Novena to St Gemma Galgani

Novena to Saint Gemma Galgani

Preface: Oh most Divine Lord, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Gemma Galgani, whose intercession we are now imploring.

Most compassionate virgin, St. Gemma, during thy short life on earth, you gave a most beautiful example of angelic innocence and seraphic love and was found worthy to bear in thy flesh the marks of our Lord's Passion. Have pity on us who are so much in need of God's Mercy, and obtain for us through thy merits and intercession, the special favor which we now fervently implore (mention request). .....

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Pray for us, Saint Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. O God, Who fashioned thy servant Saint Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession the favor that we humbly request, and through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Thy Son, may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


Preface: Oh most Divine Lord, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Gemma Galgani, whose intercession we are now imploring.

O worthy Spouse of the Lamb of God and faithful virgin St Gemma, you preserved the innocence and splendor of virginity, giving to the world a bright example of purity and the most exalted virtues. Look down with pity from thy high place in heaven upon us who confide in thee, as we implore thee for the favor we so ardently desire (mention request).

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Pray for us, Saint Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. O God, Who fashioned thy servant Saint Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession the favor that we humbly request, and through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Thy Son, may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


Preface: Oh most Divine Lord, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Gemma Galgani, whose intercession we are now imploring.

O most loving virgin St. Gemma, with a fervent love for Jesus you suffered immensely for the conversion of sinners as a victim for sin, and you loved others intensely out of love for God. Do not forget us then, who remain here on earth, and look down with kindness on those of us who implore thee in the confident hope of receiving this favor through thy loving intercession (mention request)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Pray for us, Saint Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. O God, Who fashioned thy servant Saint Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession the favor that we humbly request, and through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Thy Son, may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


Day 4
Preface: Oh most Divine Lord, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Gemma Galgani, whose intercession we are now imploring.

Blessed St Gemma, you who by the will of God suffered the loss of both of your parents at a young age, and whom also suffered countless pains in body and spirit, teach us how to sacrifice and to suffer out of love for God, that we too may expiate our sins here on earth, and thereby become more worthy of the infinite treasure of being united with God in heaven.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Pray for us, Saint Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. O God, Who fashioned thy servant Saint Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession the favor that we humbly request (mention request), and through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Thy Son, may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Day 5
Preface: Oh most Divine Lord, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Gemma Galgani, whose intercession we are now imploring.

Oh glorious St Gemma, for years you greatly desired to enter the consecrated religious life, but God desired otherwise, telling you after many years that it was not to be, and thereby causing you such great disappointment. Yet, you accepted this great sacrifice and resigned yourself to the will of God. Teach us then, dear St Gemma, to accept the sacrifices and sufferings that God permits in our lives, especially those that are very much against our own will and desires.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Pray for us, Saint Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. O God, Who fashioned thy servant Saint Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession, the favor that we humbly request (mention request), and through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Thy Son may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Day 6
Preface: Oh most Divine Lord, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Gemma Galgani, whose intercession we are now imploring.

Beloved Gem of Christ St Gemma, whose heart was all on fire for the love of God, teach us to love God with all our hearts, minds and souls, and fervently place God above all things, so “that where our treasure is, there also will our heart be.” (Matt 6:21)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Pray for us, Saint Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. O God, Who fashioned thy servant Saint Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession, the favor that we humbly request (mention request), and through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Thy Son may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Day 7
Preface: Oh most Divine Lord, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Gemma Galgani, whose intercession we are now imploring.

Oh holy saint of the Passion of Jesus, St Gemma, as a soul victim you were always pleading for the salvation of sinners. Obtain for us, we beg you, not only the grace that we are asking, if it would be God’s will (mention request) but most importantly obtain for us the conversion and salvation of our souls, so that someday we may be united with Jesus, Mary and you for all eternity.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Pray for us, Saint Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. O God, Who fashioned thy servant Saint Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession, the favor that we humbly request, and through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Thy Son may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Day 8
Preface: Oh most Divine Lord, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Gemma Galgani, whose intercession we are now imploring.

Oh most fervent St Gemma, so many times you shed countless tears over your sins, and sought constantly to do penance and to make reparation for them. We who are so inclined to pamper ourselves, always seeking to gratify our senses and excuse ourselves from every penance, help us to recognize the infinite sufferings that Jesus endured for our sins, and all the pains we caused Him, and with the Passion of Jesus in mind, obtain for us a great sorrow and desire to never commit such sins again.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Pray for us, Saint Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. O God, Who fashioned thy servant Saint Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession the favor that we humbly request (mention request), and through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Thy Son, may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Day 9
Preface: Oh most Divine Lord, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, Saint Gemma Galgani, whose intercession we are now imploring.

Oh most lovable St Gemma, we ask you to be our patroness and special friend today and always. Assist us in our daily spiritual and material needs and teach us to know, love and serve the Lord our God with all our hearts. Accompany us, along with our guardian Angel, in all our ways, and guide us lovingly to Heaven. Assist us at the time of our death along with Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and plead our cause before God, and trusting in His great mercy and the Passion of Jesus thy Spouse, obtain for us the salvation of our souls, and also the favor that we now humbly request (mention request).
Autobiography, Diary and Novena Book

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Pray for us, Saint Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray. O God, Who fashioned thy servant Saint Gemma into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through her intercession the favor that we humbly request, and through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Thy Son, may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For those interested, the Novena above is availible in a book here


Anonymous said...

St. Gemma ...I have loved her since watching her biography on EWTN a while back.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Bryn,
Thanks for your comment.
I saw the Bob and Penny Lord episode on St Gemma and it was really good. They were at Lucca and showed her shrine and also the house she grew up in etc...
Is that the same one that you saw?
May God bless you and yours,
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to get to know of St. GEMMA....I never heard of her wasn't until I read about her on spirt daily....since then, I have been very interested in everything about her.......I have her medal around my neck and pray for her intercession everyday......thank you so much for all the information of this great saint.......and God Bless you all...........Theresa

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Theresa,
It is a pleasute to meet you.

It is wonderful to hear of your devotion to St Gemma....Like you, I became devoted to her when I came across a her writings. She express her love for God so beautifully in her writings.
One can't help but admire her.

May God bless you and yours,
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...


Thank you for wonderful website devoted to St Gemma. She is such an inspiration for us all to love our Lord Jesus more each day and she's helped me gain a better apprecation of what He suffered on our account.

God bless you Glenn and all the good work you are doing to spread the message about St. Gemma's life and her love for our Lord Jesus.


Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Alex,
Thank you for your kind comments. I am very happy to hear that you are inspired by the life and love of St Gemma.

I pray that she may be your special friend and advocate, and may she lead you into the heart of Jesus,
-Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

I have begun a Novena to St. Gemma this week for a personal intention, and I invite others to join if they are so inclined.


Glenn Dallaire said...

Hello David!

Just a little note to let you know that I will unite with you each day in your Novena intentions.

May St. Gemma intercede for you, and may she be yours special advocate and heavenly friend.
~St. Gemma, pray for us!

Union in the hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire

Vikk Simmons said...

I stumbled upon your site while trying to research female saints. I'm in RCIA and was just told I needed to find a name. At first they said it could be of a saint that I have an affinity with but tonight they said I had to have a female saint since I'm female. The saint I have felt closest to is St. Michael the Archangel.

Two others were St. Luke because I'm a a writer and a student of iconography and St. Francis because of my love and work with dogs. (I'm sure he sends them to me. :))

Anyway, I'd like to stay with someone who practiced a spirituality in the way of St. Michael if possible. I know of St. Joan but there doesn't seem to be any resonance with me.

Is there anything about St. MIchael with St. Gemma? I didn't see a search to check. If not, would you know of any other female saints that I might read about?

Sorry but I'm having a hard time with this.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Vikk,
It is a pleasure to meet you. I am glad to hear that you are coming into the Church through the RCIA program.

In regards to a patron Saint, there are of course so many to choose from. Of course, each Sant is unique in their own personalities, spirituality, devotion...etc.

Having prayed about it, I am sure God will inspire in your heart an interest in a particular one---the one who helps draw you closer to God by their heroic love for God...the one whose virtues inspire you...this is certainly the one to pick.

As for myself, obviously St Gemma is the one who inspires me the most. She loved God with all her heart, to the point of great sacrifice, and she expressed her love for God so well in her diary and autobiography. When I first read a bit of her autobiography I said to myself "now THAT is how God is to be loved!!!..with all one's heart and mind."---and I knew then that St Gemma was to be my patron and heavenly friend.

And so, I would think that this is what you may want to look for in a patron Saint.

May God bless you in your spiritual journey into His Church, and may He continue to draw you ever closer to Himself.
-Glenn Dallaire

Unknown said...

Hi Glenn!I would like to thank you for all your effort in this blog. You are doing a lot for God and his saints.I am Mauro 37 years old married with one child.I would like to share to you my unusual experience about this St.Gemma. This happened last month .I was praying to God when will be the schedule for the christening of my 1 month old baby boy. Early in the morning around 5 am I dream of a big calendar in color blue with a highlight of number 16 then near it a name of a saint St.Gemma Galgani and I heard a voice reading it 3x.When I woke up I suddenly search it in the net and to my surprise May 16 was really a feast day celebration of the Passionist order for her.So this coming May 16 he will be baptize. I thank God for giving me the chance to know her through a dream. I bought a beautiful crucifix last week and have it blessed by a priest . I am now a devotee of her.As a matter of fact I will my start my first novena tomorrow.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Mau011972,
It is a pleasure to meet you.

Congratulations to you and your husband on the birth of your son.

And thank you for sharing the beautiful grace that you were given concerning May 16th and the upcoming Baptism of your son. By this grace it seems then that St Gemma is to be his special advocate, patroness and heavenly friend.

May God bless you and your family and may He draw you ever closer to Himself.
~St Gemma, pray for us!

Thanks again for sharing your story.
-Glenn Dallaire

Deirdre said...

My Priest had a sense that St Gemma is a St I should walk with this year. I am excited to get to know St Gemma!

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Deirdre,
I am glad to hear that your priest recommeneded St Gemma for a example of holiness to model yourself after.

The more you read of her holy life the more you will be inspired by her extraordinary love for Jesus, and I am sure you will soon be rapt in admiration of this "Gem of Christ".

I pray that she may lead you ever closer into the Heart of her beloved Jesus.

St Gemma, pray for us!
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...


Glenn Dallaire said...

Dear Anonymous,
I pray that your husband might get this job that he will be able to better support his family.
We ask this through Christ our Lord, AMEN. +

St Gemma, pray for us!
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

I just found this site. Thank you so much for introducing me to Saint Gemma. Please pray for my husband that he may be able to start to have some relief from his continual and severe back pain. I pray that the Lord and Saint Gemma guide him and help him get comfort so that he may be able to find work. I pray that God will guide us though the paths that he has selected for each of us.
Thank you,

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Joanne,
Thanks for your comments. I am really glad that you found this website.

As you have probaly read, St Gemma is a great Saint to pray to for those who suffer with back pain/injuries, because she suffered so much herself from severe back/spinal pain because of her severe spinal disease. I pray that St Gemma may interecede on behalf of your husbands back pain, and may she also help him to find gainful employment.

-St Gemma, pray for us!

May God bless you and your loved ones.
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

Hi Glenn,

I received my St. Gemma medals and holy cards yesterday and want to let you know how happy I am with them!
The cards, especially, are amazing and the quality and durability is fantastic...I will be ordering more for family members soon!
Thanks for continuing to do this great website and get the word out about St. Gemma! She was truly an amazing saint and is one of my favorites along with Padre Pio.
God bless,

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Wendy,
Thanks for letting me know that you received the medals and holy cards safely--I am glad to hear that you are pleased with them.

I pray that St Gemma may always be close to you and your loved ones, and may she lead you ever closer to Jesus.

-Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

2 days ago, i went to my mother's house , my sister was there and were discussing confirmation names for my 10 y.o. son. Whilst searching the internet for the saints name we stumbled upon St Gemma Galgani. What a treasure she was and still is. All three of us started reading St Gemma's autobiography and we were glued to the screen for hours. We love Gemma so much and can't stop finding out about her. We have purchased the autobiography of her life, is there anything else that you feel would be worthwhile buying. ?I am not working at the moment due to a painful back injury i sustained at work.THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LETTING EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT THIS LITTLE GEM .

Uchenna Onyenakasa - Lagos, Nigeria said...

March 12 will be the Birthday of St Gemma.

I am a Novena to St. Gemma today in honour of her birthday and for a personal intention. I invite others to join if they are so inclined.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your comment. I am really glad to hear that you, your mom and your sister are enjoying the website and have become devoted to St Gemma---that is wonderful! I pray that Gemma may continue to inspire you, and may she lead you ever closer to Jesus, her beloved Spouse.

About you question concerning recommended books on St Gemma, I have an article on the website about books that I recommend. If interested, you can read it here:

Recommended books on Saint Gemma

Best wishes and may God bless you and your loved ones.
-St Gemma, pray for us!
Glenn Dallaire

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Uchenna,
It is great to hear from you again.

Thanks for the suggestion about making a novena in honor of St Gemma's birthday, March 12th. -This is a great idea! I will surely join you beginning today.

And of course along with her birthday another great time for a novena to St Gemma would be her feastday, April 11th, the anniversary of her holy death.

Anyway, thanks again and may God bless you and your loved ones.
-St Gemma, pray for us!
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

I only got to know about St. Gemma last night from my mother. She mentioned that St. Gemma is the patron saint for those suffering from back and spine illnesses and that I share the same birthday with het. I then googled her and was led to this site. I started my novena to her today for her intercession. I have severe back pain due to multiple disc protrusions. Her life is an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I first found out about St Gemma in a Catholic magazine. I then found this website. This Saint has inspired and renewed my faith. I am reading her autobiography on this web site and I find her to be such an inspiration. She has made a profound and life changing influence on me.I will always pray to her and ask her for help. I also have made the novena to her.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your kind comments. I am really glad to hear that you are inspired by the holy life of St Gemma. I pray that she may always lead you ever closer to Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire

Unknown said...

Hi Glenn,

Thank you for introducing me to a Great Saint who wants to help all of us to love the Triune God and our Immaculate Mother more and more. I pray and hope that more fervent, meek and patient souls will come to know our "little mom" Saint Gemma Galgani as she gathers her poor, little ones ...preparing their rendezvous with her in the Heart of God - permanently suffused with Divine Love.

God bless, and God speed!

With humble and loving affection in the Undivided Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Nolan,

I am glad to hear of your new found devotion to St Gemma.

I pray that she may always be close to you and may she guide and inspire you, and lead you ever closer to Jesus and Mary.

May God bless you!

Tony Nicola said...

Our family prayed a Novena to St. Gemma for our unborn baby who was at high risk for birth defects, including heart anomalies. We just found out this morning the results of the last series of tests showed that all is normal with our baby boy.

We give thanks ultimately to our God, but also for the intercessions of St. Gemma (and St. Blaise, to whom we also offered a Novena).

All Holy Men and Women, Pray for Us.

ANDRE B. GO said...

O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I love you so much, thank you so much for all the Heavenly Graces thou so lovingly our beloved St. Gemma. THank you so much for making her a glorious SAINT in heaven. Thank you so much for answering her prayers here on earth and in heaven. As we pray for the intercession of our beloved Saint Gemma, we gave you Glory, Honor Praise and Adoration O Most Holy Trinity.

Anonymous said...

St. Gemma, you are the first saint to get my prayers. I am contemplating converting to Catholicism. This Novena, even though I probably did it wrong, worked for me - thank you for my new job at a GEM store. It made me feel like you were reaching out to me personally, and like you were listening. I will attend my local catholic churches, and see where this all goes. All love and gratitude to you.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for sharing the grace that you received from St Gemma--I pray that Gemma may always be close to you, and may she lead you ever closer to Jesus. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +

Mabel said...

Can you tell me the actual feast day of St. GEMMA. Is it April 11th or May 16...I am confused.

God Bless you


Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Mabel,
Saint Gemma's feast day is the anniversary of her holy death, which is April 11.

The Passionist Community however celebrates it on May 16th (Gemma as you know is considered a lay Passionist).

May God bless you and your loved ones!
-Glenn Dallaire

Mabel said...

Thank you for your response Glenn.

So if I want to make the Novenas to St. GEMMA what are the dates?

God Bless you and your family


Mabel said...

Thank you for your response Glenn.

If I wish to make Novenas to St. Gemma what are the precise dates then?

God bless you and your family


Anonymous said...

I just discovered that St.Gemma is the patron saint of headache sufferers. At Mass this morning, I asked to be divinely lead to a solution.I have had chronic headaches since the mid 70' s. I will start the novena this very day.

Thank you and may God bless!

Anonymous said...

I have just finished the Novena after discovering St Gemma. I asked her to intercede on behalf of my 30 year old daughter whose health is very poor. I feel confident that Jesus will listen to St Gemma and that my beautiful daughter will be healed.

Anonymous said...

My mother is having issues with her neck, which is nearly paralyzing her fingers. I've prayer the novena, I hope she gets healed without surgery.

Anonymous said...

Having had the opportunity to visit Padre Pio's Church and home, I have always felt an affinity to him. In praying a Novena to him I feel he has led me to St. Gemma. I am grateful for this site in that it is allowing me to learn about this precious Saint. I have a severe back problem, and I pray she can assist me. I would like to order some prayer cards, and wanted to be sure this was still available.
Thank you for all your work in this site.

Glenn Dallaire said...

I am happy to hear that you have been led to St Gemma through the holy intercession of St Padre Pio (who by the way is one of my favorite Saints, along with St Gemma). I pray that St Gemma may intercede for you in regards to your back problem.

To reply to your question, yes, I have lots of the St Gemma holy cards, so feel free to order whatever you may like.

Best wishes and may God bless you and your loved ones,
-Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

May God rain down His graces on you St. Henna and I thank you for your prayers for my injured friend. Please keep praying for her to be healed. May your name continue to be honored with all the saints in Heaven and may we all join you there to praise the Blessed Trinity forever!!

Gareth said...

Can I ask for prayers for my wife Julie.

She has just had surgery on her spine to have a shattered disk removed as it was compressing the nerves in her spine causing Cauda Equina Syndrome.

She is in less pain and can walk now but still numb in places and can't feel her bladder or bowels.

I am praying to St Gemma everyday for her help:)

Glenn Dallaire said...

I pray for your wife Judy---that Jesus, through the intercession of St Gemma, may grant her healing for her spine and surrounding areas. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
-Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this site. So far i am on day 5 of st.gemma Novena and i see and feel a significant improvement. I never knew about Saint till today.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say i never knew about saint until this site.

Anonymous said...

I began the Novena 3 days ago, after failing an English test, asking St Gemma Galgani for her intercession since she's the Patron of students, & yesterday I get 100% on my Math & 90% On science !!!

Thanks 2 GOD, my Heavenly Father. & St. Gemma for her help. God Bless u Glenn :D

Glenn Dallaire said...

Nice grades on both tests!..great job!..St Gemma, pray for us.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I asked a friend to remember my wife in prayer this morning as she is going into hospital due to her back. My friend told me to say a novena to St.Gemma. I found youe website and I will say the novena and I know that my wife will be healed. Thank you fordoing Gods work.

May God bless you'll always.


Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Ray,
I pray that Jesus may strengthen and heal your wife. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
-St Gemma, pray for us!
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

St.Gemma help me in this difficult situation. . Please keep me in your prayers amen.

Anonymous said...

My son has been wearing a back brace for 9 months to correct kyphosis of the spine. It is now worse and he is to be re-evaluated for surgery if he does not show improvement. I found Saint Gemma in my research for support and a guide to help me deal with this for my son. He is a teen. Thank you for posting her novena and the prayers on your site. I will start them right away. I have faith that he will be healed without surgery.

Anonymous said...

My name is Daniel. Please pray for me- I have chronic sciatica which has made the last 2 years of my life incredibly arduous and painful. I have prayed the novena to St. Gemma for perhaps a year or so and she has aided me considerably but pain and discomfort still persist. Thank you.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Daniel,
In His infinite love and mercy I pray that Jesus may heal your sciatica through the intercession of St Gemma. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
-Glenn Dallaire

William S said...

I have seen her face so many times over the years and wanted to learn more about her. I always put it off for some reason. Then I got a Kindle and while looking for books to load onto it I came across her biography for $0.99 I couldn't pass it up! I am so glad I got it! I am so in love with her for her life and her way of life with Christ!! She has so inspired me and I can relate so much to her way like starting a novena and then having to restart it again and again! lol I hope I can one day get a relic of hers I know so many that could benefit with cures both corpral and spiritual I wish I had visited her when I was in Italy. But to much to see and the guys I was with had to go other places. I can also relate to her vocation. I too want to be a priest but now at my age no one wants me and my health is not good. In fact when it is pretty fair and I inquire with a vocation director I start to get sick! I am so glad I found this web site too!!! God Bless!!

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi William,
I am glad to see that Jesus has led to St Gemma!
As you have read, like yourself Gemma too wanted to become a consecrated religious, but she was unable to due to illness and her "reputation" as someone who has received mystical gifts and graces.

I pray that St Gemma may be close to you and may she lead you ever closer to Jesus.

And may God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire

Katie M. said...

I first discovered glorious St. Gemma when I had a health scare regarding my back a few years ago. She heard my prayers and has become my dear dear friend since. I feel so lucky to have "found" her and will spend my life telling others about her.

Anonymous said...

I have recently discovered saint Gemma and am on my seventh day of the novena. Am praying for my husband who has a double slipped disk and confined at home since January. Has had an injection but it was unsuccessful. Since starting novena he has noticed an improvement. This saint has left a great impression on me when i started reading about her life and she's on my mind a lot in the last few days since l discovered her.I pray to her with all my heart. Thankyou.

Anonymous said...

I wish that St.Gemma would be my partner in my death..and St.Gemma bring me to Our Blessed Mother and finally bring me to Jesus to be see face to face!


Illia said...

I just started today the novena to Saint Gemma for a personal intention. A very good friend of mine told me about her and I have read a summary of her life and devotion to Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Of to Mass later on to celebrate St Gemma's Feast day!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this site . The novena to St Gemma is inspiring and has helped lessen my back pain .
Please pray for me to be able to resume work.

Anonymous said...

Please pray for my little baby boy. He is 8 months old and has to have surgery on his spinal cord. I have prayed a novena to St Gemma and feel much more calm.

Anonymous said...

I am going to start St Gemma novena to seek help for the trails and tribulations we have been going through the last year and a half. My mom was diagnosed with cancer and has been put on hospice. Living 2 thousands plus mile away and my husband unemployed has made it difficult to make it down recently. My husband has been getting discouraged not being able to fine a job or pass his CDL test. With faith and pray we shall overcome this storm. Please pray for my mom and for my husband. Thank you

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus for St. Gemma. She is inspirational because of her similar trials. I am asking her for intervention for my children to keep a pure heart and for my friends who suffer from spinal and brain injuries. Thank you for your prayers.

Anonymous said...

Is she the patron saint of the lonely? And if yes has she helped you? I'm in the midst of loneliness right now. Can anyone just please send me their insight on this to my whatsapp number +96898870745. I might not be able to get back to this site again i'm on mobile internet only. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Finished my novena about a week ago for my mother in law to be healed of intense mental issues due to a brain surgery. Heard from her and she is almost completely healed! A miracle! Thank you st. Gemma!!!

Christine Troia said...

Thank you, St. Gemma, for your friendship, your powerful intercession, and continually leading me closer to Jesus.

tatiana said...

I'm asking intercertion through st Gemma I am struggling with my study .I heard she's the patron of students .

Alexa said...

Thank you Glenn for this beautiful site. I am enjoying the relic medal and books on St Gemma amd St Pio. I feel God brought her to me especially during difficult times. She is a powerful intercessor and very inspirational. God bless you

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Alexa,
Thank you for your kind message--I am really glad to hear that you are enjoying the relic medal and books on St Gemma and St Pio. I pray that they may lead you ever closer to Jesus!
Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

Thank you St. Gemma!

Unknown said...

Happy Feast Day, dear St. Gemma! You know all my needs, spiritual and temporal. Please pray for me and help me, if it is in accordance with His holy will.

Anonymous said...

Please, everyone pray for Gemma in Trinidad whose husband is going blind, her daughter and grandson are virtually homeless,and two of her brothers died within a few months (one recently murdered).

Unknown said...

Hello came across St Gemma when I typed in about my constant migraines was so glad to find a prayer to help. Thank you St Gemma for your help and I pray that each person can get help with the intentions they have prayed for God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Dear Glen,

Few years ago, I had a great attack on what to believe - if there is a God or not. And during those painful and dark times of my life, I have met ST. GEMMA GALGANI through through this site. Looking back, it made me realize how helpful this kind of blog you made. I knew she was praying for me, a wicked and wretched sinner, during those time. Truly, I am very grateful for this blog.

Thank you so much! If you only knew what great good God and the Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary with St. Gemma Galgani has brought to my soul.

May God and the Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Mercy, always bless you with Their love, mercy and tenderness all the days of your life! And may St. Gemma Galgani present to you to Our Lord and Father in Heaven!

In Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph, St. Rita and St. Teresa,

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hello MC,
Thanks so much for your kind comments--I really love your "attitude of gratitude" which is surely pleasing to God. I am very happy to hear how Saint Gemma has brought you closer to Jesus and helped to inspire you in faith--thanks be to God for His infinite kindness and mercy! St Gemma, pray for us!
-Glenn Dallaire

holyspiritinvoke said...

Dear Gemma Galgani has helped me a lot in my life I received two holy cards from this site some time ago and praying them has helped me make contact with and converse with Gemma, accept advice and grow spiritually I could not give an high enough recommendation of St Gemma Galgani as an intercessor, adviser, guide and beloved big sister in Jesus, Mary and YHWH. OH POOR GEMMA (PRAY FOR US).

Catherine said...

I make this post in thanksgiving. This novena I began praying for a dear Sister and friend of mine. She has been suffering from back pain. I asked for St. Gemma's intercession to heal this Sister of her back pain and whatever else the Lord willed.

This Sister wrote me this morning that she is doing better. She is out of the hospital and the pain she had has subsided. This pain she has struggled with off and on for a long time. She says she can move better! Praise the Lord and I want to thank with all my heart, my great Friend in Heaven, St. Gemma Galgani.

May this be the beginning of an eternal friendship with you, St. Gemma. Thank you for your intercession. May God be praised!

Julie said...

A glorious and blessed feast day in Heaven, dear Saint Gemma! I count on your powerful intercession with our beloved Jesus. I love you with all my heart. Thank you for helping us! Please help me to know the holy will of God for my life and the grace to carry it out.

Bronwyn said...

Thank you for all these beautiful testimonies. I have a young man named Chris who needs prayers from all for a complete healing. We ask St. Gemma to bring our intentions to the feet of Jesus and grant us this petition. He had surgery on he spine and is in rehab to learn how to walk again, God willing. Please all, pray this novena with me for Christopher.

MILDRED Menezes said...

I thank St. GEMMA for relieving my son Ryan of his back pain as soon as I started the novena to her. I pray to her that he never gets that pain again and also for all who are suffering from backache.

Unknown said...

I'm so happy to know St. Gemma Galgani after watching saints was visible and visiting Purgatory and one of saints is St. Gemma Galgani and from that moment I was falling in love with Her spiritual and tonight I found your website about Novena St Gemma Galgan and do Novena for first time today start, I invite all of you to join 😍 n can saved Her beautiful photo as my wallpaper, I'm feeling so blessed and thankful ,God bless to you and your family to create this beautiful website and help others people to find Lord through intercession of St. Gemma Galgani

Unknown said...

I'm sorry not written my name
Respectfully Irene, Timor Leste

Anna said...

I pray her 3 day novena start from today please pray along with me so I can get a job and paid all my debts.Amen

Unknown said...

St Gemma is great saint. I pray for her intersection on my family and my sick ones amen. St Gemma of Galgani pray for us.

Unknown said...

Dearest Glenn,
I would like to thank you for this wonderful website devoted to Saint Gemma. I just happened upon it a few months ago. I can't tell you of how much I come here. I am devoted to Saint Gemma, and am asking her for a healing for my Granddaughter who has Scoliosis. She is in pain every day, her body is twisted, and she has a hard time breathing, due to her twisted ribcage squeezing her lungs. She is like a Daughter to me, as she has been with me since under one year old, and now she is 16. I BELIEVE that GOOD Saint Gemma will heal her. Thank you again from my heart.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hello Anonymous,
Thanks for your comments. I'm glad to hear that you have been enjoying the website and that St Gemma has been an inspiration and spiritual friend to you. I join you in praying For St Gemma's intercession for your granddaughter--may Jesus strengthen and heal her--in Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
And may God bless you and your loved ones,

Anonymous said...

I have just finished this Novena to Saint Gemma for a beautiful friend who has been suffering migraines. I have only discovered Saint Gemma in the past couple of weeks and I love her dearly. I know that my prayers will be answered, I have complete faith in this remarkable woman. Thanks you God for allowing me to get to know, admire and love her.
Thanks Glenn for all your work and may you reap the Spiritual rewards for this inspiring effort. Thank you Saint Gemma for the love and inspiration.

Unknown said...

Ihave known about st Gema today through my spiritual guidian Fr Wababa and l have started my novena straight away for my daugther charlote who is battling with ahole in her heart since birth dear Glenn kindly put her in your prayers ldon't have money to pay for hersurgary her father died at 5years.

Unknown said...

My name is monica thank you

Unknown said...

Sorry 5months no

Unknown said...

I have known about St Gemma today through my spiritual Guidian Fr Wababa l started my novena straight away for me and my daugther charlotte who's battling with a hole in her heart since birth l don't have money for her surgary her father died when she was 5months.Dearglenn pray for us l love saints they inspire me alot thanks in Jeasus name.Monica

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hello Monica,
Thanks for your comments. I pray that Jesus may strengthen Charlotte and may He be very close to the both of you and all of your loved ones. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +

Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Dellaire,

I have been nearly as fascinated by reading your unfailingly warm, generous, and Christ-centered replies to all of us who enjoy this website as I was by reading St. Gemma's autobiography itself! Clearly your heavenly friend holds you very dear and has led you toward great perfection yourself! Thank you for your beautiful work.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hello Anonymous (directly above),
It is nice to hear from you--thanks so much for your kind comments! I am very happy to hear that you are enjoying the website. Best wishes and may God bless you and your loved ones.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Dellaire and all Christians reading this:

Please pray for everyone's intentions here and for all sufferers who would benefit from the intercession of this gentle and inspiring saint. And if your kind prayers would allow, please also pray for my friend Tom, who suffers from a spinal cord injury. The pain was so intense a couple years ago, it brought him to the brink of suicide. I appreciate your prayers, I'm doing the novena and suggest it for others, too. God bless you all, and thank you for this site! Reading Gemma's biography has been so inspiring to me! -Tara-

Unknown said...

I pray to Gemma often my daughter had spinal surgery 2 years ago, had a tough time after. We have her 2 year x ray tomorrow please all pray all is stable , would be so appreciative.

Arnel's Artworks said...

I will start today Novena to St. Gemma Galgani. Please pray for me to heal my throat and prostate cancer.

Glenn Dallaire said...

Dear Arnel's Artworks,
Through the holy intercession of St Gemma may Jesus heal you of your throat and prostate cancer. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +

Unknown said...

Am on my last day of novena to St. Gemma.. I got inspired to her as I was not feeling well reading through landed on St. Gemma to intercede for me while in on with an acute headach and surprising the 2nd day if the novena felt much better though now have a cold bug and I trust I will heal in prayer to St. Gemma as amazing as she is!

Unknown said...

Thank you for this novena prayer. I will start from today for the healing of my back pain, pain at the back ribs and lower back right side pain. I trust i will be completely healed in Jesus name. Amen

Unknown said...

Dear Glenn Dallaire,
Thank you for this novena prayer to St. Gemma. I will start this novena from today for the healing of my back pain, pain at the back ribs and lower back right side pain. I trust i will be completely healed in Jesus name. Amen

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hello Unknown (directly above),
Through your love for God and through the holy intercession of St Gemma may Jesus strengthen and heal you of your back pain. I pray this in Jesus holy Name, AMEN +

Unknown said...

Hello I only recently heard of Saint Gemma and would like to know if anyone has done her novena and received grace from excruciating sciatica pain Vanessa

Unknown said...

Please help me to pray for my mother who suffers from hearing loss. She has tinnitus and it causes her alot of pain in her ears. I am doing the novina to St Gemma.

Unknown said...

Today I complete my novena to St. Gemma. I was having back pain for a few weeks. On the 7th day of the novena the backpain disappeared and I thank St. Gemma for her intercession🙏

Unknown said...

Thank you very much I don't even know what to say but just to say thank you Mr Glenn for this side I have never heard of St Gemma,on till on the 25 of November which is my birthday, because I have been suffering from sickness since January this year my Junior brother ask my entire family members to say this novena for me to receive I also pray the novena with out even knowing St Gemma but after reading through the comments I think I'm already in love with her,I will love to read about her I don't know how to get her biography I pray she answers our prayers in Jesus mighty name Amen

Unknown said...

Sorry my name victorine

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Victorine,
I'm glad to hear that you have been led to St Gemma. I pray the Jesus may strengthen and heal you, and may St Gemma be your heavenly friend and advocate!
-Glenn Dallaire

Anonymous said...

Please pray for St. Gemma's intercession for a young priest ordained in August in Rwanda. Five days after ordination, pain in his back that had been uncomfortable became serious. In September he was admitted to hospital for intensive physiotherapy. Because of the back problem, he has been unable to report to the parish assignment he was given. He worked so hard to attain ordination with fervent desire to serve God and His people. Please bring him healing and clear direction.

Mary said...

Dear Glenn I was so happy to find this website. I found Gemma while searching for the Saint of migraine sufferers. I prayed the novena to St Gemma and believe she healed my granddaughter’s migraines. I’m asking prayers for my husband who is suffering greatly with depression and mental torment. I am going to pray to St Gemma to intercede on his behalf. If I could ask your prayers as well I would be so appreciative. God bless

Glenn Dallaire said...

Hi Mary,
Thank you for your comment. May St Gemma intercede for your before Jesus, and obtain assistance and healing of your migraines. In Jesus Holy Name, AMEN +

Anonymous said...

I just started praying to saint Gemma I had a Epidural nearly 2 weeks ago tomorrow for birth my son and I’m haven very bad back pain and migraines plz saint Gemma Intercede for me 🙏🏼

Anonymous said...

Saint Gemma, all that have found you. Through all your writings and others testimonies, have come to
Love you. For me my devotion to you is unwavering. I will say your novena daily for your intentions and souls in purgatory. Bless us all Saint Gemma. Until we meet in heaven. 🙏

Anonymous said...

May all who visit this website be blessed. Happy Feast Day, St. Gemma!

Anonymous said...

I am reading her autobiography. As a 3 yr old, she had more faith than I can hope to have. But in faith I pray for her intercession of the healing of my niece Karen of breast cancer.

Anonymous said...

God bless St.Gemma Galgani, you have been a treasure to my heart.

Anonymous said...

Can you pray for me to get a supervisory position that I have applied at work, I could really use the money. I have been dealing with some health issues for the past 4 months and I have 1 more month of treatment, then operation, recovery and continue with treatment for another 3 months. A long treatment and recovery. I have been praying to st Gemma and continue to do the novena

Anonymous said...

Oh how I suffer and have been suffering for almost a year. I have had masses said for me, family praying for me, priests located in an Abby praying for me, so many people that I have reached out to asking for prayers - including my own novenas and prayer and yet I remain on a state of pain with really not one dr able to fix the problem. What can I do? Thanks see so many on here with hope, that have received miracles and healing. What am I doing wrong dear brothers and sisters? My pain is likened to that of St. Gemma - hence why I began praying to her. Obviously her pain and suffering was:is greater than mine but the areas and symptoms are the same. What can I do? Even as I read about St. Gemma and her prayers to St. Mary Margaritas I struggle. Is it that Jesus is restraining her prayers from healing me as He did to St. Gemma? I have prayed to St. Gabriel to come to me as he did for St. Gemma and help me. I have prayer to St. Gemma to come to me as St. Gabriel did for her - to help me pray, to pray with me, but alas nothing is changing and a stage of discouragement and depression is setting in. I need help. If there are those of you out there that have had miracles granted - and please tell me what I am doing or failing to do that my ask for truly a miracle is being unanswered. If anyone is on here that can pray for me - a wretched sinner - a failure at proclaiming the glory of God - an insignificant soul who is losing hope - my heat will be forever grateful. All I can offer in return for this ask is that during my monthly
Prayers is to remember you and to ask the Sacred Heart of Jesus to also remember each of you and that my patters for you will assist in Jesus granting your own prayers. In desperation, I ask you for your help.


Glenn Dallaire said...

Hello Frank,
Thank you for your post. When I read what you wrote the thought that came to mind is "The soul comes first and then the body!", which was something that St Gemma herself wrote in her Autobiography--something which she had said to St Gabriel in a vision. God does what is best for our souls first and foremost, before our body, so while He hears your prayers, if He has chosen not to heal you thusfar, its because first and foremost your suffering is beneficial to the salvation of your soul.
I pray that Jesus may be very close to you, and may He draw you ever close to Himself.
