Looking for a patron Saint name for Confirmation?
If you need a Confirmation patron Saint name and are looking for a young Saint who loved God with all her heart, then perhaps Saint Gemma is for you. St Gemma’s heart was all on fire with the love of God, and in her great love she said and wrote the most beautiful things to God, such as:
If you need a Confirmation patron Saint name and are looking for a young Saint who loved God with all her heart, then perhaps Saint Gemma is for you. St Gemma’s heart was all on fire with the love of God, and in her great love she said and wrote the most beautiful things to God, such as:
“You are on fire Oh Lord, and I burn…oh infinitely happy love! Oh sweet fire! Oh sweet flames! And do You wish that my heart become a flame?....come Jesus! I will open my heart to You; put Thy Divine fire into it. You are a flame, and let my heart be turned into a flame!....Come then, Oh Jesus! ....Jesus, I feel I will die when you are throbbing so in my heart.”
And writing to her spiritual director, Venerable Father Germanus, Gemma says:
And writing to her spiritual director, Venerable Father Germanus, Gemma says:
“My heart, Father, is the victim of Love, and I shall soon die of love. These flames of love consume my body, as well as my heart, and I shall be reduced to ashes. Yesterday, as I drew near to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I felt myself burning so violently, that I was obliged to move away. I was burning all over; it rose even to my face. Blessed be Jesus! How does it happen that so many who are standing so close to Jesus do not burn to ashes?”
And in ecstacy, Gemma said-
And in ecstacy, Gemma said-
".......Love, Jesus, is that not the best reward of all your generosities? And I do love You! Yet, it is not for your benefits alone, but because you are my Jesus. I love You because You are the sole object worthy of my love. I love You because You are Goodness itself. I love You because You have promised, You have sworn never to abandon me ... I love You, oh Lord, for an infinity of reasons. "
"....Oh Jesus . . . What are these strong attractions which unite me so powerfully to You? Is it Your heart which beats so near mine? . . . What power there is in Your heart!"
"....How many consolations Jesus gives me! And in how many ways He shows me His love!"
Because of her great love for Jesus and also her angelic purity, Gemma is lovingly called the "Gem of Christ" and also the "Flower of Lucca" by those devoted to her. Saint Gemma is the patron saint of those seeking purity, those who struggle with temptations, those who have suffered the loss of parents and she is also the patron saint of Pharmacists.
"....How many consolations Jesus gives me! And in how many ways He shows me His love!"
Because of her great love for Jesus and also her angelic purity, Gemma is lovingly called the "Gem of Christ" and also the "Flower of Lucca" by those devoted to her. Saint Gemma is the patron saint of those seeking purity, those who struggle with temptations, those who have suffered the loss of parents and she is also the patron saint of Pharmacists.
So, if you desire to have a patron Saint for Confirmation who will inspire you to love Jesus with all your heart, then may I suggest that you browse this website and get to know Gemma--your newest friend and advocate before our loving God!
"It is truly impossible, yes, it is impossible not to love Jesus. How many times He asked me if I love Him and if I truly love Him. And do you still doubt it, my Jesus? So, He unites ever more closely with me, talks to me, says He wants me to be perfect, that He too loves me very much and that I should reciprocate."
~St Gemma Galgani
"It is truly impossible, yes, it is impossible not to love Jesus. How many times He asked me if I love Him and if I truly love Him. And do you still doubt it, my Jesus? So, He unites ever more closely with me, talks to me, says He wants me to be perfect, that He too loves me very much and that I should reciprocate."
~St Gemma Galgani
Please pray for positive results from my biopsy & for me & my family to get through whatever comes our way with strength & courage. Thank you for all the abundant blessings showered upon us
Please pray for me! Tomorrow is my Confirmation and St. Gemma is my confirmation Saint. This website has brought me so much closer to her over the past few months, and I am so thankful that I chose her as my saint.
St. Gemma, pray for us!
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