Devotion of the Faithful to St. Gemma
Immediately after Gemma’s death, people began praying to her asking for her intercession for various needs. Gemma’s spiritual director, Father Germanus, began receiving numerous letters attesting to Gemma’s miraculous intercession on behalf of the faithful. By the time he wrote the first edition of her biography, he had received hundreds of letters. He added a few of these letters to the end of her biography.
Venerable Father Germanus writes: “A stranger called at our retreat house of Sts. John and Paul in Rome and asked to see me. On my coming to him he requested to see me privately, and when we were alone he said: "I have been sent to you by Gemma Galgani, who, drawing me from the abyss of sin in which I was involved, spoke the following words to my ear as well as to my heart: 'Go to Rome and seek at the Monastery of Sts. John and Paul a Priest by the name of Fr. Germanus, and settle with him the affairs of your soul without delay, otherwise Jesus will strike you.’ This said and with tears in his eyes, he threw himself at my feet, saying: ‘Father, hear my Confession.’ I also shed tears of emotion, heard his Confession and absolved him. Then, after mutual kind words, he, like one risen from death to life, thanked me and left for the railway station to return to the town whence he had come.”
“Marianna Angelini, a Roman, twenty years ago had to undergo an operation for a tumor on her breast. Fifteen years later, in August, 1903, the operation had to be repeated in St. James' Hospital, Rome. It seemed a success, but, after the lapse of four years, a fresh tumor appeared, and a third operation was advised. The poor sufferer was undergoing excruciating torments night and day, which rendered her right arm powerless. Almost in despair, she appealed to all the Saints, until, hearing of Gemma of Lucca, she turned to her with confidence. She applied a relic and a picture of the Servant of God to the part affected, and, having begun a tridiuum of prayers, although up to that time she had not been able to get any rest, she fell into a tranquil sleep. As soon as her mother awoke, her child, age four, ‘told her that a beautiful girl had come to her and assured her of Mamma's recovery’. It was so, for the invalid, having slept well all that night, felt perfectly free from pain; and, on her return, the surgeon found that there was no longer any need of an operation. In token of their gratitude, this lady and her husband gave a sum of money, more than proportionate to their means, toward the Cause of the Beatification of their benefactress.”
“Philomena Bini of Pisa, aged 72, suffered for a long time from malignant stomach disease, pronounced by several eminent physicians to be a cancerous ulceration of the worst kind. Various prescriptions were tried, more with the object of lessening pain than with hope of cure. Finally, it was openly declared that any further attempts to cure such a disease in a woman of her age, reduced to such a state, was loss of time, and so medical attendance was discontinued. Meanwhile, the parish priest visited her daily for months and administered to her the last Sacraments. In this extremity, a good lady of the city, hearing of Gemma, felt inspired to implore her intercession. Having procured a relic, she hastened to the bedside of the dying woman. She made all present kneel, said some prayers to the Blessed Trinity in honor of the Servant of God and applied the relic to the patient. Almost immediately the sick woman, who for a long time had not closed her eyes owing to the violent pains that tormented her, fell into a placid sleep that lasted the whole night. In the morning, on awakening, she found herself perfectly cured, without the least remnant of the pains that had tormented her for five years. She asked for food, and ate with appetite four times that day, taking broth, meat, biscuits, milk and eggs. Imagine the astonishment of the doctor when Philomena Bini, whom he believed dying, presented herself to him in robust health. Not trusting to what he saw, he wished to examine her with electric rays, and finding that all disease had gone, he exclaimed: "This is a miracle wrought by God!" Many months have passed since that miracle, and Philomena Bini continues to be in good health, such as she had not previously enjoyed since the days of her youth.”

During her lifetime, Gemma took to heart the pains and sufferings of others. Once, the mother of the large Giannini family (the family who had taken her in) fell gravely sick. Her name was Justina Giannini. She and her husband had eleven children to care for, all under the age of twenty. Concerning this grave illness Gemma's spiritual director, Venerable Father Germanus writes-
"The prayers of this faultless child for her benefactors deeply touched the heart of God, and moved Him to be most bounteous in rewarding them.....Once, the mother of the family fell seriously ill with internal spasmodic pains that made the attending Doctors speak unfavorably of her chances of recovery. Gemma was deeply saddened, and asked her Jesus that she instead might take upon herself those pains. Here are the words she used in telling me of it. 'I have taken upon myself those pains that you know of, that the mother of these children was suffering. They are truly fierce pains indeed, and I really don't know what is going to happen to me.'
"The lady in fact got well in an instant, and poor Gemma suffered for many months a long martyrdom that brought her to deaths door."
“Yes, yes, chosen one of God, see to the conversion of all poor sinners. Say to Jesus, as you often said to Him in ecstasy while here on earth: ‘I wish all sinners to be saved; save them for me, o Jesus.’ And, as for the salvation of sinners, so for every other spiritual and temporal need of thy devout clients, Gemma of Jesus, be not invoked in vain!" -Venerable Father Germanus C.P.
From “The Life of Saint Gemma Galgani” by Venerable Father Germanus CP
See this page also for the two miracles that were used for St Gemma's canonization:
"Fire! Fire in my heart! This morning it is burning......
Dear Jesus, I love you so much! I shall endeavor always to love You; I shall live to love You; I shall die to love You!
....Give me wings oh Jesus, so I can fly to Your throne!"
".....Can You see that as soon as the day breaks I think of You? As evening comes, I am near You.....I am near You at every moment.......I love You, Jesus....."
St Gemma Galgani -June, 1902
Thank you St. Gemma for the beautiful gift of conversion that I am in the brink of receiving for my son. Please help him to fling into the arms of God in the most beautiful subtle way. Thank you !!
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for sharing your prayer intention with us. I too will pray especially for your son and will ask St Gemma to intercede for him.
May God bless you and yours,
Glenn Dallaire
Please pray to St. Gemma for the resolution to some problems I am having with a certain person.
Please, please pray to St. Gemma for the resolution to some problems I am having with a certain person.
This person is a dear, dear friend and we seem to have had a communication problem.
Hi Anonymous,
I will be sure to pray for the problems between you and your friend.
May God bless you and yours,
Glenn Dallaire
i am praying for a healing of my lower back. I just recently discovered St. Gemma and have began praying for her intercession, afer reading her story I feel I was lead to her
Hi Peggy,
Thanks for your comments. I will pray for you and your intentions.
-Glenn Dallaire
Dear Glenn,
please pray for me through the intercession of saint Gemma for my husband to comeback home. i miss him so much, can't bear living without my sol mate. please Saint Gemma bring him back to me.
God Bless
Dear Anonymous,
I will pray for your husband's return and I sincerely hope others will join in prayer for this intention.
Union in the hearts of Jesus and Mary,
I discovered St Gemma today & this is no coincidence. I have, for the past 5 years, been praying for forgiveness for my mom's murderer (something i am struggling to do) & have been suffering with a bad hip for 2 years. I know God steered me in her direction as she is the patroness of those seeking purity of heart (in my case forgiveness), loss of parents & those suffering with back ailments (my hip). I will start praying for her intercession & trust that God & St Gemma will heal me both physically & emotionally.
Thank you for this website!
God Bless!
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for sharing a bit of your story here. I am very sorry to hear of the tragic loss of your mother. I pray that God, through the assistance and intercession of St Gemma, may help you to forgive the one who murdered your mom. You are right to pray for God's grace to help you with this. You can be sure that God is pleased with your prayer and your good intention.
And may St Gemma also help you with your hip, for all things are possible through prayer.
~St Gemma, pray for us!
May God draw you ever closer to Himself.
Glenn Dallaire
Please pray for an intercession for me and my family in this time of crisis.
hi Anonymous,
I pray for you and your intentions. May God strenghten you during this difficult time in your life.
Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire
Please pray that Jeff K. gets offered a teaching job for the fall, and for the sale of our house. In thanksgiving for an insurance claim that finally was settled after three years and that my husband has a job.
Hi Linda,
I pray for the intentions that you mentioned.
May God bless you and yours,
Glenn Dallaire
Please pray for Kristin. Her ex-husband foreclosed on their house and then filed for bankruptcy. The banks are now coming after her. Her husband left her with nothing after he walked out. Please pray this can be settled without her having to file bankruptcy.
Please pray for Jeff K. that he will be offered a teaching job for this coming school year. Thank you!
I pray for Kristen's financial difficulties and also that Jeff K may get a teaching position...through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
My once very devout Catholic daughter (age 17) who was discerning a possible religious vocation, has fallen ill in mind and spirit. She has suffered severe anxiety,night terrors (a recurring dream of a "shadow" man),phobias,OCD issues,self harming behaviors, talked of killing herself,and has had delusional thinking. This has been going on for many months.Our insurance will not cover any psych care at all,(we are on a very low income and can't afford to pay out of pocket. No one else will help us!) and a regular doctor is treating her with 2 medications to try and alleviate her anxiety,phobias and sleep disturbances (she awakens in a terror and screams "No!!" repeatedly all night long. I believe there is a demonic issue at work here as well.We are all exhausted from worry and lack of sleep.I am not well, and I must get some rest myself.She has now declared herself an atheist (she believes what she is suffering now is due to her former Catholic belief in demons and religious "myth"!) We have prayed, others have prayed, and had a mass said. She is still not much better,even with the medications.She says she is afraid she will die if she goes to sleep! Please please pray, and ask St. Gemma to intercede for a prompt healing/deliverance miracle and her return to the Church as well.She (and we) cannot go on like this much longer. My mother's heart breaks for my child!
Dear Anonymous,
I am really sorry to hear of your daughters struggles...what she is going through sounds like a very, very difficult trial. I will certainly pray for her, that she may be cured of this oppression, anxiety and mental anguish through the intercession of St Gemma. If there are evil spiritual influences involved as you suggest, then Saint Gemma can help--of that I am certain, having before me several recent cases of her spiritual help in this regard.
If possible, please contact me directly at gdallaire1@gmail.com as I would like to send you a St Gemma relic card and a few St Gemma holy cards and also another item, if you would like.
Be assured of my poor prayers for your daughters intentions.
-St Gemma, pray for us.
Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn Dallaire
Dear Glenn, today is the first time I've heard of St. Gemma. What an amazing saint. If you would, could you please pray for my mom? She's only 69 years old, and is suffering a recurrence of thyroid cancer. This time the tumor is lodged between her esophagus and trachea. We already know they are going to remove the entire esophagus, the problem now is that one doctor thinks the tumor may have invaded the trachea as well. Our prayer is that this is not the case and that they can remove the entire tumor just by removing her esophagus, that she will have a successful surgery and make a full recovery. Tall order I know, but I also know nothing is impossible with God. My mom comes from a small town in Italy. Perhaps it was meant for me to find St. Gemma? Thank you and God bless you and yours.
Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for your message.
I am praying for your Mom and the thyroid cancer--that it may not spread and that it may go into full remission. May God grant it, and may He draw you and your family ever closer to Himself.
Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
~St Gemma, pray for us!
Please pray for my daughter. She had a child out of wedlock and her
boyfriend doesn't want to get married. Please ask St. Gemma to give my daughter a sign if she should stay with him or move on with her life. Please ask St. Gemma to intercede for our family.
Hi Anonymous,
I pray for your daughter and her intentions, that God may guide and enlighten her as to His holy will in her life.
And may God bless you and your loved ones, and may St Gemma be you amd your daughters special advocate and heavenly friend,
-St Gemma, pray for us!
Glenn Dallaire
I am praying for discernment in choosing the right saint for my confirmation on September 6th. Please also pray for me? Gemma is a favorite saint of a wonderful priest I know and respect which is why I looked her up to consider her and found out that her Feast day is my birthday, April 11th. I am also considering Blessed Theresa of Calcutta whom I got to here speak in Denver Colorado years ago when I was a teen, and St Anne Patron saint of mothers because I am a mother and that is my primary duty and love at this time.
Hi April,
Thanks for your kind comments. I am glad to hear of your upcoming Confirmation and also of your devotion to St Gemma, Blessed Mother Teresa and also St Anne.
I pray that God might enlighten you to choose the best patron Saint for you---of course you have to choose one, but you can certainly ask all 3 to be your special patrons, and I am sure they all will be happy to be with you in a special way.
And may God bless you on your Confirmation!
-St Gemma, pray for us.
Glenn Dallaire
Thank you Mr. Dallaire. You brought a smile to my face.
I beg St Gemma to plead with me to God for the soul of Gary Weller who is too old to be far from Jesus.
Dear Mr. Dallaire,
I just came upon this page and St. Gemma Galgani at a time when I need an intercession. I have deep faith and I ask that St. Gemma intercede on my behalf to God to bless my daughter and keep her safe. Please ask that the situation she is in does not last and she is happy, healthy and productive. And please ask that I find happiness again. That I come out of this current situation with abundance of love and finances.
Thank you. I am forever devoted to St. Gemma, God, The Blessed Mother and all the Angels and Saints
Please pray for my 18 year old son, that through the intercession of St. Gemma, God will heal him from the severe pain of a broken back and lead him back to a life of faith and service. Thank you.
Dear KBM,
In His infinite mercy and love may Jesus heal your son and draw your son ever closer to Himself. And may Saint Gemma help obtain the graces needed and be his special advocate and heavenly friend. In Jesus holy name, AMEN +
I do not think it is by accident that I found Saint Gemma 2 days before her feast day of April 11th. For the past month I have been struggling with my faith and my place in the world having lost my job and not being able to find my way forward. I feel lost and alone and afraid. In reading about Saint Gemma I find a new hope and will begin a novena asking for her intercession this morning. I ask now as well for the prayers of other believers.
Thank you.... Albert
Hi Albert,
Thank you for your comments. I pray that St Gemma may be your special heavenly advocate and friend and may she intercede for you with Jesus and help you obtain a new job and for all of your other intentions.
In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
Dear St Gemma, I ask you for your help in the conversion of my husband Jim who is a former catholic but now is far from God leaved the house want the divorce and is acting with resentment and anger and hates me. Please bring him back home but first back to Jesus, change his heart make him humble and hopefully my husband go for confession and return to church.
St Gemma please intercede for a young boy called Matthew who is suffering from a brain tumour. He has many wonderful people praying for him all over the world and for his parents too. His treatments have stopped working and I think only a miracle will save him now. If it's God's will, please pray for his recovery. If not, that his parents have strength to cope and that they encounter the love of Christ in their suffering. Many thanks.
Dear St Gemma
Please pray for my twin boys they are 11 and are non verbal.Pray that through the intercession of St Gemma that they learn to speak and make a full recovery .Many thanks
Dearest Saint Gemma,
You suffered greatly with back pain and paralysis. It was through the miraculous intercession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that you were healed and able to continue your mission of love. I have come to ask a great favor of you. Could you please ask the Father in Heaven to grant the favor I place with confidence in your hands. My mother has suffered for 15 years with chronic back pain. She has had over 5 surgeries and her back is now crooked. She can no longer walk for more than a few minutes at a time. She suffers greatly. I fear she will end up as you did, bedridden, unable to move. Please ask the Father to heal her body , mind and soul, so that she can be a testiment to His Love and Mercy. It was she who taught me to love Jesus. She prays for everyone else, but not herself because she feels unworthy of help and she feels this is her lot in life. She says she has nothing to look forward to in this life. Please intercede for her and grant this great favor. Please do not stop interceding for me until my request is granted. My mother is only 58 years old. She cannot work, and lives on barely nothing. Please have mercy on her. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
I pray that Jesus may answer your prayer through the intercession of St Gemma. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
Tammy says
What words are there to describe and express our gratitude for this beautiful gift of a saint and sister to us...
I thank the Holy Spirit also for the inspiration given to make this wonderful website and that the creator of the website was listening and did what was ask of them!
My prayer for St Gemma's intercession for myself is of a spiritual nature. Oh St Gemma, help me to learn to love Jesus as you do. To desire to serve Him in all things as you did. To pursue and preserve His presence in my heart at all times. OH St Gemma! Teach me - as your pupil, to recognise and avoid all occasions for sin, train me in the way of saying no things impure or unclean, help me to learn to pray in a way most pleasing to Jesus and do thou also oh sweet sister visit Lord for me, and show him how my heart desires nothing but to be wholly His.
Thank You St Gemma Amen!
Dear St Gemma
Please pray that me and my soulmate may be together once more. We were expecting our first child and deeply in love, a love i have never felt so strong about, we decided to buy a home together so we could be a family. Shortly after moving in, within 2 weeks, she moved out stating she did not feel the same about me anymore. It was a total shock to me as she professed how much she loved me and how excited she was to begin our lives as one a few weeks earlier. Please allow our souls to connect once more and our love to be a holy love so that we can be a family once more, where i will be able to make her my wife in our Lords house.
May the Lord Bless all of you who have posted to this comment board.
I have been struggling to make ends meet and I need some prayers to St. Gemma for this struggle to end. I love God immensely thanks in whole to his grace that he has given to me. I don't know where else to turn and I'm at the end of my rope. Please intercede for me St. Gemma Galgani. I love you dearly.
Thank you Glenn for this wonderful website! It is a blessing.
Dear Anonymous,
I pray that St Gemma may be very close to you and intercede for you before Jesus to obtain the financial help that you need. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
May God bless you and your loved ones,
-Glenn Dallaire
I'm asking for prayers of reconciliation for myself and the love of my life. she is my best friend and I hope one day for her to be my wife. But recently we had been arguing and it scared her and she left. I know this seems silly but she was the one person who loved me and I love her. Please bring us back together again, let our foundation be strong and loving please let me get the apartment that I recently applied for. I want to create a home for my family including her. I love her and I want her in my life forever.
Thank you
Firstly, congratulations on the upcoming birth of your seventh child!
I am having trouble putting this into words but after reading St. Gemma's story I feel compelled to ask for her intercession for conversion of my husband back into the Catholic faith, for him to stop drinking, and for resolution with my family. It is a long messy story and I feel I am absolutely caught in the middle. I keep praying and asking Jesus for help. I know it is all in His good time, but my family is suffering needlessly due to actions/words of my husband and his failure to do the only honorable option available. If I did not know of what a good man he can be, I would be without hope; but I have already been blessed with a crack in his armor and can only hope for more from God. After reading St. Gemma's story I better understand the good that my own suffering may yield, I pray for this to end soon. Lord Jesus please help my family and save my husband. Thank You Lord, please comfort my brothers and sisters.
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for your kind wishes for the upcoming birth of our new little one, due in early March.
I am sorry to hear of your husbands drinking problem (and other difficulties concerning him). I pray that St Gemma may intercede for him before Jesus and obtain his conversion and help him to overcome his drinking problem and other issues, and may she be very close to all of you, and lead all of your family closer to Jesus. In Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
-May God bless you and your loved ones,
Glenn Dallaire
I had never even heard of St. Gemma until 2008 when I wrote and received her pictures. I placed on in my car. My best friend immediately "fell in love" with her. Once, he, a lady friend of his, and I were entering a state park in Wash. State. At the gate the ranger asked us, "Where is the other lady that was with you.?!" Of course, the only other lady was the picture of St. Gemma. Glory to Jesus for all things.
Please pray that I receive employment soon and that I receive much needed financial help in the interim. I need a miracle. Thank you.
Keep me in your prayers. I am unemployed, looking for work. Pray that I get a job soon and a financial miracle. Thank you for your fervent prayers. God bless you.
I pray that Jesus may guide an help you to find a suitable job. I pray this in Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
Hello. I ask for urgent intercession from St Gemma and all the saints that the Lord quickly provide funds for rent, utilities, urgent car repairs and food. We are in this situation due to long term underemployment and inherited debt.Our faith is wavering. May the Lord show Himself strong and present in this circumstances.
Thank you very much
Hi Daniel,
May Jesus help you to find suitable employment and a means to pay all of your necessary bills. I pray this in Jesus holy Name, AMEN +
-Glenn Dallaire
Dear Saint Gemma, I would be deeply grateful if you could please intercede for the healing of my injured spine. I am in pain for many years and wish it to stop. Thank you. Raymond.
Great site and interesting.
Dear St. Gemma, I ask you to help me with the total recovery of my wife. I ask your intercession for the removal of the pains in her right leg.May she be completely healed to the glory of God.
O Most Holy St Gemma, I was a devout catholic growing up and active in the church. I'm openly a homosexual and I have been battling this condition for so long. I was plague with loneliness and depression which led me away from the church and the sacraments. After reading literatures that the Catholic church is a false church and has manipulated humanity's history, my faith has been gravely obscured. I need your help to restore the inner peace and Joy of Christ in my heart and live my life to what God has planned it to be. Thank you for your prayers and intercession and I would very much like to meet you in heaven. With Love, Kim
Dearest Saint Gemma, my daughter Emily has her confirmation coming up in September and we have chosen you as her saint. I feel like you have come to us to help the family become closer to God, I cannot explain the complete feeling of peace and joy when we found you. Please prayer for our beautiful daughter and guide her through her troubles at school and bring her closer to God everyday. Your eyes are very familiar, till we meet again. love from Emilys mum Emma.
I ask my saint to pray for my partner hes got lung cancer
St gemma please intercede for me and my husband with our present financial difficulty.Please pray a favorable result of our court date for bankcruptcy on apri 2,2018.This our only venue.I pray our financial situation will improve.I also pray for Tracy help on april 2 for her court date with her problems with friend of her boyfriend.She is a single mother and need much guidance and direction.St gemma pray for us!
Please St. Gemma help me overcome what I feel I am plagued with dark forces around myself and my family. I am now pregnant after losing my newborn son almost two years ago, and my twin and younger sister a few years prior. I have been through addiction, severe depression, tiredness, weakness, I cannot concentrate, I am always paranoid something bad will happen again. I have negative thoughts, I feel at points I’ve lost all hope, anxiety, so many dark thoughts whereas I want to see light in my life and help to heal with St. Gemma and the lord. I have never been deeply religious but I know in my heart prayers can help me rid these dark energies surrounding me. Pray for me, Michelle Cordova- Wallace. If anyone has any help they can advise me please email me @ LoveMichellecourtnee@Gmail.Com. Thank you all and god bless.
St Gemma
Please pray for me I'm having
All these medical problems my back spine and stomach ' chest pain .
So i can go back to serving Jesus
and holy mother Mary.
Love Alex
St. Gemma, please pray with me for God to perform a healing miracle in my mother Mary's life. She is only 64 and was diagnosed with lung cancer. We do not claim it but claim that although we can not yet see it, God has healed her completely from any malignancy and disease that was in her body. We pray that my mom can feel the disease leave her body so she knows and has full restoration in the faith she is trying to keep. We command the cancer to leave her body in Jesus name. We claim she is healed even before having to begin harsh cancer treatments. Dear God, you are the ultimate physician. Thank you for healing my mom. By your stripes she is already healed! In Jesus name, Amen
St Gemma, please pray with me that God will show me favor in my custody case with my daughter. Please intercede on my behalf that the Lord Jesus will grant wisdom to the Judge, counselors and all involved so that my daughter will be allowed to come home. I pray St Gemma for this miracle. In Jesus name, amen
Please pray for some measure of recovery for my husband’s back. He was blown up many years ago while serving with the army in Vietnam. His back is almost entirely fused and while not pain free, at least he was mobile. He has recently injured the portion which is not fused. Please pray that this will heal without surgery and even if he can’t be pain free, please St. Gemma return him to some measure of normalcy. Thank you.
I pray to St Gemma for relief for my hip and back pain.Hopefully without surgery to my back as there are very few successes. Thank you..
St Gemma pray that new job opportunity opens for me, restoration of my previous job, please am in distress
Saint Gemma, when my time on earth ends. I would like to be Friends with you in Heaven 🙏
Pray for all those suffering in pain
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