Lady to pray for my parents and their health. Please please pray for my health too. I have some health issues that are flaring at the moment and the pain is there. Please pray for my health.
Please pray for Andre and our family. We have not gotten paycheck for three months. We do not know what we should do this month. Thank you, Julia
Dear Jesus,
In you infinite mercy graciously answer the prayers of all who visit here and draw their souls ever closer to You. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
I humbly ask for your continued prayers for my son and his ex-girlfriend, that their hearts will heal and they can either reconcile or move on. They are both police officers so please pray for their safety. Your prayers are very much appreciated. Thank you. St. Gemma, pray for us.
Please pray for the healing of 8 year old Joey Angel
I believe in the Saints and their intercession. St. Gemma, appear to me in the dream, tonight. I need a true friend.
For all those who have been praying for Julia Jones, age 13, just diagnosed with congestive heart failure, here is her latest update from her family:
"Julia's heart function is still stable thanks to the great doctors and nurses that are caring for her. Even so, it would be too risky for her to wait for her transplant in her current condition. So, on Tuesday she will undergo a procedure to get a ventricular assist device. This device will support her heart function and she is expected to feel a little bit better while waiting for the transplant. She is expected to be able to eat and walk around within a week or so (she has not been able to eat or drink anything for two weeks now due to her heart is only working at 15%). Please pray especially for a safe procedure on Tuesday. Also, we ask for prayers for her continued safety, courage, physical and mental strength while she waits in the ICU for her eventual successful transplant. "
Julia now has a relic of Blessed Francis Xavier Sellos with her thanks to a good friend who has generously lent his relic. Please continue to ask his intercession and that of our Blessed Mother for continued miracles for Julia and her family. Perhaps a provable miracle for Julia will allow our new Pope Francis to be able to cannonize Blessed Francis.
Thank you for your prayers! Please continue to pass this on to any individuals or groups of believers so our cry to God will only increase! We believe in the miracles God has done for Julia thus far.....
Please pray for me (cristi) and my husband (brian) that God may allow us to conceive and be blessed with a child! Thank you for your prayers!
Please pray for Mike T in Ga. I need a financial and health miracle in my life. I also pray that the loneliness in my life ceases quickly. Bless you and thank you in advance for this prayer.
Please pray for guidance that our daughter will find a good job to help support her children.
Please pray for my Dad to have a good Doctor's appointment and for him to receive relief from his leg and foot pain.
Please pray for my husband and me that we have a child someday. Married over 3 years now and still praying for a child.
I need money right away for past due bills and current bills and money to fix my things or I will become homeless.
Name - Roque Rodrigues
Please pray that,God may give me a good job with good salary.And I may be able to clear the interview successfully.
God may bless my wedding and people who will be, coming for my wedding may be blessed with his thirst and grace.
And for the infilling of the holy spirit in me.
Please pray for my Father, William, who is having surgery on Thursday, April 18, 2013, on a blockage in his leg. Please pray that his surgery is successful and that the pain in his foot is relieved.
Please pray to GOD that all my immediate problems bothering me are solved amicably
Please pray for my Father, Bill, who is having angioplasty on his leg on Monday, April 22, 2013.
Please pray that his procedure is successful and that it will improve the circulation in his leg.
Please pray for my Father, Bill, who will be having angioplasty on
Tuesday, April 23, 2013, due to a necessary rescheduling.
Please pray that his procedure is successful and that it improves his
leg circulation.
Please pray to St Anthony, St Rita, St Jude and to our Blessed Lady to pray for the health of my parents. They have had health issues. Please pray for the return of their health. Please pray to place these prayers before the feet of Our Lord so that the prayer for health will be answered. Please also pray for my health.
Please pray for my son and his ex-girlfriend that they can either resolve their differences and reconcile or have the courage to say good-bye and move on. Both are police officers and cannot have these constant distractions while working. If it is God's plan that they be together, help them to find their way back to each other. Please pray for a resolution soon. St. Gemma, pray for us.
I’m asking for your prayers and help St. Gemma Galgani to please pray for my husband’s health to get better soon,he has pancreatitis and has a cyst around his liver,spleen and pancreas.We really need a miracle,please pray for him and pray for me that I will be home to him soon.We’ve been married for almost a year now but we are not together cause I am waiting for my visa to be approved,please pray that my visa will be approved so that I can finally take care my sick husband.I really need him and I miss him so much.I’m begging for your help,please pray for me and for my husband..Thank you so much..Kristel Coma
pray god heals my hiatul hernia, intestinal gas, flatuence, and gallbladder disease
My family and I are exposed to very harmful experimentation, and drugged for diseases we don't suffer from.
To justify it, they accuse us falsely of crime that they've never dared to confront us with in court.
They prevent us from getting our legal rights, so we can't get them stopped though we have the law on our side.
Since I've spoken out against their crime to us and others, they're committing much worse to me, in order to discredit me. Such as repeated filmed drug rapes, which they claim proves prostitution, promiscuity and perversion.
They kill the unborn children from it, through 8 years, and continually mutilate my private parts, claiming it will stop the sex.
They've cost me all jobs, homes, money, huge debt, possibility for a social life, appearance, health, and gotten me thrown out of law school on unlawful ground.
I've just built all up again in a new country, job, home, study, marriage, and they're about to cost me all again.
Please pray for swift justice, protection, fraud and lies exposed, and restoration.
Thank you.
Please pray to GOD to help me to solve all my immediate problems bringing unhappiness in me.
please pray with me..Thankyou Lord that the kingdom of Heaven is here now. Thankyou for shining your overwelming light of love and joy into our world now which overflows into the hearts and minds of all your creatures now. All poeple feel the need now to please you, to pray, to follow your commandments and repent of their sins. Wonderful miracles and healings and heavenly visions of Jesus and his loving angels are happening now to all people around the world. All people and creatures live in peace now. All poeple are now kinder, gentler, more compassionate, more happy, more forgiving, more respectful, more generous, more smarter, more mannerly and feel the need to give to others. All evil, hate, fear, sickness, greed, indecencies, demonic forces, plagues of diseases, hunger, sufferings, and all anxieties have disappeared from our world now. All people are now falling in love with Jesus more and more everyday. The meek now inherit the earth. The world is becoming more and more supernatural everyday. In Jesus name..Amen
Please pray for me - Jasjit.
Dear Lord I need your help right now to get through this time.
Please also pray for my Dad - Harchand - help him ! Please help my Dad.
Please Please pray for me to feel better about Rex.
Please help me get over him.
Please Lord send me the strength to feel good every day.
Please pray for my financial income to increase enough now
to cover my rent, living expenses and two large monthly bank payments.
Thank you.
Please pray for me, I think I am so ugly no man will ever love me.
Hi to all my brothers and sisters in Christ who are here! I do believe in power prayer. So I am asking you to pls pray for me. I am a photographer and I always join competition to have income but recently I continuously lost. Come May 20 (Philippine Time) will be the last day of submission of entries in one of country's prestigious photo competition this year. Pls pray for me that I may submit a best photo and make it to finals. If ever I will be the grand winner the prize is 75,000php at stake, I will have enough money to buy camera for the photography club of less fortunate kids. At first my after was for exposure and money for a businness to start but when I met the club, my heart goes to them. Thank you so much. God bless in return.
I am coming tonight with an urgent need for our friend, Scott MacLaughlin. He sustained injuries to his head and body in an accident last night. He is a husband, father, and a teacher. Please pray for him and his sweet family.
St. Gemma, I thank you, for you have already answered a previous prayer request with a beautiful intercession. Thank you. I humbly ask for you to intercede for Scott MacLaughlin's health and well being. Intercede before our sweet Jesus in prayer in heaven for Scott. He needs your help. Please also ask for strength for his family. Thank you!
Thank you to all who pray here - I am praying for your intentions.
All the Best Blessings of God upon You,
May St Gemma intercede for Scott and obtain his healing and complete recovery. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
Please pray for my mother (Rodica) and I; we are both afflicted w the same heart condition where it can not be detected by doctors and it has affected us both mentally and physically including our sight. It pains me terribly to see my mother slowly deteriorate in all aspects possible and at the same time it scares me to death to think that after having been to the emergency room and recently to a cardiologist they could detect nothing yet each day I feel worse and worse and can do nothing but stand by as my mother declines due to this heart irregularity which is causing hypoxic injuries to the both of us. I just can't understand why doctors seem not to be able to find any anomalies in either of our cardiac workup. Daily I feel either pain or burning in my chest, have no energy and the littlest effort triggers an episode and there's constant twitching which can be seen just below my diaphragm. And my mother's lips clearly turn dark, her hands turn red when below heart level and the pulse in her neck is always tready. I've seen the miracles a grp of believers can work.. I feel only a miracle can help us now.
Please pray to St Anthony, St Rita, St Jude and to our Blessed Lady to pray for the health of my parents. They have had health issues. Please pray for the return of their health. Please pray to place these prayers before the feet of Our Lord so that the prayer for health will be answered. Please also pray for my health
Please pray to St Anthony, St Rita, St Jude and to our Blessed Lady to pray for the health of my parents. They have had health issues. Please pray for the return of their health. Please pray to place these prayers before the feet of Our Lord so that the prayer for health will be answered. Please also pray for my heal. Please pray for me as I am having a procedure done on Thursday. Please please pray for my mother as she has many test Today please pray for her recovery.
Please, can you pray for my dear friend Carl(18) who sadly died on Thursday 30th May, can you also pray for his mam,dad and little sister as well as the rest of his friends and family,
Thnakyou Katie
In 2007, my right ovary was removed due to a large, cancerous tumor. My husband and I were blessed with a son in 2011. Shortly after the birth, I learned I had additional tumors on my remaining ovary. Those tumors, with a portion of my remaining ovary were removed. My husband and I would love one more child. Please pray that we will be blessed with just one more child, despite my only having a small bit of ovary. Being a mother is my calling in life and having a sibling for our son would be wonderful. Thank you.
Please pray to St Rita, St Jude , ST Anthony and St Padre Pio to Our Blessed Lady to place the pray for health for my parents before the feet of the Blessed Mother. Please pray for their health. Please please pray for my health too.
I need urgent prayer for my father (Honesto Sikat, age71) who is now in Canada BC is suffering from cancer.
Three years ago, he went for operation (Colon cancer) and for 3 yrs, he had 3 sessions of chemotherapy. But still the cancer is advancing to his liver, kidneys and lungs. Because the chemotherapy is not working and also due to the side effects of the drugs, my father decided not to continue after the 3rd sessions.
Pls pray the to our merciful Lord to heal my father from this incurable cancer, if this is too much to ask then at least pls beg to our Lord Jesus to give him a little strength to eat his food, to swallow, and a little strength to walk to reach the toilet (less than 15 steps), pls just a little strength.
Sto. Nino (Lord child Jesus), pls give a little strength to my father (Honesto Sikat) so that he can eat his food, a little strength, just to able to walk to the toilet. Pls. pls Sto. Nino, just a little strength. My mother and sister do not know what to do.
Thank you so much.
God Bless,
Please pray to St Rita, St Jude , ST Anthony and St Padre Pio to Our Blessed Lady to place the pray for health for my parents before the feet of the Blessed Mother. Please pray for their health. Please please pray for my health too.Please please pray for my parents health. Please pray for my health. My teeth and the TMJ .
mari mari jeaus & god protect & heal us instantly & perpetually 100.
Please pray to St Rita, St Jude , ST Anthony and St Padre Pio to Our Blessed Lady to place the pray for health for my parents before the feet of the Blessed Mother. Please pray for their health. Please please pray for my health too.Please please pray for my parents health. Please pray for my health. Please pray that the pains go away. please pray for our health. Please pray for my husband.
Please pray to St Rita, St Jude , ST Anthony and St Padre Pio to Our Blessed Lady to place the pray for health for my parents before the feet of the Blessed Mother. Please pray for their health. Please please pray for my health too.Please please pray for my parents health. Please pray for my health. Please pray that the pains go away. please pray for our health. Please pray for my husband. Please pray the pain dissipates.
Please pray for me for a new Job and breakthrough in life and success
Please pray to St Rita, St Jude , ST Anthony and St Padre Pio to Our Blessed Lady to place the pray for health for my parents before the feet of the Blessed Mother. Please pray for their health. Please please pray for my health too.Please please pray for my parents health. Please pray for my health. Please pray that the pains go away. please pray for our health. Please pray for my husband. Please pray the pain dissipates.
Please pray to St Rita, St Jude , ST Anthony and St Padre Pio to Our Blessed Lady to place the pray for health for my parents before the feet of the Blessed Mother. Please pray for their health. Please please pray for my health too.Please please pray for my parents health. Please pray for my health. Please pray that the pains go away. please pray for our health. Please pray for my husband. Please pray the pain goes away. Please my mouth hurts and the doctors say that there is nothing wrong.
Please pray for my dear friend Judy Mole who has a brain tumor. This tumor has taken most of Judys memory she has been having seizures and has gone from a strong healthy lady to a very thin weak person. Judy has three teen age children and all this is hard on them also. Please pray for Judy and her children.
Thank you and may God be with you always.
Please pray for a successful full term pregnancy.
God has blessed us with a positive result After 2 yrs of trying. Please Pray that God will be with us through our pregnancy And help ease the pain that I have been experiencing Through my 1st term. Please pray that God will bless My husband and I and our families that he will guide And protect us in Jesus name we pray. Amen
Thank you and God Bless.
Please pray to Padre Pio, St Rita, St Jude and St Anthony to Our Blessed Mother to lay this pray before her Holy and beautiful son. Please Pray for my mother and father for their health. They each have had health issues. Please pray that their health returns. Please pray for my health and that my health is good too.Please place this prayer for health with the blessing of Our Blessed Mother so she may place it before her son.
Dear Saint Gemmita of Galgani:Please pray and interceed for God s Holy and Divine Protection upon my dear husband Edmund David Osinski and his whole trip -flight -from here Birminhgam , Alabama (where we live) ,tomorrow Thursday July 25 early morning ( 6 o clock AM) to Miami and from there flying to Washington to do some business related with his job, and on Sunday July 28 with God s Holy Will, would be flying back to here Birmingham the whole morning. Could you. please. pray for God s Holy Protection upon us as a marriage couple? Thank you so much
Dear Saint Gemmita of Galgani: Please, pray and interceed for our children Karolina K - Her baby Olivia Anne - for TERESA ISABEL AND her Boyfriend NIcholas Peterson,- for JOSEPH ALEXANDER, for their conversion and please, also pray for a miracle for me in my job I do for my Jesus,
Thank you
Please pray to Padre Pio, St Rita, St Jude and St Anthony to Our Blessed Mother to lay this pray before her Holy and beautiful son. Please Pray for my mother and father for their health. They each have had health issues. Please pray that their health returns. Please pray for my health and that my health is good too.Please place this prayer for health with the blessing of Our Blessed Mother so she may place it before her son.Please I just want to feel better.
I am a volunteer in the pro-life movement in Tennessee. We are in a historical battle to amend our state constitution to be pro-life rather than pro-death. Please pray for the passage of Amendment One in November 2014. It truly is a matter of life and death for so many souls. Thank you and God bless you!
Please please pray to Padre Pio and St Rita and St Jude and St Anthony to place the prayer for my parents health before our Blessed Mother so that she may place this prayer for my parents health before her son, Jesus. Please pray that they will be fine. Please pray that they will have their health. Please pray that my parents health will return. Please pray for my health too.
Please pray for my son for his broken heart to heal so he can move forward and fine someone else to love. Please also pray for his safety as he is a police officer. Thank you for your prayers.
St. Gemma, pray for us.
I have had a huge miracle happen in my life 15 years ago....I seen it right in front of my eyes...now I ask for my own miracle....I devote my whole life and existence to our Lord Jesus Christ...my Brother... who I have personally met. I to suffer from terrible back pain and aillments of the spine. I pray I will be healed so I can continue to live my life as our Father wishes me to do...so I can do his will. Thank you Lord Jesus. I love you. xxoo Lorraine Caputo
Please please pray to Padre Pio and St Rita and St Jude and St Anthony to place the prayer for my parents health before our Blessed Mother so that she may place this prayer for my parents health before her son, Jesus. Please pray that they will be fine. Please pray that they will have their health. Please pray that my parents health will return. Please pray for my health too for the TMJ and pain to go away.Pray for the pain of the costochondritis to go away too.
Please pray for my Father, William, a colon cancer survivor,
who will be having a colonoscopy on Wednesday, August 28, 2013. Please pray that he receives
good test results on this procedure.
Please please pray to Padre Pio and St Rita and St Jude and St Anthony to place the prayer for my parents health before our Blessed Mother so that she may place this prayer for my parents health before her son, Jesus. Please pray that they will be fine. Please pray that they will have their health. Please pray that my parents health will return. Please pray for my health too for the TMJ and pain to go away.Please pray that I will be healthy. Please pray for the costochondritis to go away.
Please please pray to Padre Pio and St Rita and St Jude and St Anthony to place the prayer for my parents health before our Blessed Mother so that she may place this prayer for my parents health before her son, Jesus. Please pray that they will be fine. Please pray that they will have their health. Please pray that my parents health will return. Please pray for my health too for the TMJ and pain to go away.Please pray that I will be healthy. Please pray for the costochondritis to go away. Pleae pray for my health. Please pray that the muscle tension releases. Please pray that I live a long and healthy and happy life. Please pray for an enjoyable birthday. Please pray that what is causing the neck and teeth issue goes away.
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