Preface: Oh most merciful Lord, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Gemma Galgani, whose intercession we are now imploring.
Most compassionate virgin St. Gemma, during thy short life on earth, you gave a most beautiful example of angelic innocence and seraphic love, and was found worthy to bear in thy flesh the marks of our Lord's Passion. Have pity on us who are so much in need of God's Mercy, and obtain for us through thy merits and intercession, the special favor which we now fervently implore (mention request)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Pray for us, St. Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray
O God, Who fashioned thy servant St Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession, the favor that we humbly request, and through the passion, death and resurrection of Thy Son, may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Preface: Oh most merciful Lord, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Gemma Galgani, whose intercession we are now imploring.
O worthy Spouse of the Lamb of God and faithful virgin St Gemma, you preserved the innocence and splendor of virginity, giving to the world a bright example of purity and the most exalted virtues, look down with pity from thy high place in heaven upon us who confide in thee, as we implore thee for the favor we so ardently desire (mention request)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Pray for us, St. Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray
O God, Who fashioned thy servant St Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession, the favor that we humbly request, and through the passion, death and resurrection of Thy Son, may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Preface: Oh most merciful Lord, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Gemma Galgani, whose intercession we are now imploring.
O most loving virgin St. Gemma, with an intense love for Jesus you suffered immensely for the conversion of sinners as a victim for sin, and you loved others greatly, out of love for God. Do not forget us then, who remain here on earth, and look down with kindness on us who implore thee, in the confident hope of receiving this favor through thy loving intercession (mention request)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Pray for us, St. Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray
O God, Who fashioned thy servant St Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession, the favor that we humbly request, and through the passion, death and resurrection of Thy Son, may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
See also Prayers of St Gemma/Prayers to St Gemma
See also Novena to St Gemma
<< Ten Triduum (3 day) novena prayer cards to St Gemma to obtain a special grace available here.
Please pray to st. Gemma for me some of you please for extreme chronic pain in left side & back; chronic insomnia & I need prayers for swvere anxiety too please.
Pray for conversion of the hardest hearts of P.T.; Josh T., Chri, Toni E., Daryl; Richard & pray protection for P.B.c. & pray for a long time to St Gemma for healing of his left leg & foot; he can hardly walk at all due to the pain.
Also pray for his Spirit to heal too please.
In Bad Need....
Please pray to St Gemma for me please to find a good paying job and to sow myself in it. To help my two boys obey and grow up to be obiendent children. For my relationship with Uriah to be strengthen,trust worthy, affectionate,loving and happier. I'm praying but i also need help,the more the better abd speedily acomplishment. Thanking you inadvance for a flavourable response.
Dear Anonymous,
Be assured of my poor prayers for your intentions.
May St Gemma intercede for you before the throne of our loving God.
Union in the hearts of Jesus and Mary,
I beseech St. Gemma to please reunite alonso and I, reunite us in Holy matrimony. For the sake our our little baby daughter, I beg you St. Gemma. Open his heart and convert him, soften his heart and return him to us ready to form a proper family. Thank you. amen.
Dear Southpasmommy,
I pray for your intentions and that of your family.
Union in the hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire
I will ask St Gemma for the grace of conversion for Tom.
I want to thank St. Gemma for her intercession after praying the triduum. My husband was scheduled to lose his job in two weeks and we found out today (while I was praying in the Adoration chapel) that his contract has been extended for another year. Thank you St. Gemma!
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for sharing the grace that you received through the interecession of St Gemma. Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints!
May God be with you always!
Glenn Dallaire
Gemma is the patron of pharmacists, as her father was one in life, so I said her Tridium in hopes of stopping drug misuse.
Hi Janos,
Certainly that is a good prayer intention! I pray that St Gemma may obtain that grace from God, as you request.
-St Gemma, pray for us!
Glenn Dallaire
Please intercede St. Gemma for a job so I can support my family and meet the honest obligations we took on responsibly, not for materialism's sake but to praise God for His Mercy and remember ever more to praise His Name, how He is so Merciful to wretched sinners. That I may go forward as an obedient son of His Holy Church. Amen.
Please pray to St. Gemma for my husband, John M.
John has been away from the Church for many years and is ready to return-Praise God!
John is currently afflicted by oppression. When he is in Our Lord's holy presence, such as at Mass or discussing this oppression with a priest, he feels as if the walls are caving in on him, becomes very tense and sometimes runs out. He tries to resist this, and sometimes can with much difficulty.
Please pray for this oppression to stop and that evil or oppression never afflict him again.
Also please pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance in John's General Confession.
I am beginning the St. Gemma Tridium and Novena today and awaiting a favorable outcome.
Thank you so much.
Dear Anonymous,
I join you in prayer for your husband John. May God strenghthen and guide him, and may St Gemma be your advocate and help to obtain the necessary graces.
May God bless you and yours,
Glenn Dallaire
Please pray to st gemma with me, that she intercede to mend my relationship with Beau. I truly need a miracle here.
He is the love of my life, the man who intended to marry me this year and start a family. Please, St. Gemma, intercede for me!
Hi Anonymous,
I pray for you that God's will may be done in your relationship with Beau, and in all things in your life.
May St Gemma be your special friend and advocate!
Hi Glenn, Thank you for praying for me and Beau. I have high hopes that maybe someday he and I will be together.
Truly, I thank you. And, I intended to tell you my name when I requested prayer. It is Joleen.
I'm very much enjoying your St. Gemma blog and reading about her life and miracles. I hope she sees fit to help bring a miracle into my life.
God bless you and your large, happy family.
I sm in my six day of novena to St Gemma please pray for my husband to get a job.I also asked for my daughter to get a better job.I am also blessed that my same daughter survived a car accident that wasnt her fault.
Dear Anonymous,
I pray that thru St Gemma's interecession your husband may find a job, and that your daughter may find more suitable employment.
May St Gemma be your special advocate and friend, and may she lead you ever closer to Jesus and Mary.
-Glenn Dallaire
Please pray to St Gemma for healing for my wife CL who has injured her back and has lost feeling in her leg and foot.
Dear Anonymous,
I join you in prayer to God through the intercession of St Gemma for your wife CL.
May God heal and strengthen her.
-St Gemma, pray for us!
Glenn Dallaire
My husband has been out of work for 22 months. I need help!!!!!!!
It has been very hard lately.
thank you God Bless
Hi Anonymous,
I pray for you and your husband that God may help him to find a new job soon. It is a difficult time to be unemployed. But the grace and kindness of God is never lacking...
I hope others who read this will pray for your intentions also.
May God bless you and yours,
-St Gemma, pray for us!
Glenn Dallaire
St. Gemma, please intercede for me, that I may quickly be reunited with BTW, soon find suitable work and a place to live.
St. Gemma, help me!
I have written before My husband is still out of work. It has been 23 months. I think he is getting depressed from it. Please pray. I am from ohio.
Dear Anonymous,
I am truly sorry to hear that your husband is still out of work. You are experiencing a very difficult trial, but I urge you to continue to pray and don't lose heart.
I pray that he may be blessed with a new job soon, and I hope others who read this may also join in prayer for you and your husbands intentions.
-St Gemma, pray for us!
Glenn Dallaire
Blessed Saint Gemma, please pray for the healing and conversion ofy beloved Veronica. She Is a very special person. Joe
St. Gemma, mu patron saint please pray for my urgent intentions specially today, our feast day. Happy feastday!
May your love for the Eucharist instill in me and my family the love for the Holy Mass and love of God and neighbor.
I saw here photo on the internet. I cannot keep her out of my mind. I am asking for her intercession for a life long problem. She thought she was a great sinner. St Gemma you never were in my league. When it comes to sin I rank very high. Pray for me even though I try and beg for Gods help. If I get the the last rites pray for me because my stay in purgatory will span centuries.
Fr Cusick I am not. I need the intercession of St Gemma for kicking a addiction. I go to confession,daily communion,say the divine office,say 4 05 rosaries a day. I say the divine mercy chaplet too. I sill keep falling into the same sin. Its starting to drive me crazy. St Gemma pray for me because I cannot understand why I do it.
Dear Fr. Cusick,
Listen Father...Gemma will help free you of the addiction--she spent the entire month of August, 1902 sweating blood for Priests.
So this is what you need to do. Each time the temptation comes to your mind, picture Gemma in your mind and say "My Jesus mercy; Gemma help me".
And the temptation will leave you, and you will be freed. Do this Father...
...and continue to make this Triduum to Gemma.
Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
-St Gemma, pray for us!
Glenn Dallaire
St. Gemma, I pray to you and bessech your intercession for the conversion of IG. That you may bring him to the Catholic faith and that we may form a healthy and strong relationship that will lead us build a good Christian family together.
St. Gemma, I pray to you and bessech your intercession for the conversion of IG. That you may bring him to the Catholic faith and that we may form a healthy and strong relationship that will lead us build a good Christian family together.
I am a Fourteen-year-old girl with scoliosis. I am very active, but I am limited to the things I love to do with my friends and family. I believe that prayer can help heal anything, and I need yours. Thanks!<3
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your comment.
I too have scoliosis, and have had to do back muscle strengthening and stretching exercises everyday for over 10 years.
As you know, St Gemma is a excellent advocate for all those who suffer with back problems, considering all that she suffered with her spinal disease, having to wear a back brace and undergo a painful spinal operation.
Anyway, I offer my poor prayers for your intentions. Please pray also for my family and I.
May God bless you and your loved ones.
-Glenn Dallaire
Saint Gemma , I humbly pray for my mother salvation from all her heavy illness ( heart , kidney and many other health diseases ) . Saint Gemma , please ask our Lord Jesus to keep her alive , to grant her recovery from all sickness and pains . In Jesus Holy Name , Amen
I pray for a reconcillation and healing for my fiancee who left me very suddenly after 12 beautiful years together- I am starting a triduum today the 27th Jan 2012- I ask the friends of Saint Gemma to join me in this prayer as I am suffering a lot of mental anguish-since the love of my life left behind my back- due to the diabolical influence of a Romanian gypsy Queen who apparently have placed a curse or spell on my and has my darling love and soulmate in bondage-
Hi Tony,
I pray for you and your fiancee, that God may answer your prayers according to His holy will.
In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
-Glenn Dallaire
I am advised I should have cervical spine surgery to correct disc problem pushing on my spinal cord and causing problems. Surgery scares me but leaving my spine as it is scares me too.
I need wisdom and courage and prayers!
Hi May,
Thanks for your message.
I pray that Jesus may intercede for you, and may He inspire and guide you along the correct path to take for your spine. And may St Gemma help to obtain the necessary graces needed. In Jesus holy Name, Amen +
-Glenn Dallaire
ST GEMMA Galgani Interceed to my Blessed Mother for my Niece Shelly who is in the hospital batteling with her lungs give her speedy recovery for collen and Harry for healings I ask this In the Name of Jesus the Christ amen amen amen
Please pray for me, I suffer from cauda equina syndrome and I have been steadily improving for the last year. However my symptoms are once again worsening and I am frightened for my future financially as I can no longer work with the pain and threat of being paralysed again. Thank you so much lord for directing me to this saint today who I never previously heard of. May the Lord bless you all in your worries and grant your requests. Joe xx
Hi Joe,
I pray that St Gemma may intercede for you and obtain a cure, if it would be God's holy will. And may St Gemma obtain for you strength to carry your cross, and an increased faith, hope and love for Jesus.
May God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire
Thank you St. Gemma for your attention and granting the favors I ask of you.
We are having some very serious issues with our son ( age 27) regarding sexual orientation. I have been reading a lot about this complicated issue and I see that our current society has been encouraging a narrow and unhealthy paradigm when there are indeed other ways to choose to live when one is attracted to the same sex. I see that there are many people who are able to create a life with healthy and fulfilling lives by being honest about their feelings with the people closest to them, but by choosing to live the way God dictates.We are praying for this enlightenment. St. Gemma is a new saint for me. I see that she is also a saint to invoke for purity so I am asking her intercession and I am asking for supportive prayers for our son's enlightenment and the strength and courage to not follow the "crowd" but follow the Truth.I also need prayers that all of his siblings will support a newer and healthier approach for him and not be brainwashed by trendy, societal expectations. I ask that Jesus, the Blessed Mother and St. Michael the Archangel and St.Padre Pio as well as St. Gemma stay around him and all the children and family always. Thank you Glenn for this wonderful website. I have been visiting it daily and find much solace here! God bless you and guide you always too!
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your comments.
I pray that Jesus may guide, inspire and strengthen your son in the virtues of chastity and purity, and may Jesus help your son to recognise His holy will in all areas of his life.
And may St. Pio and St. Gemma be his special advocates and heavenly friends. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
Please pray for my friend Kimberly who is suffering from chronic back pain. She was in a serious car crash 6 years ago and is addicted to pain killers. Please pray to St. Henna for her, tha God may heal her back and her addiction. Thank you and may God bless you for your prayers.
Please pray to St Gemma, I begging yuo, intercede for me, they put a curse on me and my fiance, I miss him so much, please intercede for me, I need a miracle.Thank you.
My son was badly injured in a car wreck on October 27th. He has no health insurance and has a broken back, ribs, and a bad concussion. I have started the Novena to St Gemma for help with his injuries. Please pray for him. His name is LaMont.
Hi Marla,
I pray for your son LaMont that Jesus in His infinite love and mercy may strengthen and heal him, and may St Gemma be very close to him and obtain the grace of his healing. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
St Gemma, Please take pity on my mother S.A.U. that she may heal quickly and speedily from her spine surgery. Heal her anxiety and confusion from the side effects of the pain medication that the doctors are giving her. Give her body the strength to walk again, to explore this beautiful world with her family. Please hear her cries and requests as she is in much pain. She loves God and had always done His work. Her back pain is from a 38 year nursing career, helping wounded warriors; she has given much to those around her. I ask that your mercy and pity will take up this cross from her shoulders and make her burden light.
Who wrote this? Glenn, did you write the Triduum?
Hi Elizabeth,
To reply to your question, yes, I wrote it.
May God bless you and your loved ones,
-Glenn Dallaire
St Gemma this my first time to ask your help.I know you interceded for everyone,please help me.I am praying your Tridium today for these graces:for complete healing and good outcome of my surgery and my husband S,praying for my 3 children for faith and chastity and may Tracy find a job soon as her place of work closed.I also pray for the approval of my husband's VA claim be approved soon.This will help us a lot financially.Thank you St Gemma .
dear st gemma i am asking for prayers for my son jesse to heal him of his pain and to help us on the path of finding out whats wrong and what is the source of all this pain .thank you st gemma
Saint Gemma, please I ask for your intercession for the complete healing and recovery of my wife who has a spinal injury following a Car crash. I have done the tridium Prayers.Kindly intercede for us, I beg you.
That you St. Emma for hearing my prayers. I prayed the novena for a friend to relieve her neck pain. It has not gone away, but it has lessened.
Dear saint Gemma, assist me dear sister as I prepare my unworthy soul for my sweet love Jesus. Pray that I may be open and willing to all the He asks of me, inspire me to live up to your great love and confidence in Jesus and Our lady and to love them beyond even that. I ask you kind sister to ask our loving mother to be with me at every second of my life and to defend me from the enemy. Inspired by your love I offer my own heart for sinners and for Jesus that he will do with me as he desires.
Praise Jesus
Dear one,
I reccomend to visit Blessed Sacrament daily. Have good confession done with a Priest. Read Bible and pray rosary daily. Chronic Insomnia is not normal, but our Lord want to heal our body and heart too. Visit to Bless Sacrament will help,because Christ is there flesh, soul, divinity. Also, recommend Fr Chad Ruppeger.on Demonic Oppression
Hi Glenn,
I have to say that my incidental finding of your website led me to this very holy saint and have since prayed for her intercession. I would like to share that I had to take an exam that is job-related, not mandatory but more like a specialization. The prep time recommended is a year to study. I feel that I prepared well for the test but after taking it I did not feel so confident that I would pass it. In fact, I was sure I was going to have to retake. You have that feeling - after reviewing some of the questions and knowing the answers after the fact, I was pretty sure I was on the negative side.
In the meantime, while waiting for results, I have developed this devotion to our dear St Gemma. I did this prayer, triduum, with great and fervent faith believing that she is and will be interceding for me. I did not lose faith and in fact hoped for the miracle.
Well, I received the results today and what a surprise! I did pass! I know in my heart that it was not me. It was Jesus who never once let me down and with the intercession of our Blessed Mother and of course St Gemma who made all this possible.
Now I have this desire and calling to make this saint known to everyone I know and I just cannot thank you enough for all the work you put into making this web page possible for us, your readers, and for introducing me to St Gemma. Imagine all the blessings that come your way for every soul that comes to know (better) all these great saints. What joy? What grace? For I believe to know them would be to know our dear God, our Lord Jesus.
Thanks Glenn.
Hello Brenda,
Thanks for your comments. I am really happy to hear of your devotion to St Gemma and how she has made such a wonderful impact in your life! I am happy also to hear that you are enjoying the "St Gemma Galgani" website, and that you are going to be spreading devotion to her.
I hope that you continue to find the holy life of St. Gemma to be edifying and inspiring, and may she be very close to you and may she lead you ever closer to Jesus and Mary!
May God bless you and your loved ones,
Please pray that my cervical dystonia subsides along with my spinal stenosis and cervical spondylosis and heart arrthymia. THANK YOU TO SAINT GEMMA FOR YOUR INTRSESSION AND THANK YOU JESUS FOR ALL MY BLESSINGS..I LOVE YOUXXXXOOOOXXXOOO
I'm sorry..I dont know why I came up as Unknown...my name is Deirdre'and I thank you for this beautiful sight as well.
Saint Gemma, thank you for interceding for me on this 9 day novena for my back. Fay
I have been so blessed by our Lord that i should never ever complain. I would ask that in Your prayers if you would mentiona healing for Mike.s back. If you can. There are so many people bearing son many tougher crosses that mine is insignificant. I just want to be able to be a good dad to my kids. A strong dad again, if only for a while more. Thank you to you all and I will pray for all of you as well.
Thanking the lord for the blessing and health of my family. May them remain faithful. I injured my back last jan and have had surgery 5 weeks ago. I am still confined to bed and find it difficult to stay on my feet. I pray daily for my healing as I am no use to my family or community laying here. May the lord have pity upon me and send me his healing grace. St Gemma please continue to intercede for my healing. My lord and my god.
“O God, Who fashioned Saint Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession,
the favor that we humbly request, and through the passion, death, and resurrection of Thy Son, may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” ✝️ 😇 🙏
Thank you for the prayers.
Dear St Gemma, please may I be assigned to my former manager K , for whom I have so much respect and admiration and time for. Please may I be posted to work directly for him through my second interview success. Please help me stay in his life and help me succeed in my promotion .
Pray for a special intention
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