Jesus, I love You! Saint Gemma's love for God
In ecstasy Gemma says: "...... Oh love, oh infinite love! ... See: Your love, oh Lord, Your love penetrates even to my body, with too much fury. When, when will I unite with You, oh Lord, Who with such force of love keeps me in union here on earth? ... Do it, do it! ... Let me die, and die of love! .....What a beautiful death, oh Lord, to die a victim of love ......a victim for You! Calm down, calm down oh Jesus; if not, Your love will end up burning me to ashes! ... Oh love, oh infinite love! .....Oh love of my Jesus! ....Let Your love penetrate my all; from You I want nothing else. My God, my God, I love You! But, perhaps I love You too little, oh Jesus? ... Are You not happy? ...But this needs to come from You, if You want me to love You more. Yes, I should love You with a unique love. Oh! I have told you so many times, oh Lord: if my life does not end in seeing the suffering of Someone who loves me so much, what other pain do You think could bring about my death? ...I told you it is enough, oh Lord, what you have suffered for me and for sinners. Yes, enough! ... My shoulders shall replace Yours in bearing the cross! ...
".......Love, Jesus, is that not the best reward for all of Your generosities? And then, too, I love you. Yet, it is not for Your benefits alone, but because You are my Jesus. I love You because You are the sole object worthy of my love. I love You because You are Goodness itself. I love You because You have promised, You have sworn never to abandon me ... I love You, oh Lord, for an infinity of reasons. "
".....What do You wish, Oh Jesus? My life? It is Yours.....I have already offered it to You. Would You be pleased if I offered it as a victim, in reparation for my sins, and those of all sinners? If I had a hundred lives, I would give every one of them to You!"
".....Make haste, Jesus. Oh, do You not see how this heart longs for Thee? Oh, do You not see how it languishes? Does it not pain Thee, oh God, to see it thus languish in desire? Come! Come, Jesus, make haste, come near, let me hear Thy voice. Oh God, when shall my whole being be satiated with Thy Divine Light? Oh, when? Jesus, food of strong souls, strengthen me, purify me, make me divine. Great God, Jesus, help me. God begotten of God, come to my aid, I thirst for Thee, Jesus. Do You not see how I suffer every morning until I feed on Thee? [in Holy Communion –ed] Grant at least that, after having received You, I may remain satisfied. "
".....Oh, if all were to know how beautiful Jesus is, how loving He is! They would all die of love. And yet, how is it that He is so little loved? Oh, it is time lost to be with creatures! Our heart is made to love one thing only, our great God.”
"....Oh Jesus, why am I not burned up with love for you? Why is it that my heart is not consumed with Loves flame? Why is it that my love does not correspond to yours? Oh Jesus, how much time I have lost! How many years I could have loved you, and did not do so! But your bounty makes me hope that I may make up for lost time.Why did you suffer for me, dear Jesus? For love! The nails...the crown...the cross...all for love of me! For You, I sacrifice everything willingly. I offer you my body with all its weakness, and my soul with all its love. My God, dear Jesus, remove whatever malice may be at the bottom of my offering, and then accept it. Do not abandon me, Jesus. I am Yours. Take care of my soul. Think of what you have borne to save it. Surely they are right who say 'To suffer is to love'."
"...I too, oh Jesus, have a great desire to love you in return....Yes, You have given me so much! I shall do everything for You; everything You ask of me."
"....It is an easy love, oh Jesus, to love someone that never gets angry with those who offend Him. Many times I have seen, oh Jesus, that while justice demands that I be punished, You take steps to prevent this punishment, even to have it withdrawn. I have found a Jesus so infatuated with my heart that He knows not how to punish it....."
"....Do You remember, oh Lord, that time when You told me my heart was a muddle of affections, which did not please you? ...I find myself even more timid in the matters of my affections. Oh my Jesus... oh my Jesus! ... How much You are worthy to be loved! The angels are right never to be satiated in singing that beautiful hymn to You! That is what I should do, and what all earthly creatures should do; instead........
"My every secret is manifest to You, oh Jesus ... So, are you certain that I love You more than the sky and the earth? Indeed, all earthly things worthy of being loved exist only to glorify Your heart ...I have loved You, oh Jesus. Grant me to love You even more, so that my thoughts may turn only to You, all day, and all night, even while sleeping ... I wish my spirit to talk always with You, my soul to converse always with You. I wish further that my heart should always be enlightened with Your holy light; that You should be my love, my guide ... I wish to fly from virtue to virtue ... if not, then I shall be unable to come to Heaven to see You; -it's been so long since I last saw You. But to come to Heaven requires purity of heart; give it to me, my Jesus...... Yes, I so desire purity of heart! ..."
"I shall love You; I shall love You always! When day breaks, when evening turns into night, at every hour, at every moment; I shall love You always, always, always!" -Saint Gemma Galgani
yes, it is trule love gift
I should willingly give every drop of my blood to please Him and to prevent sinners offending Him. I shall be satisfied only when I am a victim, to make reparation for my innumerable sins and for the sins of all the world. - St Gemma Galgani.
Great quotes by great saint.
Hi Spiruline,
I am glad to hear that you appreciate the fervor and devotion of St Gemma.
May God bless you and yours!
Glenn Dallaire
I am so thankful I stumbled across this website. I have been discerning a vocation to become a Catholic nun and have fallen in love with Jesus. I was feeling very alone in my desire to depart and go to heaven to be with God, besides Paul's writings, when I found St. Gemma. I can identify with so much of what she says!
“I greatly rejoice that time flies so quickly, because that means so much less time to spend in this world, where there is nothing to attract me. My heart goes incessantly in search of a Treasure, an immense Treasure that I do not find in creatures; a Treasure that will satisfy me and console me, and give me rest."
-St Gemma of Galgani
Hi Emma Berry,
Thanks for your comments...I am really glad to hear of your devotion to St Gemma.
Yes, Gemma longed very deeply to be with Jesus in heaven. Perhaps you read where she once wrote:
‘I live on this earth but I seem to dwell here like a soul who has lost it’s way, because never for a moment do I cease looking towards Jesus, apart from whom I despise all things.’
And she said many other such things which expressed her desire to be forever united with Jesus, her love.
Perhaps you have already read it but for the sake of others who may be reading these comments there is an article here about
St Gemma's great desire for heaven
In closing I pray that Jesus and Mary may guide you in your vocation, that you may do God's will in all things.
May God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire
Thank You, Jesus, for the Gift of Yourself to mankind
on Earth manifest in Your Divine Presence of Divine
Love in the Moat Blessed Sacrament of the Altar; There
You remain as Hidden Manna in the Ciborium, inside
of the Tabernacle waiting patiently to visit with us; and,
to show us Your Divine Love as a living flame burning
with Love for us; may our hearts burn with Love for
You in return, just as the Seraphim burn with Love
for You, always, before Your Altar in Heaven. Amen.
Did St. Gemma write down these quotes?
How do we know this is what she said?
Hi Apple Glenn Blair,
To reply to your questions: Gemma wrote a Diary at the request of her confessor, Monsignor Giovanni Volpi, and later she also wrote an Autobiography at the request of her spiritual director, Venerable Father Germanus Ruoppolo C.P., and many of the quotes on this website were taken from these two documents.
As far as Gemma's ecstasies, they were recorded without Gemma's knowledge by a few of the individuals in the Giannini family where Gemma was living at the latter part of her life. I have an explanation of how these ecstasies were recorded (without Gemma's knowledge) in the "Ecstasies of St Gemma" article on this website.
I hope these explanations help to answer your questions.
Best wishes and may God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire
I came across this website accidentally. I never kooked back. My devotion to Jesus increased these last few months. I love Him more and fear of offending Him keeps me away from sinning. I am passing link to this great website to friends who are christians but do not believe in Saints. God bless you all.
St. Gemma didn't just love Jesus...she was IN love with Jesus. What a place to be.
I came across this wonderful website when I rightfully needed guidance from somewhere. How learn about someone in love with Christ so much. It's an inspiration that I long to be even at least close to purity.
All of us Catholic should aspire to love Jesus the way St Gemma Galvany love the Lord.
She was in love with the Lord. So in love with Jesus that every written and unwritten words in her diary spoke volume of this LOVE.
Why Gemma? You love Jesus only because he promised he won't abandon you? See Jesus is really abandoned on the cross and still he loved his God without complaining.
Gemma, is Jesus only the one worthy of your love? Remember Jesus told us to love even enemies.
Thank you very much for creating this website. I am learning a lot from St. Gemma.
Saint Gemma I love you too. When my time is over here on Earth. Lets be friends in heaven 🙏
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